"Okay, dad," Hitoshi grunted, hoisting himself up on his stool in the breakfast nook. "You've been moping about like usual, sure, but you've had the creepiest grin on your face all morning. What's up?"
Shota gave his son a direct stare. The boy was wearing a black t-shirt and ripped jeans. The dark circles under his eyes matched his own, but though he shared some similarities with him, he was not his blood relative. Shota didn't care and neither did he, however. Both his kids weren't technically his but they were as much to him as anyone that had played a part in the conception. They knew each other fairly well, too.
"I can't hide this from you, can I?"
"Nope." He pulled a glass filled with milk close to him and drank.
The older man shook his head. "I can't stop, ah, thinking about someone."
"So? What is it, work or something?"
"No," he said truthfully, rubbing at the back of his neck. "I mean ... romantically."
Hitoshi choked, bubbles rising up in his drink. "What the - really?!"
"Holy shit, you haven't dated since I've known you! Who is it? Is it a girl or a guy? Did you meet them when you went out last night?"
Shota leaned on his elbows on the counter. "It's a woman, and yes. You wouldn't know her, I think. I barely do yet," he added softly.
"Geez, then you need to call her." He slid off the stool and went to rinse his glass in the sink. "You're wandering around like a lovesick kid. It's gross."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah. Don't be a chicken shit. I got a date this weekend and I had to ask him to get it. Otherwise how was he gonna know I wanted to see him again?"
"Thanks," Shota said sourly.
"No charge," the purple-haired teen called back over his shoulder. Then, louder, as he walked back down the hall, "Eri! Dad's gonna be pissed if you're not dressed yet!"
A lighter voice started yelling something incoherent back and smiled. He would know not to say anything to his sister right away. Eri was much younger than Hitoshi and was still suffering from her lack of a mother in her life. It wouldn't do to get her hopes up.
He dug his phone out of his pocket and stared at it for awhile. He wanted to see her, he knew that. But how long was a reasonable time before he called and asked for another meet up? His body thrummed like a live wire every time he thought of how her lips had felt pressed onto his own... and then later, wrapped around his needy cock.
He had stayed up a great deal of the night searching for her presence online and had found very little. She had a Twitter and Instagram account she didn't really use and her Facebook profile showed friends and similar looking people that were probably family, but little else. He did learn she liked Alice in Wonderland related things, art and karaoke. And, though she liked it, she thought she was bad at singing. That was about the extent he could pick out, and he craved so much more.
He took a nerve-steeling breath and dialed the phone.
Hitoshi dashed past him with his sister in tow. When he saw his father had the phone to his ear he grinned maniacally and gave him a thumbs up.
Shota scowled good-naturedly at him, then waved.
"Bye daddy!"
"Bye, Eri." His expression softened, as always, when he spoke with the little one. She was pulled out the door to school and he sighed, then remembered the call. "My apologies," he murmured. "My name is Shota Aizawa. Yes. Yes. It's about that suite you have on hold for me..."
The next call was much more difficult.
Shota cleared his throat and waited for her to either pick up or go to voice mail. Personally, he was hoping for the automated system and wasn't sure if he could handle hearing her -
His bloodshot eyes grew huge.
Her voice
"Is that you, baby?"
Open your mouth, you idiot, and SPEAK!
"It's me," he said somewhat lamely. "I ... want to see you again. Are you free tonight?"
"I'm free anytime if it's for you."
He choked a little on that. "Well, err, great. I reserved the same suite. You remember... uh huh. Eight sounds perfect. If you, ah, get there early, just ask for the key card. I registered in your name, too."
His heart was pounding and he had a huge grin on his face when he hung up.
First things first, though. He had to ask someone to stay with Eri. If Hitoshi wanted to go out or anything he shouldn't have to be stuck babysitting. He texted a friend of the family and she was more than happy to spend time with his daughter. Check, and now to the other serious matter.
What was he going to wear?
He was inevitably teased about his date when the kids came home, although Hitoshi clammed up when Eri was around. Neither of them was quite sure how to tell her yet. Shota told her he was going out, and the matter was resolved so far as she was concerned.
Kayama, however, was different story. The woman plowed through the door and into the foyer, her grin stretching all the way to either ends of her face.
