Monday, May 13, 2019

86: shining

He sighed as he pulled the brush through his hair. He had grown it out as part of his look, and now he was stuck with it. Most guys didn't have to spend this much time grooming, even if they were conscientious about it. 

Hizashi had to make sure his golden locks were strong enough to withstand all the product he used throughout the week. Sometimes his girlfriend helped, but tonight she was at a book event and so he sat here alone, the glittering light from their golden lava lamp casting a glow that matched his hair.

It ran a good way down his back, so much that he had to tie it up when he was in casual dress. He left it down sometimes, but sleeping with it that way meant it would tangle. He had tried it once and wound up with it wrapped around his neck, strange as that might seem. 

Of course he had twisted and turned in bed until she came along anyway. It might be safer to try now that he slept quietly, snuggled up against her warmth at night. 

"Ugh, that's enough," he grunted and turned the brush in his hands, taking a pair of scissors from where he had laid them beside him. He carefully snipped the middle of the bright blond wad stuck in the bristles, enabling him to pull it all out at once. "There."

He was done for the night once he tied it up again. Yawning, he took everything back into the bathroom to clean up.

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