Elly lay there with her eyes wide, unaccustomed to the feeling of such a complete embrace. She could feel his heart beating wildly on her arm and the only sounds in the room were their panicky, rough breathing.
"What are you doing?!"
"I don't know," he confessed. "You intrigue me in a way no woman has before. Your past weakens you in some ways yet makes you stronger in others. You refuse to submit, but what will you give willingly?"
"Willingly? Wait, what!"
"Am I forcing you?" He breathed, his hands running down her body to draw her into a more comfortable position.
"Y - you human fuh - filth..."
"Am I?" He drew his thumb across her lower lip. "Do you not desire me?" His gray eyes were dark in his passion.
"I require an answer, demon." He brushed his mouth on hers, sliding his tongue out to dab at the corner. "Do you wish to lay with me tonight?"
Her vision doubled as her eyes filled with tears. His scent, the heat of his body and his touch combined was too much. She dug her nails into his back, catching in the cloth as she kneaded. "This one night?" Her voice trembled. "Will you give me one night to play at loving before you condemn me? If so, you are crueler than I thought." She sobbed softly into his chest as he ran his hands through her hair.
"I will not let them have you." He wiped the wetness off her flushed skin with his fingers.
She sniffled, looking slowly up into his eyes with a confused expression. "You - you won't?"
"I promised them I would bring the demon responsible for the theft back." He paused, then shrugged. "No demon did, so their request is invalid. No money exchanged hands yet, either, so they have no hold on me."
"Y - you're not going to?"
He touched her neck briefly, murmuring under his breath. The collar snapped free and fell into his hands. He placed it aside on the mat.
"I know you'll probably just run now, but you're welcome to." His hands twitched as if he wanted to touch her again but he let them fall. "Flee, if you would. You would have every right the way I've treated you."
"This is what you meant by willingly," she whispered.
"I behaved badly, but I was taught your kind was always wrong. I didn't think that might make me wrong sometimes, too."
She quivered all over. Using a demon's real name was powerful. He cautiously reached out for her again and she placed her arms around his neck. "So. Can you show me what it means to love a human, mouse?"
"I can certainly try."
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