"Alllll righty... there's the food, the drink, the paper plates so we don't make a mess I can't quickly clean up." Hizashi reached up and fiddled with one of the points of his mustache as he thought. "Food wise, I think that's it."
He turned his attention to the apartment in general, slowly walking through every room with his eyes peeled for any mess. He pushed his glasses back up on his nose and grinned, pleased with himself. Everything was clean, her favorite food and drink was ready in the refrigerator and he was pretty sure he had done all his chores and then some, going as far as to do a couple of hers as well. He got out her favorite comfort outfit and lit a few relaxing candles.
When Elly turned the key in the lock and pushed the door to their apartment open, she was dead tired. She didn't want to have to do anytjing other than collapse in a heap on the couch and cuddle with Hizashi. She flipped the lights and smiled wanly when he immediately took her in his arms.
"Welcome home, princess." He kissed her neck and picked her up. Elly let her bag fall where it may as he carried her to the bedroom. "I put your fuzzies out for you. Get dressed, go pee or whatever you need to do so you can veg out with me all night."
"Oh, sweetie, you're home?" She thankfully slid out of her hero costume and into the t-shirt and sweats, sighing.
"Yep. I took the night off. You sounded like you needed me. It's a whole night of eating takeout, watching whatever you want and cuddles." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "I'm so pumped for <i>cuddles</i>."
"You're the dearest man ever, Zashi."
"Hey, I love you. That's all." He slow motion slipped around the corner, pointing at her and winking.
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