"Where is he? Aha!"
"Crap," Shota muttered. Then, louder, "Hey, Kayama. Thanks for coming to watch Eri -"
The dark haired woman waved her hand about in front of his face. "Shh! You know I'd do anything for her, geez. Now, what is this that you need to go out, dressed like that, at night?!"
"Like that" was a plain black jacket with a gray shirt underneath, and black jeans. The jeans were an old pair, and frankly quite a bit tighter than he normally wore. The real difference was he had tied his wealth of raven-black hair up in a bun and had cleared his face of all stubble.
"You shaved! Okay, spill. Who is it?"
He glared at her. "Be quiet at least. Eri doesn't need to know yet."
She dropped her voice in a conspiratorial tone. "Okay, but who is it?!"
"You don't know her," he sighed. "She's not from our circles -"
"Oh, Shota, you didn't pick up a middle or lower class girl that just wants your money again..?"
"Kayama!" He hissed angrily, grabbing her shoulder and walking her towards the living room. "They're not all like that."
She raised an eyebrow. "You paying her?" Raising a hand, she pointed angrily at a painting hanging nearby, one of many he collected. "You'd be better off wasting your money on this crap. You always do anyway."
His frown grew. "I told you, don't mock my favorite artist. She's a wonderful person and I've invested in her work because I love it."
"But -!"
"And don't meddle in my love life!" He bit his tongue on the rest he wanted to say, pushing her into the room where Eri squealed and jumped up to meet her. The woman was instantly all smiles and held her arms out for a hug.
He got out of there as fast as he could. Shota and Kayama had grown up together. Since their parents socialized, they had gotten shoved together more than once. It was a good thing they had ended up friends, but she tested his patience sometimes. Shoving all the anger and doubt from his mind, he raced into the elevator at the hotel to get to the suite.
Elly had gotten there before him and used the time well, discarding her casual clothing in favor of a sexier outfit.
His jaw dropped when he saw her.
She was wearing a black leather miniskirt with what appeared to be a corset on top, also leather, and thigh high boots. Her purple-striped tail lay fluffed out on the bedspread, shining like her hair. He reached for her tail but she whisked it out of the way before his fingers could curl around it and angled herself so he grabbed her rear instead.
"Oh, my. Looks like you appreciate my choice in clothing."
"You look delicious," he agreed, flexing his fingers.
"Want to find out?"
"Ahhh, shouldn't we talk money first?"
Her ears folded back into her hair. "I told you, just send whatever." She shrugged. "Honestly, I don't care."
His hand caressed her tight bottom, shaking slightly. "Is 45,000 yen okay?"
"It is what I said." For once Elly wasn't looking at him when she spoke. "That's fine," she nodded in a louder voice, shaking herself all over and raising her head. "Please kiss me."
He ran his free fingers through her hair, tilting her head, and kissed her lightly on the lips. His other hand still grasped her bottom and he rubbed as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She hummed playfully and wrapped her legs around his.
"God," he groaned when they parted at last to gasp for air. "I want..." He shook his head, unable to continue.
"What do you want, Shota baby?"
He swallowed, then slowly licked his lips as he stared at her. She slowly and very deliberately laid back on the bed with her ankles crossed. He knelt on top of her, crawling up to meet her mouth again.
"I want to kiss you all over." His lips trailed to her chin to her throat where he tasted the bitterness of her musky perfume.
"All over?" She asked archly, moving her legs. He glanced down and saw that she wasn't wearing panties.
Vast amounts of blood rushed into his face and other, nether regions all at once. "Sh - shit! Naughty kitten, you brought this on yourself. Hang on."
"Whoa, lover. Careful!" She inhaled sharply when he started using his teeth but said nothing more as he lapped after, soothing the hard sucking and nips. His mouth was hot and he kissed every freckle, every mark, every flushed bit of her skin. The corset was very slowly and painstakingly unlaced, his fingers trembling as he kissed each bit of skin as it was revealed. When it finally fell off, he growled deep in his throat and latched onto a hardened nipple, his fingers caressing and tweaking the other.
