"<i>Back off!</i>" Elly snapped, her eyes pale and vicious in intensity. Her claws were out of her paw gloves and she was in a defensive posture in front of her sparring partner in one of the gyms.
Aizawa and Kayama had gone to remind them of a meeting, and they immediately saw something was terribly wrong. Mic had been standing with his arms out, trying to hold the counselor back as she struggled to get to him. They started forward in concern, but a voice shouted from behind them.
"No, you don't <i>understand</i>," Recovery Girl called out. "Stop!"
Aizawa froze in his tracks. He had <i>never</i> heard the old woman sound so terrified. Kayama raised an eyebrow, concerned.
"What's wrong?"
"Do not go <i>anywhere</i> near Present Mic," she said firmly, hobbling quickly over with the help of her syringe-shaped cane. "She warned you, and it must've been incredibly hard for her to do even that."
"This is just nature's bad timing. Cheshire -" She pointed the tip of the cane at the striped figure standing beside him, growling ominously at them with her arms blocking him behind her. Mic looked confused and appeared to be trying to talk to her. "She's in heat."
"I don't care what her problem is if she's trying to hurt anyone," Aizawa grunted crossly. "Look, I can tie her up if she's belligerent."
"Kinky," Kayama murmured.
"She won't hurt him, and there's a much easier way." She spoke with the disgruntled homeroom teacher, and he nodded.
Aizawa cupped his hands to the sides of his mouth. "Mic!"
"Yeah?" The Voice Hero made himself easily heard even from the distance.
"Pick Cheshire up and carry her here. If she tries anything, tell her it's okay. <i>Don't let her get down</i>."
"Uh... okay." Hizashi contemplated the hissing cat woman in front of him. Her striped tail was fluffed angrily out and waving frantically back and forth, making it hard for him to approach without getting slapped with all four feet of it. "Ches! Easy."
"<i>Get away from him, bitch</i>," she spat at the other woman. "He's <i>my</i> mate. I swear to fuck I'll rip your eyes out of your sockets and make you eat them."
Kayama sputtered, taken aback. "What?! Whoa! As if I'd want Yamada. Gross."
Hizashi glared menacingly at her but said nothing, only stroked Elly's ears in an attempt to soothe her. She growled, unconvinced, but let him scoop her up in his arms. There was a larger, angrier hissing fit that occurred when his neck gear got in the way, but he resolved that by unfastening it and setting it on the ground. After that she calmed down noticeably, nuzzling at the small opening at the neck of his jacket. Mic prudently relieved her of her gloves and neck gear as well.
Chiyo glanced over and nodded to herself. "Mm hmm. Unzip your jacket."
"Oh ...kay?" He pulled the tab down as well as he could with Elly clinging to him. She immediately burrowed partially inside. Loud purring could be heard quite clearly, as well as some unidentifiable sounds.
"Uhhh, uh! Ches. <i>Ches</i>!" Hizashi jumped every few seconds and gasped.
"Something the matter, Yamada?" His scruffy colleague raised an eyebrow. He'd picked up his speaker and was carrying it back to the nurse's office.
"Erk!" The breath whistled out of him, his face blushing a bright red that hovered on the cusp of purple. "She's <i>kissing</i> me and - and <i>stuff</i>!"
Elly's head peeked out for a brief moment. She turned to hiss at Kayama and slowly licked Mic's Adam's apple while maintaining eye contact. Then she buried her face back again.
"Hot damn. The hell with me, she's going to rip <i>you</i> apart, Yamada." The dark-haired woman whistled.
"That looked like a lick to me," Aizawa pointed out clinically. "Not a kiss."
"Please!" Mic gulped, his knees starting to give way. "M'serious! Her <i>hands</i> ..!" He howled so loud Aizawa had to erase his quirk.
"Stop that! Just tell her to calm down again, like Recovery Girl said."
