"Oh, baby," he whispered, shaking his head. The mass of hair behind him rustled restlessly.
"Wha?" Elly cracked her eyes open to see him descending upon her.
"It's not time to sleep," he chided, brushing his lips on hers. "Mmm. <i>Mmmm</i>."
"M - Mic..!"
"Shhh. I'm supposed to be the noisy one." He giggled at his own joke, then kissed her again, deeper this time.
"You're really wet down there now. You need to clean up a bit? Want help?"
She smiled weakly and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds great."
"Good," he hummed happily. "'Cause it's time for the 'kiss and lick you all over' part."
She flinched, her eyes wide. "I just came ... too sensitive right now."
"I know. That's why I promise to be super gentle. Like this, soft an' sweet." He demonstrated by mouthing her lips, little, tiny, multiple kisses that left her breathless from the sheer romanticism of the gestures.
"M - Mic..."
"Shh, baby, relax. Let me taste all of you."
She stiffened, then sighed as he moved on, taking his time and really trying to cover every inch of her skin that he could reach. He nibbled and kissed and licked, tickling her at times with his mustache as he moved steadily downward. He lapped at her lower belly and dipped his tongue in her navel before sliding further down. She tensed, her breathing picking up in rough little gasps.
"Nmm. Not going there yet, lover. Just be patient." He trailed down her thighs until he reached her feet.
Elly didn't know whether to burst out giggling or moaning as he sucked on each of her toes. She settled for a bit of both. "Ew, sweetie, I danced for a long time, aren't they - you know..?"
He gave her an indignant look and smooched one loudly. "Nope. Yer fine, babe. Don't worry."
She nodded and shifted around, sighing with pleasure. It really did feel good. He took so long massaging and kissing her feet that she relaxed completely and even started to doze off again.
She snapped awake to a wicked little chuckle as he pushed the full length of his tongue inside her body.
"Hmmm. Sore?" He dabbed lightly at the sensitive skin with the tip of his tongue. "No? Goooood. Very good."
"H - Hizashi!"
"Uh uh, remember." He licked delicately, seperating the flaps and folds of skin to nuzzle at the emerging little nub of flesh on top.
Elly's tail frizzed up and she cried out, grasping the back of his neck as he teased her. "Oh my god. <i>Present Mic!</i>"
He shivered. "Oh, yeah, baby. Hang on."
There was an awful lot of squirming and some faint screams as he attacked her pleasure center with rapid-fire kisses. The slick sensation of his tongue combined with his soft lips was incredibly pleasant. Oddly, it was the pointy prickle of his mustache points on her thighs that drove her over the edge, crying his hero name as she tugged on the collar of his leather jacket.
He rode along with her, winding down until she fell back, wheezing softly.
"Okay, now I'm really gonna help you clean up before th'final act." He scooped her up and carried her into a small bathroom to take care of her. "Here, you pee - yeah, I know you gotta -- an' they've got soap and a wash cloth by the sink." He rolled his eyes expressively. "We all know what happens in these rooms."
Elly laughed wearily. "Thanks."
"I'll be waiting," he called out in a sing-song voice as he blew her a kiss. The door snickered shut and she let out a huge sigh.
She wasn't really sure she could handle more of her incredible boyfriend tonight. The thought made her smile more, and she commenced on a small cleanup routine.
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