His eyes wider than wide, Hizashi inched around the corner of the hall. He was sweating, dressed in a tank top and shorts he had been getting ready to sleep in. Both hands had a fly swatter clutched so tightly that all his knuckles were white.
There was a buzzing sound coming from the kitchen.
He gulped and warred with his fear for a moment. He could barely breathe and was near fainting, but unless he did something about this he was too scared to sleep even with the door closed. Whining softly, he stepped closer, and edged even closer to the sound.
He could see nothing. The noise was definitely louder towards the refrigerator, though. He swished the air with a fly swatter, jumping back in anticipation and screeching with horror when a strand of his hair tickled his cheek.
He chuckled weakly.
Still nothing. Was it inside? He opened the fridge carefully and saw only the food they had purchased.
"Can't be the freezer..?" He cracked this open as well and relaxed all at once, his arms drooping to his sides. "Oooof."
The ice cube maker on their old unit had gotten pressed into the on position. The thing couldn't actually make the ice, as it wasn't set up for that, so it was emitting an angry buzz.
"Ahhh, thank god." He slunk down against the wall with a weary sigh, color beginning to return to his pale face. "Now I can sleep."
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