"Ches, baby, you need to calm down," he pleaded desperately. "Cheshire? Please, we're not <i>alone</i> ...just wait, okay?" He had no idea why he chose those words exactly, but she whimpered a little and grew still.
"We're here."
"Great," Kayama drawled. "I'll go tell Yagi he's got to cover his classes for at least a day."
Chiyo had her sit on a cot while she checked her pulse and pressure, among other things. Hizashi walked quickly over and caught Elly's outstretched hand in his as soon as she raised it.
"Yeah, so," he grumbled, his voice rising as he grew more anxious. "Why'd she call <i>me</i> her <i>mate</i>?!"
"Take it easy, young man." Recovery Girl shook a finger at him. "You're going to need to hold it together for her."
"But - <b>mate</b>!"
"She can't hide her feelings when she's like this." She pointed to where Elly was clinging to his hand, upset she wasn't making full-on body contact anymore. "This woman is in love with you, Yamada, and you have a choice to make. You can acknowledge you feel the same way and we can give you a ride to a treatment center for couples. Or, if you don't love her, we send her to the hospital."
Hizashi cringed, rubbing at his neck where there were red marks from his heavy gear. "Hospital?"
"They'll drug her through it."
"She's <i>scared</i> of that!" He turned and curled an arm around her in a protective manner, his eyes huge behind his sunglasses. She huddled in his embrace, picking up on his fear for her and whimpering.
Chiyo smiled. "That easy, huh?"
He blushed. "Uh, I uh, well. You know, I'd've told her before but we're busy all the time and, uh."
"Of course."
"All right. This is the center. We can have someone drive you to the gates but there's always a crowd in front, unfortunately. You'll be seen."
Aizawa poked his head inside from where he'd been listening in the hallway. "Go easy, Mic," he warned. "I know how you feel about the media."
"I just want her to get better," he stressed firmly. "I don't care about those vultures right now."
Of course, those "vultures" were packed tight up to the gates on this day. Hizashi groaned but held tight to Elly's hand as he helped her put of the school vehicle, hoping to walk inside without any incidents. The crowd didn't part, however, choosing instead to rush at them shouting questions and taking pictures.
He drew a deep breath. "Back up quick, yo! She's hurt an' we need to get into the center!"
A few bolder fans and reporters didn't listen, unfortunately, and most were women, which aggravated her worse. As one grew close enough to touch his sleeve she snarled and sliced at her with a swipe of her hand. If she'd had her gloves on the civilian would have been badly injured, but all she got was a scratch. Elly growled incoherently in warning. Hizashi thought he caught one word: "<i>Mine</i>".
He spun around and shielded her from the people crowding in the front. "Shhh, it's okay," he cooed lightly, stroking her hair. "I've no interest in them. No one else. Mikey's all yours. My eyes are on you, my hands... see? All you."
Her fangs disappeared as the edges of her mouth uncurled, and her breathing slowed and grew more even. "M - Mic. <i>Mic</i>."
"Good kitty," he murmured.
"Hey, what's the big deal?!" Someone shouted from the crowd that had gathered around them. "Someone could've been hurt!"
Hizashi stood up to his full height and looked around, his eyes cold and narrowed to angry slits. "You're right. Someone <i>coulda</i> been hurt. You need to listen when a hero tells you to move away."
There was nothing they thought to say to that, although there were mutters of discontent from the fangirls.
He turned back to Elly. "We're almost there, babe. Hang on, we're gonna make a run for it." He picked her up, remembering how much easier she was to handle before and wanting to escape the situation as fast as he could. Some in the crowd had their phones out and he knew they'd recorded their interactions anyway. Besides, he was proud she was in love with him and thought she wouldn't mind going public afterward, either.
"We're gonna be all over social media soon," he sighed as he opened the door with his hip.
"Present Mic, we've been expecting you." There was a small group of staff huddled near the front desk that walked a wheelchair out towards them. The person gestured and he surrendered his bundle over. She fussed a little, but he had a better understanding of her condition now and took off his jacket to cover her with it.
