Saturday, March 2, 2019

100 Challenge - 100 (death)

Elly threw herself in the way of the villain's blade, covering him. Mic choked and tried to move her but it was too late. She gasped and grabbed her stomach even as the man whisked the weapon free and tried to stab her again. He never got the chance before Mic unleashed a devastating yell that knocked him completely senseless.

"Shit, what were you thinking?!" He whirled around to see how badly she was injured but the other teachers stopped him.

"Don't look!" Midnight grabbed his head and shouted in his face to hold his attention. Aizawa tore off the shirt he wore under his jumpsuit and threw it over her as fast as he could. Several students ran as fast as they could for the nurse, while the more calm ones decided a call for an ambulance was necessary.

"Don't look - what? What happened?!" He struggled but she held him a moment longer until she saw the black cloth covering her.

"Okay, just... please, Mic, don't touch that. Trust me, she'll be okay. But you don't want to disturb that."

"That?" He stared dumbly down at her midsection, which was wrapped tightly in Eraserhead's capture thread. He could apply better pressure with those than anything, and the tide of blood had been stemmed. But although there was blood by her middle that had gushed from that wound, this was much lower. "Aizawa... you used your shirt..." He frowned. 

"Don't." The dark haired man was paler than he had seen him in awhile and the circles under his eyes looked a whole lot darker. He placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You're going to have to be very strong for her, Hizashi."

"St - strong..?" His green eyes suddenly widened. "No, Shota, that's not. That's..." He pointed. "No, she got hit in the belly, it's not fatal, it..."

"Not for her," Midnight choked. She put her hand on his other shoulder. 

It clicked. Hizashi's eyes went blank. He bent his head back towards the sky, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. Thankfully, no sound came out because Aizawa erased his quirk right before he screamed. He exerted so much into that powerful, silent yell that he passed out, falling limply beside his girlfriend. 

He woke up before they got to the hospital. Elly had fainted when she saw the clotted blood not only on her stomach but below, and the paramedics explained a lot to him in hushed tones along the way. He sat in a cold daze, holding her hand as they wheeled her into a private room. When she woke, she immediately grabbed a passing nurse's hand.

"Where is - what did you do with our..." Elly squeezed the man's hand, panting in distress and unable to complete her sentence. Hizashi sobbed quietly and stroked her hair. 

The nurse cleared his throat. "We have your child's remains. Whether you choose to have a service or let the hospital take care of the proceedings is up to you. You were not far along, and we advise letting us handle things in these cases. Seeing how very little there is often disturbs people more."

She nodded. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry," he sighed as he backed his way out.

"I should have known!" She instantly wailed, stuffing her face in his shirt and pulling the leather jacket around her.

"I shouldn't have let you fight. Or take the hit for me." Hizashi's voice resonated oddly, and he swallowed and struggled to regain control of his quirk. "I didn't think this could happen."

"Ninety none point nine percent," she whimpered. "All birth control is just nuh - ninety - nine..." 


"<i>I didn't even know, Hizashi!</i>"

"I know, princess." He placed his cheek against hers, mingling their tears as they both cried. "I wish I could make it better. I can't. I don't even know what to say."

Elly wiped her eyes roughly with the back of her hand. "What do we do?"

"Would it make you feel better to have a service or something? I - I don't know."

"I don't want to think about how we don't know anything about it... them. Her. Him." She broke down again and he sighed and held her tight. 

"I say we go home and cry a lot," he suggested. "The school sent one of their cars so neither of us have to drive. We've been given days off. Let's just... mourn. Okay?"

"I love you." She clung to him, still weeping. He knew she wasn't going to stop soon and simply picked her up along with the pamphlet of information the nurse had left behind. 

"I love you, too." He kissed the top of her head and walked out into a strange, new world where one of those "terrible tragedies" people talked about had happened to him and his beloved.

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