"Aw, it still says 'label created', but it hasn't shipped yet!"
Only Aizawa's eyes moved to stare at his loud friend beside him in the shared teacher's office. "Are you seriously going on about that again?"
Hizashi tugged at his leather jacket's long collar. "But I bought it <i>days</i> ago."
"Mic," Aizawa sighed, "It'll get here." He once again stopped himself from asking what the item was, knowing the other man would go into elaborate detail.
He knew this. Spinning around in his chair, he pointed a single finger gun at the dark haired man next to him. "Ya never asked what it is, y'know."
Mic ignored his friend's flat declaration of disgust and held his hands up in two balled up fists. "It's the latest console system!"
"Of course it is," Aizawa grumbled under his breath. More loud, unnecessary noises from the apartment over his. Joy.
"It's got all the hot new music games and really cute ones, too. You know, I can't wait to pop everything in and make sure it works."
"It'll get here. Checking that every five minutes won't help."
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