"Very good," the attendant murmured.
"Yeah, I learned that the hard way." Hizashi strode over to the desk and checked in. "So... I didn't learn too much about this place before we had to come. What's so special? Private rooms?"
"Yes, and more, customized to your specific needs. For you, a soundproof room - or, as much as we can make one soundproof, considering the strength of your quirk -- with no glass or anything breakable. Meal plans for her included, as she will need more caloric intake during mating. And..." The woman checked the computer screen, reading the information Chiyo had sent. "Oh, we've also got your allergies covered, so don't worry."
"To latex."
He coughed and looked uncomfortable. "Oh. Ohhhh. Good."
The attendant wheeled her to the room and left her with him in a chair facing the bed, closing the door firmly behind them when they left.
Hizashi drew in a deep, stuttering breath. "Okay, all right." He cleared his throat and walked over to the bed, yanking his boots off and his jacket along the way. "Alone at last, huh?"
Elly seemed wary now that it was just them.
"Aww. You doin' all right? What's the matter?"
She shook her head. The more of his hero costume that came off, the more confused and agitated she became. He worked a hand through his slicked up tresses, pulling them down with an ease born out of practice.
"Hizashi," she groaned.
"That's me, kiddo." He sat on the bed, bouncing a few times to test it out. "Hey, memory foam. No squeaking!" He laughed and she twitched a few inches forward.
Hizashi figured he'd better pull all the stops. If she was going to get better she needed to - well, she needed to get over this sudden, strange shyness.
"C'mon baby, don't be bashful <i>now</i>," he crooned, spreading his legs and hiking the shirt up further, exposing his firmly defined abdomen. "You were practically taking bites out of me through my t-shirt before. What's wrong, lost yer appetite?"
Her eyes were huge, her pupils blown wide and her striped tail stiffly trembling. She swallowed, then licked along the front row of her teeth where her fangs were. The blond haired man suddenly realized that she was literally drooling with lust.
"Uh oh," he choked.
<i>She was getting worse and</i> that <i>was confusing her - !</i>
"<i>Hizashi</i>," she breathed roughly, her chest heaving.
"Oh god baby, look ou - yikes!" He was slammed back into the mattress as she leaped on top of him. Her hands thrust up inside his shirt, hungrily groping him far, far more intimately than she had on campus. He whined, writhing underneath the onslaught and praying he could satisfy her. One of his hands brushed her tail as it waved about and he instinctively closed his fingers around it.
Elly's head and ears shot up. She arched her back and started to shake all over.
"Oh?" He stroked up the underside from the base, admiring the silky fur. "You like this?" Her glorious purple eyes started to tear up and he grinned. "Listen to me, Ches, I don't know what to do here. I've never had a mate before."
She stared at him with a little frown, her eyes still trickling tears from the corners.
"Oh, no! No, I've had sex, sweetness. I just haven't done <i>this</i> before. You need to tell me what you need."
Emotional outbursts were a part of her heat, and he just told her he'd been with others before. Normally this wouldn't have struck so hard, maybe a little jealousy that would easily brush off. But in her hormone-induced, possesive state she clung to him and wept.
His face fell, and he did the only thing he could think of - he panicked. "It's okay! I'm sorry, what did I say? Was it that you weren't my first?" He held her and rocked her gently in his arms. "You're like a big ol' teapot, aren't you? Just waitin' to pop off at any second. Look - the others don't matter. I've never felt the way I feel about you, ever. I think I'm in forever love with you, baby, an' that's what matters."
She buried her face in his shirt, sniffling.
"Tell me, love. What do I need to do?" He sighed when she didn't answer. She probably couldn't; she hadn't spoken more than a few words all day. But with her cradled comfortably in his arms and settled down - she was currently nibbling on his neck -- he picked up a pamphlet from the bedside table to skim through.
<i>Marking... praising, control. Oh, and 'don't mention old lovers' -</i>
"Oops," he said softly. "Sorry, babe." He returned to his reading, letting her graze on him.
