The woman he went home with at the club that night wasn't really his type; she was pretty enough but not very. She was older than he was, and too large on the bottom for his liking if he was to be thoroughly judgemental.
Yet it was her attitude that had gotten her chosen. She looked at him in a way he had never been looked at before.
Aizawa Shota could purchase what he liked, whenever he desired. He got what he wanted when he fucking wanted it, in short. And he sometimes got it even before he knew he did.
Except, of course, love.
Sex was easily bought but after a handful of sordid trysts when he was younger, he had given up. Years passed, and he still hadn't found anyone that filled the void within him. He adopted a child, and then another, younger one that had been in desperate need of a good home. Their eventual love for him as a father helped ... for awhile.
Sadly, Shota found that he still craved romantic love and, worse yet, he needed sex! Anything, everything - he walked around with an erection most of the time and knew the time had come to try and quell at least that part of his desire again.
This woman intrigued him.
She wasn't dancing with her friends but sat quietly sipping a drink in a padded booth near the back of the club. He introduced himself, and she stared for a long while, looking him up and down.
"My name is Elly Sketchit." She moved over so he could sit. "Everyone calls me Ches, though."
"Short for Cheshire?" He pointed at her furry, purple ears and the striped, double-ended tail that was twitching beside her.
She nodded.
The conversation turned to other things, and he was baffled at her knowledge of the more aristocratic pursuits. Rarely had he encountered a woman in this part of the city that impressed him with her intelligence. And while she obviously knew who he was, she wasn't pushing him for favors. She didn't ask him to buy her a drink and calmly paid for her own when the time came.
So he had falteringly asked her to come with him to his hotel suite.
The ride in his limousine was wild. He turned to her and she met his tentative embrace with her own, reaching around to stroke the ponytail he tied his long, dark hair up in. Their mouths met and held, briefly chaste but she licked his lips and he groaned and pressed forward. Suddenly everything was bite and suck and lick, and he couldn't tell and didn't care what was happening as long as it didn't stop. Her hand slud up his thigh and went directly to where he needed it to be, fondling the bulge in his slacks with enough skill to set him panting.
They arrived at the hotel far too fast for his liking, but the best was yet to come.
And that was what led them to this heart-stopping moment.
Cheshire sat on her haunches on the huge bed in front of him, staring up at him. Her dark purple eyes were fixated on his tired gray, bloodshot ones. A ragged scar ran under his left eye, and his face was covered in scratchy stubble. He maintained an immaculate level of cleanliness but nothing more and he knew he was not considered an attractive man by most. But she was so damned eager. He might be able to fool himself this time...
He sighed dismally, looking away to stare at the ceiling for a moment. "Ches, did you say your name was?"
"All right. I - I can pay, just let me know how much you think is fair."
She flicked her cat's ears at him, her face registering amusement for the first time. "I'm not a prostitute, Aizawa Shota. Give me whatever you like, if it makes you feel better."
He frowned slightly. "I know you're not. I'm sorry, I just want to help, if I can, since I asked you to do this." He showed her his phone, hooked up to a money sending app with a hefty sum written in. "Enough?"
She blinked cautiously. "What do you want?"
He had the feeling she thought he might want something exotic and hurriedly shook his head. "Nothing strange. I haven't had..." Any sexual gratification in a ling, long time. He paused, then rubbed at the bridge of his nose with a forefinger and thumb. "Blowjob. If it's okay. With condom."
She held up her phone and completed the transaction. "It's perfect." He came closer to where she sat, the height of the strained crotch of his pants perfectly level with her. She nodded to him. "Think you can stand?"
He groaned as the air hit his flushed skin.
She wasn't doing anything he expected at all. Her hands were gentle, squeezing in soft pulses on his shaft and she kissed the tip of his swollen member, dabbing her tongue lightly at the tip. The condom was thin enough so that he felt the warmth of her mouth. It was overwhelming after an eternity of abstinence and he whined, his hips twitching as he fought to not slam repeatedly into that delicious heat. She drew down, pecking lightly along his length, and he crammed one hand into his mouth to stifle his cries.
Tears slipped from the corners of his eyes as the pressure in his groin grew. She suckled lightly on the underside of his cock, gripping and pulling, then hummed and swallowed him as completely as possible. He groaned as the back of her throat convulsed. She gagged but kept going, slipping him out a little until she found a comfortable depth.
The weight was crushing him, and it surely couldn't get any harder. This was it, so good he didn't realize his hand had fallen from his mouth and he was whimpering and moaning, whipping his head from side to side. His black hair had come free of his ponytail and bits were tickling his cheeks as he cried out.
This wasn't going to be an orgasm; it was a tactical nuke.
Oh shit! Oh my god holy shit yes yes YES!
He grabbed desperately at the back of her head, having forgotten about the condom and trying to warn her. "I'm - I'm..!" The world was blotted out for the span of a few seconds as he came.
She carefully slipped the embarrassingly full prophylactic off and tied the end. "Be right back."
Shota closed his eyes, trying to still his heart as he listened to her dispose of the condom and run water in the bathroom sink. His eyes popped open minutes later as he felt her gently wiping his slick member clean with a warm washcloth.
"Thank you," he muttered uncomfortably.
"You needed it."
"Are you ..." He knew he had paid her, but she was squirming a little and this made him believe she had gotten excited, too. "Can I get you off?"
She raised an eyebrow at him. "You want to?"
"Yes," he answered quickly.
Her lips twitched in a sly smile. "How?"
"To be fair, I could, uh, do the same -"
She held up one hand. "S'okay. You're an observant man, and I like that. But you can just use your hand."
"Really?" He was more than intrigued now.
"Yes. And please, hurry." She discarded the cloth and pulled her jeans down.
"Come sit on my lap," he said quietly. "No... facing me. I want to watch." She swallowed hard but did as he said. Shota rubbed at the crotch of her thin purple panties and was amazed when she cried out. "You're really wet."
"Don't stop, baby," she hissed, her face strained. "Take them off, please."
"Hmm." He stroked lightly, plucking at the front and liking how they became molded to her open sex.
"Please! I did you right..!"
More than right, he thought. He didn't want to rush but it was so delightful to give her pleasure that he obliged. He peeled them off with her help and tossed them to the floor.
His finger dipped past the purple curls on her body below and found she was even wetter than her panties had suggested. Sliding his finger in tight little circles, he leaned forward and drew her closer. When she groaned and whispered, "Do me, baby," he rocked her harder, curling his fingers and thrusting in time with his body's movements. It took only a minute before she was biting at her lip, crying out while she grasped his working hand.
He was stunned. Had he thought she was less pretty? This woman was the most gorgeous one he had ever seen. Her dark purple eyes blinked dreamily down at him and their mouths touched in a brief kiss.
I need you in my life, kitten.
"Can I have your number?" He held out his hand and pulled her easily to her feet. "I don't want this to be the last time I see you."
"Sure," she murmured. "Just let me..." She pulled her clothing back on and reached into her pocket for her phone. "Here."
They synced up and she immediately edited his name on hers.
"Thanks. Do you need a ride back, or..?"
"Nope." Elly shrugged fluidly. "I'm okay." As he blinked in confusion she walked out the door with a sweet smile and a little wave. "Thanks for the good time, baby," she purred lowly.
The door closed before he could reply. She knew who he was and still called him by that ridiculous name!
His heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest.
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