"Oh?" The villain's voice rose as she tapped the scruffy hero on the forehead. "What's your dirty little secret then, Eraserhead?"
The newly formed crime fighting trio had gotten overwhelmed in their latest battle and had been caught. Present Mic, Cheshire and Aizawa were currently tied up in a dark room somewhere at the mercy of this woman.
He set his jaw and shook his head at her question, whipping it from side to side to try and dislodge the wrapping from his eyes.
"He really doesn't want you to see, does he?" One of her goons laughed cruelly.
"I bet his team mates will be shocked, too." She grinned at Present Mic and Cheshire who were both glaring at her. "Well, relax and enjoy!"
Aizawa turned his head to the left, where he heard Elly growl in anger. "Don't watch! Either of you!"
"Oh, they'll watch. They have no choice."
His voice was hoarse as he snapped roughly, "Your visions are lies."
"Really? Oh..!" She gasped in delighted horror, her eyes widening as a filmy scenario began to play out in front of them. "Oooh... now I see. My goodness, Eraserhead. That creepy vibe you give off looks like it's accurate, hmm?"
Mostly everyone knew that Cheshire and Mic were a very serious couple. They shared an apartment and the blond man was emphatic that they would be together forever. He was also Aizawa's closest friend and had often suggested he would like him to be the best man at their wedding when he inevitably proposed.
The Voice Hero's golden-green eyes widened as he stared incredulously at what was unfolding in front of him.
Cheshire stretched, her tail hooking into a sinuous question mark. She purred softly, then looked over one shoulder and beckoned.
Aizawa walked over behind her and wrapped his arms low around her waist, bending to kiss and nibble on her neck. Her pleased mews clearly turned him on further, for he whispered something in her furry ear and raised his hands to grasp her breasts, grinding against her below.
She wriggled, and her pants dropped even as he was unfastening his belt buckle. They came together swiftly, heads turned so as he thrust they were entwined in a fervent kiss.
Elly whimpered, eyes closed and so much in bliss a thin line of drool ran down her chin as he mounted her from behind, much as a real cat would. His hair fell forward as he bucked wildly into her again and again, panting, moaning, their cries mingling and getting louder and more urgent.
She came first, praising him and gasping that she loved him. The words tumbled out of her as she threw her head back, chest heaving.
Aizawa screamed moments later, amazingly loud and completely out of character, crying out her name.
"Ah, god, love, I'm coming!"
The entire scenario took place in the span of ten minutes or so. A deadly silence hung over the large open area as the scene faded out. The villain gleefully scanned her captive's faces.
Mic had almost bitten through the fabric of his gag. His normally warm and open eyes hard as agates and he was breathing hard, in rough, agitated pants. Cheshire's ears were laid all the way back, her mouth hanging open and her cheeks bright red.
She frowned, staring dumbfounded at the overturned chair where he had been seconds before. There were droplets of blood on the floor but he was nowhere to be found.
Aizawa had broken his wrists to escape the ties, but since he had he was unable to pull the blindfold free. Instead he rubbed the cloth on his arm until it slipped enough for him to see.
It was too late to stop the villain from humiliating them all but perfect timing for him to exact some heavy revenge. He didn't even free his friends, nor did he need to. Eyes blazing, his hair wildly waving upright, his capture thread shot out in multiple directions as he beat the unholy crap out of the villain and her henchmen.
Afterward he approached the couple, breathing hard, and wordlessly untied them.
"I'll call the police." Elly wandered over to the table where the goons had placed their equipment and began slowly putting her gear back on while looking for her phone. Her eyes were blank, her movements jerky and robotic as she searched. She was clearly on autopilot.
Aizawa sighed, his hands dangling grotesquely from his twisted wrists. "Mic, I'm -"
Hizashi's fist came whistling up in a right hook, catching him on his cheek and sending him sprawling. "WHAT THE HELL, SHOTA?!" His neck was bare, his speaker having been taken from him, so his quirk wasn't quite controlled. Elly shrieked from several feet away but Aizawa got the worst of it. He tried to cover his ears out of reflex and grimaced in double the pain as his wrists ground together.
"I'm sorry," he grunted.
"You're sorry?! I thought we were tight, you bastard! After all we've been through! An' yer - yer ... that's my girl!"
"Hizashi, stop!" She rushed over and threw her arms around him. "You're hurting him."
"Whafuck..? Good!" He lunged forward but she tightened her grip, begging him to calm down. "My fuckin' friend! Wanting to fuck my girl!"
Aizawa was dazed. He had been on the receiving end of Mic's quirk before in training, but never this strong. There was a loud ringing in his ears, and he felt the wetness of what was probably blood trickling out. He couldn't hear what the school counselor was saying to her boyfriend, but she was talking rapidly, her hands rubbing his back.
"It's okay, Mikey. It's just a fantasy. His brain can't control that. He controls his actions, and he's never been inappropriate with me."
"Yer my baby," he whined sadly, his green-gold eyes filled with tears.
"I am very much yours," she told him firmly. "You're not going to lose me, Zashi. I promise. And you know Shota would not want to hurt you."
He sniffled, his rage having dissipated into a shivering, weepy mess. "Seeing that... it was like it really happened," he explained. "I - I got carried away."
"I know, sweetheart. You're going to need to apologize to him, though. Not me. And ... um. After he can hear again."
"Oh, shit!" He blinked.
"Yeah. You deafened him."
Aizawa tapped the heel of his hand on his ear and flinched again. He looked up at them and sighed sadly.
"Shit. I couldn't fuckin' help it."
"I think he knows."
Hours later they had all gotten patched up at a local hospital. Aizawa was the worst, with his broken wrists and damaged ear drums, so he had been held longer. Recovery Girl had come and gone to help, and he was on the mend when his friends showed up at the door.
He lay on a small cot, wrists bandaged and cotton still wadded up in one ear. The other had fallen out on its own as he tossed and turned. Hizashi knocked quietly, and he looked up. Aizawa winced when he saw who it was.
But the tall, blond man looked apologetic. "I'm sorry, yo," he said brusquely. "I overreacted. I know y' wouldn't do that. She wouldn't do that."
"It's okay, Hizashi. I expected worse." He shrugged. "Feel like I deserve worse, in fact."
"Nah. Yer a good friend. S'okay. Hey, see ya Monday, huh?" He nodded and left.
Elly stayed behind for a moment. She stared at the erasure hero oddly, as if sizing him up quite differently than she had before. Then she leaned forward and lightly kissed his forehead.
"I know you're a good man," she told him firmly. "Don't worry about it."
He sighed bitterly. "Thank you. Go to him."
She nodded as well, then turned and rushed after her boyfriend to catch him in a giant hug.
Aizawa slid down under his sheets and closed his eyes to avoid seeing them.
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