<i>'She wants to be connected to you. Marking each other will calm her down enough to talk -'</i>
"Aha! That's why yer nipping at me." He deliberately moved his neck to one side, exposing more of his pale skin.
Elly purred, pleased, and bit down a little harder, sucking and licking. Hizashi closed his eyes and hummed quietly, the bulge in his pants getting harder to ignore. When he didn't move she grew bolder and he gasped, discovering a brand new kink he now had.
"Yeah, m'yours," he slurred, lust drunk and dreamy eyed. "Do more. I <i>like</i> it, baby. Mark me up."
His shirt was pushed out of the way and he was soon covered in love bites. She loved his arms and chest, and he lay there in a pleasure-induced fog right up until she came across a flat male nipple.
"<i>Oh fuck yes</i>!" Hizashi jolted up, his toes curling. "I - I gotta... you!" He growled, rolling her under him the opposite way on the bed. Elly mewed loudly and rolled her head back for him to bite. He sank his teeth in without thought, sucking with the intent to give her a bruise she would feel for days. He didn't stop until he heard her crying out with delirious pleasure, nails scrabbling on his back.
"Yes! Yes, Zashi! Yes! Take me! <i>Take me now!</i>"
"Oh my poor heart," he wheezed. "I'm'a make you pant an' scream and beg, baby. Hang on, hold on, all this nasty clothing has to go bye-bye."
She tried to help but in the end he was the one that had to undress them both. Eventually Hizashi knelt on the bed, naked, his hair free and glasses removed. He wanted to spend more time kissing her body, but frankly tonight she didn't need any more foreplay and was begging him to get on with it. He worried about condoms for a minute but then remembered their hero monthly blood testing and sterilization procedures.
They'd be fine.
The excitement of no protection spurred him to push onward, and he kissed her as he guided her to lay with her legs wrapped around him.
"Not so romantic for our first, but, eh. We can get a do-over once yer back to regular, huh?" He used a hand to steady himself, then bucked forward all the way until their bellies slapped tightly together.
Hizashi was inclined to agree.
Never had he felt such heat and friction. He tried to pace himself but she was wild, gasping and moaning little "ah, ah, ah's" over and over again.
It was <i>really</i> inflating his ego.
"Oh yeah," he grunted, his rhythmic thrusting turning into mindless rutting, faster and harder while she cried out for more. "Oh yeah, oh <i>fuck</i> yeah, who's my baby!"
She screamed incoherently and he shook his hair back, sweat flying as the long tresses slapped his bare back.
"I said, <i>who's Zashi's baby</i>?"
"Me! I'm Zashi's! I'm all Zashi's!"
"<i>Ohhhhh</i> ho ho ho ho, shit, good girl. Good kitty, that's right." He groaned and jerked his hips up at an angle, causing her to scream with delirious pleasure. "Zashi's gonna - eurgh! -- gonna give it all to you. I..." He faltered, then howled so loudly all the furniture rattled. Elly's ears twitched but she didn't pass out as he'd directed it away from her at the last minute.
"Zashi!" Her body shook, radiating pleasure from deep within. Thighs trembling, she gave up and lay limp and moaning as he finished as well.
"Baby, oh baby ... <i>oh, yeah, baby</i>!" His eyes widened and he quickly stuffed his face in the pillow. She felt the cry vibrate the entire bed, though it being made of one solid material it stayed in one piece.
Hizashi lifted his head up, his expression dazed and more than a little apologetic. His mustache points were awry, and she smoothed them back to normal as he gathered his wits.
"Hmm. Hmm. Aren't you supposed to be the one losin' it?" He chuckled. "Sorry, Ches. Oh. And c'mere." He pulled her into a sweaty hug, kissing her noisily. "I love you."
She sighed happily. "Before my mind blanks again, Hizashi... I love you, so, so much."
He winked slyly at her. "Wellllll, yeah, I kinda figured that."
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