Present Mic was excited to be hosting a New Year's event. He was pumped, stoked, and incredibly thrilled that all his listeners came to his giant party.
Elly knew this because he told the crowd so, energetic as always in his leather jacket and neck speaker garb. His microphone was hilariously tiny, though, and this made her giggle as she watched, hidden in the array of lighting equipment that was on the side of the platform-like stage raised for the occasion. Holding the tiny mic delicately between two fingers, he shouted encouragement and the huge sea of people cheered back.
After announcing an up and coming new band, he slipped easily off to the side, beaming and obviously as happy as the people celebrating below.
"This is freakin' awesome, isn't it Ches?" He blinked down at her with that infectious grin of his.
Her own smile was dazzling. "You are indeed, Mic."
He missed the flirt and bounced up and down on his heels, listening instead to the blaring music. "These guy's're pretty good. Your favorites come on after them, yanno."
Elly nodded, her tail swishing around behind her. "I can't wait!"
He suddenly looked around, checked his smartwatch and made a stunned face. "Gotta pee really quick. BRB!"
She clapped a hand to her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter. There was nothing like Present Mic in his natural habitat, cranked up to the maximum levels and having a good time besides. Elly waved to a stage hand as the band playing finished up and they began wheeling the equipment off.
Mic darted around the corner seconds before the band left, flashing her a huge smile and pointing finger guns in her direction. He screeched to a halt onstage and rattled off the band members' names and a few bits of trivia for those watching at home, since this was being broadcast on a couple of popular channels. Then he rolled effortlessly into the name of the next performers and the title of their song, adding slyly that they were a favorite of someone he knew and personally, he thought she had good taste because here they are, and his listeners could now see for themselves!
Elly did laugh this time when he caught her hand and squeezed it. "Isn't this great?! It's like a personal dance party!" His moves nearly had her dying of laughter and she couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun.
"Well... except all the people around."
"Yeah, I guess. Not so personal. But still personalized!" He stunned her by grabbing her hand again and dragging her out to dance onstage. The band clearly knew of his antics and were smiling and taking things in stride. Of course he knew better than to get in their way and instead took Elly to one side near the front. Screaming fans screamed louder at seeing another hero onstage and she whapped him on the chest but danced with him anyway.
The band finished their set and, chest heaving a little, he praised them and asked for a round of applause for his friend and colleague, who had been such a good sport. Elly stuck her tongue out at him and flickered into invisibility to the whooping of the crowd.
When she saw him walk off so close to midnight, however, she turned visible in front of him. "Hey, aren't you doing the countdown?
"Oh, I'm not gonna this year." He jerked a thumb back over his shoulder. "I actually got Yagi to do it. Can ya believe it? Now they know it's him, he's popular even in his regular body."
"Well..." She looked disappointed and he noticed.
"Didya really want me to do it? 'Cause I can just for you." He grinned as the seconds ticked down and people everywhere started to count.
"Five!" Outside.
"Y - you don't have to, it's just -"
"Four!" She coukd hear Yagi and smiled. He sounded like he was in good spirits.
"Three!" The sound crew and backstage people.
"Two," she grinned up at the tall Voice Hero, who had, for some reason, taken off his neck speaker and laid it on the ground beside them.
"One!" He grasped her low around the waist in his leather-clad hands and kissed her fully on the mouth.
"Happy New Year's!"
Elly's eyes shot wide open at the feel of his wonderfully soft lips on hers, his hands squeezing just the right amount to hold her tight. His mustache tickled as he moved slightly, encouraged by the way she leaned into his embrace. He deepened the kiss, mouthing her lips and then slipping a cautious tongue inside. She moaned and slid her hands up his chest and around his neck.
The moment of the new year was definitely over, and yet the crowd seemed as crazy - if not crazier -- than ever, whipped into a frenzy. Mic raised his eyebrows as he listened, his head cocked quizzically.
"I know why I feel like that," he murmured, "but why the hell are they still freaking out?"
Yagi cleared his throat from where he had snuck up beside them. He pointed outside.
Their kiss was replaying on the jumbotron onstage in front of the entire crowd of thousands of people. The two heroes watched somewhat sheepishly, hearing the raucous cries and hooting from beyond the platform.
"Some cameraman had a strict sense of duty," she said, chuckling softly.
"Hey, so. You wanna give 'em an encore?" Mic suddenly asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"What are y - Mic!" She was swept into his arms, spun around while he stepped back out onto the stage. This time everyone started cheering when he pressed his lips to hers, but she didn't hear anyone else at all.
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