He felt her eyes on him all day. It was not unpleasant, for at least she wasn't viewing him with unbridled hostility. Yet although the atmosphere had relaxed, he had so many burning questions.
Aizawa had waited the other night by her bedside until she fell asleep, clutching his hand in a manner that could not be taken any other way than for comfort. She clung to his palm like a child cuddling a precious stuffed animal and frankly, he could not remember being so touched by a gesture in his life. She finally dropped it after ten minutes or so and he gently tucked a piece of blanket in her hand to take its place before staggering tiredly across the hall to his quarters.
The following day he was with her at all times, much like how his predecessor had lived. If he read her body language correctly she was watching him, waiting for his next move. She was shy, and uncertain, like a virgin the day after a first time with a lover. It enthralled him, but also made him cautious.
"What do you like to eat for breakfast?" The blond cook asked him as he sat next to her in the kitchen.
Aizawa shrugged. "I'm not fussy."
"Here, Angel! Eggs and bacon, with some fruit on the side." He handed her a plate and she smiled.
"Thanks, Sanji."
The man raised a curly eyebrow at him next. "Honestly, it doesn't matter as long as it's nourishing. I just don't like sweets."
Sanji nodded and began cooking a similar plate for him.
"No sweets, huh?" She flicked an ear in his direction. "Not even cake? What do you do for your birthday?"
"As little as possible," he said drily. She snorted laughter and he regarded her in turn. "What about you, then. Your birthday is in a month or so, if I recall correctly."
"Ah, you've not been here for that," Sanji sighed dreamily. He scraped eggs off onto a plate as he talked. "There's a party for everyone. And the smaller celebration inside, for us, is even better."
"Aw," she grumbled. "I always get so weird about it. No one has to act like it's a holiday, but they all throw a giant party."
"And do what they can to gift you something special."
Aizawa's bleary eyes blinked several times. "Wait. A gift?"
"Its not necessary," she assured him. "I don't care. A lot of the guys do it, but no one has to. Really."
He took the plate from Sanji with a grunt, his brows drawn slightly. "I'm not good at social engagements."
"Doesn't matter, Shota," she told him, crunching on a piece of bacon with relish. Sanji glanced over, startled at her use of the man's first name. Aizawa ignored this as he began to eat.
"We're going to have to talk later," she informed him quietly when they had finished breakfast.
"Last night." Though she kept her voice low, Sanji heard. He dropped a plate he had been scrubbing in the sink, causing the warm, soapy water to splash him as far up to his face.
He swore, then apologized, trying to sound casual. "Sorry, Angel."
"S'okay!" She called out over her shoulder. Then, to her bodyguard, "It's about your promise. I'm not sure you understand the ramifications of what you did."
"All right," Aizawa accepted this news calmly. "I knew what I was doing, but we'll talk tonight about it. To set your mind at ease."
"Good, I think." She gave him an odd look.
"Now," he said, "if you'll excuse me, I need to go to work. I'll be back again in a half an hour. Maybe less."
He left the kitchen, but was interrupted as he made his way to the bathroom before leaving the mansion. A blue-clad arm thrust itself out of the wall and grabbed his capture scarves. He braced himself, throwing his weight against his unseen opponent, but they were strong and had the advantage. He was yanked into darkness with a burning, larger than life pair of eyes staring at him. Bird's eyes.
"Neuro." He readied himself for the worst, his scarves writhing and his eyes blaring red.
The demon stepped from the shadows, shaking himself as his parrot head dissolved, reforming into his human guise. "Aizawa Shota," he stated in a penetrating voice. "The only human to ever bind himself to our killer cat lady. You do know that this is a rather big deal, hmm?" He cocked his head, cracking his neck at an unnatural angle.
"I made a promise I intend to keep."
"Ahhh. Nope. Nope-nope-nope, nope. Little human man, you. Are. <i>Dangerous</i>." He paused, half an inch from the dark-haired guard, who, unsurprisingly, did not flinch. "Hmm."
"Is that all you abducted me for? To praise me?"
"Oh ho ho. Ha." He grinned, his smile too large and filled with too many teeth. "Ha. You are very dangerous. But I think... I like you. Once more, you are... exciting."
He whisped into the shadows again and Aizawa found himself back in the hallway. "A talk is probably a good idea," he said to himself, absently scratching the stubble on his chin.
He did not bring up Neuro when they got together that night, however. He thought it best that the two of them learn to deal with each other without her help.
It had been a rather calm day but she appeared restless, pacing in the bedroom instead of laying down right away. She had changed and wore her nighttime clothes, a long shirt and pair of comfortable shorts. The shirt flapped around in the breeze her tail made as it waved around restlessly. "You understand that you have to honor that promise you made, no matter what?"
"Yes." He shrugged.
"Shota..." She shook her head, rubbed her eyes with one hand. "Forgive me if I seem confused. No one trusts a demon enough to make a compact unless they want something out of it."
"I am getting what I want out of it." He crossed the room and took her firmly but gently by the arm, leading her to the bed. "Your peace of mind."
"But - it's dangerous." He flipped the covers back and stood implacably by until she sat. "What if it comes back to hurt you somehow? What if..." She trailed off as he sat on the edge close to her, still not speaking. He was watching, listening, his gray eyes intent.
He raised an eyebrow calmly. "Yes?"
"Well, you weren't... talking."
"You are." He drew the blankets over her. "I said what I needed to. Now you need to tell me how you feel in order to begin to get over any fears."
"You're a very strange man," she murmured with a frown. "I - I guess all I'm worried about is hurting people. You shocked me by trusting me in a way no one ever has. And we don't even know each other that well yet!"
"We will."
She sighed and frowned harder at him but he remained unruffled. "All right, good night."
"Good night." He flicked the switch on his way out.
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