Saturday, May 4, 2019

82 revenge

"Ohhhh..." The concentric circles of his pupils contracted as he stared hard at his opponent. "No way, no how, I lost that fast. Yer gonna get it!" He tensed all over and managed a massive leap over to their side, reaching out to grasp them as they both rolled on the ground, grappling. He was both bigger and taller, and gained the upper hand quickly, pinning them to the ground.

The group of teenagers watching cheered loudly.

"You lost, Mr. Yamada!"

"That fast?!" He lifted his head from where he had been humming loudly against his rival's skin. They twisted free in the amount of time he took to answer the student and stood panting some distance away.

"You're a sore loser, Mikey." Elly laughed weakly, her ears twisted on either sides of her head and her eyes a little wild. The hum had nearly wrecked her senses, as he knew it would. Good thing the kids didn't quite understand how.

"Aww, but that was too <i>fast</i>." His lower lip thrust out as he pouted.

"Well, maybe next time don't go too easy on me with your quirk."

He scuffed the ground a little with his boot, coughing. "Um."

"Ha! I knew it." Bakugo snickered. "A relationship just makes you weak."

It took some time before the others in the class would stop discussing that little tidbit. The couple sat on the sidelines and watched them for awhile.

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