Ten minutes later, she was starting to wonder if teasing him had been a good idea. Her mind was blank, numb from the pleasure he was stirring within her. His lips and fingers nibbled and pinched until those twin nubs of skin were tighter and more sensitive than she had known they could get. And Shota did not stop then; he only chuckled when her hands tugged at his hair in supplication.
"I'm not done here yet," he told her firmly. "Be good and let me play with your tits a little longer."
"Baby, please!"
"Shhh." He bent, blowing the hush on the hot, hardened tip. She whimpered, and he gently, so lightly she could barely feel it, wrapped his lips around it and suckled softly. The tingling pain that had felt good was replaced by a slippery, soothing rub of his lips that was somehow better and the contrast was ecstasy. Elly's hands spasmed on the back of his head and her legs churned restlessly below as the area between her legs grew plump, more tender. He switched to her other breast and she stroked his hair, misty-eyed and panting with her tongue lolling wantonly out.
Shota repeated the loving act for as long, giving them equal attention, then kissed between her breasts. He caught her eye and his look at that moment, his gray eyes burning with desire for her and just a hint of dark mischief made her heart skip a beat.
"Sh - Shota, what..."
"I'm not done with you," he whispered. She wept softly, helplessly, and fell back again on the bed.
He buried his face in her sex, ravenous, eager to hear her cry out with pleasure. This was another way to know her, what she liked, how she tasted, what she sounded like when she was pushed to the limit of desire. He kissed her like he would her lips, thrusting his tongue inside her body and brushing his mouth on her folds.
Her squeal was very clearly not feigned; she hadn't been certain he would do it. He threw himself into the act vigorously, wanting it to be good. Shota found the little nub of flesh that his ministrations had exposed and kissed it, too, placing gentle little pecks all around the quivering flesh as she grasped the back of his head and bucked forward.
He smiled to himself and continued to tease her, flicking the tip of his tongue and then sliding lower to suck gently on the other parts of her open body. She responded well to almost everything he did, but especially loved when he toyed with her clit. He knew that was the female pleasure center but had read there was another, deeper spot.
Shota had an idea.
Distracting her by suckling softly, directly on that little button, he moved his hand up and maneuvered around.
He slipped a finger inside, angling it up like he had when he fingered her before. But he didn't stop there and added another, and one more after that, judging three was about the girth of his own dick. He shuddered at the thought, pausing to stare up and see how she was reacting besides her breathy cries of joy.
She was absolutely gorgeous. Her body lay trembling, peppered all over with love bites and covered in a thin sheen of sweat so she appeared to glow under the soft lighting.
"Oh baby, please don't stop. You're so good!"
He gasped and wormed his fingers in a little deeper, sucking and licking directly on her swollen clitorus as he pumped in a steady rhythm. She whined on every exhalation, moaning when she breathed in.
"Oooooh, I love it! I love it so much! I'm gonna come baby! Oh god, baby, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna ... oh shit it's so sweet!"
Her body pulsed below and to his utter astonishment, as he backed off slightly he felt a light bit of moisture ejected onto his cheek.
Holy shit, did she just squirt on me? I did that! I made her come that hard!
"Oh my goddd, baby," she whimpered weakly. "I've never come that hard before."
"I'm glad."
"But - but what about you?"
He coughed to one side. "Don't ah - worry about me."
"B -"
"I came when I was sucking on your breasts," he admitted with a rueful grin. "You sounded so excited, I just... well."
She blinked at him, barely believing this, but then he stood and she could see the stain on his crotch.
"I'm going to go brush my teeth and clean up before I join you again."
"Mmmn," she hummed comfortably to herself, watching as he walked off into the bathroom. She waited until the door opened again and then stretched. "Do you have to leave right away, baby?"
"I need to get back before eleven," he sighed, glancing at his watch. "But that means we have a little time. Do you want to nap with me?"
"Sure." She slipped under the sheets, wriggling her toes luxuriously. He pulled her close to him, fitting her into the curve of his warm body. "Mmm. This is nice."
Shota snorted softly. "Sleep is always nice."
Elly woke before the alarm he set went off to go to the bathroom, and as she did, she saw the blanket had pulled off his torso. She gently covered him again, her face unreadable in the darkness.
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