Shota / Els
"C'mon, guys," Elly said shyly, staring into her glass on the table in front of her. "Quit fooling around."
A group of UA teachers spent at least one night a week together, usually at the same small bar. She had been coming to the outing for several weeks since she started working for the school. It had taken a lot of courage to accept the invite - a year's worth, in fact -- and tonight she remembered why she had been afraid to come.
A certain someone had found out how she felt about the scruffy 1-A homeroom teacher. Not only that, they also guessed her worst, most embarrassing secret.
"Really? Quirk worship? How's that work?" That was one of worst things - All Might was interested in the conversation. Yagi blinked, then looked over at Aizawa. The dark haired man raised his can of beer and drank, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they were discussing something that involved him.
"Oh, that's simple," Midnight chuckled and pointed a long, perfectly manicured finger at Aizawa. "So, Eraser's quirk is based on his eyes. And his hair does that weird thing I guess, too."
"Yes?" Cementoss had joined them this evening, and he looked confused. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Okay, everybody, I don't..." Elly was cut off by a very drunken Present Mic before she could figure out what she was going to say.
"Ha! Y'not gonna deny it. Here, Sho, do yer thing." Hizashi waved his free hand about wildly. "She totally digs it."
"Foolishness." Aizawa finally spoke. He looked away, though Midnight noticed the burn across his nose.
"Nope. It means someone finds your power sexy, enough so they want to focus on wherever it comes from. So in his case -" She frowned lightly. "Like I said, his eyes. Maybe hair."
"I'm just going to go to the ladies room..."
"No way! Yer not runnin' out on us!" Mic grabbed her arm as she pulled her chair back. She started to despair. Caught between Nemuri and Hizashi, she wasn't going to get out of here alive. "Ches' got the hots for ya, Sho, m'tellin ya! Do it!"
"If it will make you all shut the hell up..." Aizawa grated from between clenched teeth. He pulled his hair free from the scraggly ponytail and faced her. His eyes seemed to light from within, a red glow that was commanding. His messy black hair waved about as if in a breeze and then rose upright, still moving slightly. He frowned when he saw Elly was looking everywhere but him.
"Yeah, c'mon Ches!"
"Uh, aren't we embarrassing the poor girl?"
"All right, already." They were probably going to keep it up all through the night until she looked. She was done for, and she knew it.
Aizawa's eyes widened in shock as she hesitantly met his eyes with her own. He noted her flushed face, though her mouth was set in a thin line in an attempt to appear uninterested. Her eyes, however, were a different matter. It was ironic that his were the focus of all the attention, he mused, because he found he couldn't look away from hers. They were large, dark purple and filled with an unsettling amount of pain.
"There. Nothing happened," he grunted softly, tearing his gaze away from hers. "See? Now leave us alone."
"Yep," she agreed faintly. "Nothing happened." Elly plastered a large smile across her features and excused herself. This time they let her go, although Mic was bawling that she really did like him, and they should "totally hook up". Midnight ignored everyone else and watched her leave, frowning.
The walk seemed to take forever, but at last she made it to the bathroom. When the door closed behind her she clapped a hand to her mouth, the tears she had been holding back starting to flow. Elly darted into a nearby stall and yanked a sheet of toilet paper to sniffle into. She wasn't sure how long she had been inside, but after some time there came a light rap on the door.
"I'm here," she called out instinctively, then swore. Her voice was a dead giveaway. It was raspy and shaking, and she might as well have told the other woman she was sobbing like a dejected teenager in the toilet. "Ugh," she groaned, whisking her tail angrily at the side of the stall.
"Don't be upset about crying, geez," the woman snorted. Elly heard water running as she washed her hands. "Listen, I went to school with that asshole. He's a good hero, but not a great man, if you get my drift."
"How can you say that?" She choked out, slamming out into the open. "He - ohhh, damn it."
She smirked. "There, you're here now. Hiding's not going to do you any good. Let's clean you up and get you back out there, or everyone else will start to worry."
"Else?" Elly let Nemuri dab a wet towel on her puffy eyes.
"Aizawa asked if you were okay."
"He what?!"
"So, he may look like he doesn't care, but we've seen him uninterested before. Ms. Joke has been hitting on him for years." She giggled when the cat woman's ears flicked in annoyance. "He tells her off, every single time. But you? Ha."
"I don't hit on him," she grumbled, blushing.
"Not that hard, anyway," Midnight murmured. "You do, though - and it flusters him. He doesn't tell you to fuck off. Like when you asked if he liked cats the other day."
"I heard he did. I just wanted to know... ohhhh my god." Her tail slapped the vanity in shock.
"See? And what did he say?"
"He said he likes cats, but that they don't like him."
"And? I was there, remember."
"That if he found a cat that liked him, he would give it everything."
"Her," Midnight corrected gently.
"He said, 'I would give her everything'."
Elly blinked several times. Had he said that? Truthfully, she couldn't recall and she might have heard him wrong. "Do you really think..?"
"Only one way to find out." She looped an arm around Elly's and led her back to the table.
"Sorry I took so long," she grinned, abashed at how worried they seemed. "I may have drank too much."
"Pffft. You hardly drunk anything at all."
"My tolerance is lower than yours, Mic," she quipped sourly, and everyone laughed. Thank goodness it was late, she thought as she sat back down. There were a few more drinks, and then the party began breaking up. They filed out, some yawning, some chatting together and Hizashi being dragged bodily out the door as usual. Elly sighed and stretched, grabbing her purse and following after she watched them leave. She stepped out the door and jumped when she heard Aizawa's beside her.
"Stay a minute," he called in a low voice. His hand reached out and touched her arm briefly from the shadows he had been lurking in. She froze, her breath caught in her throat. No one noticed that they held back, or if they did, they didn't interfere. Soon they were alone under the streetlight in front of the bar.
"So..?" She left it hanging, unaware of what was going on. At best, he would want to tell her he wasn't looking for a relationship. But he seemed uncertain of himself, rubbing at the back of his neck in that way he had.
"Let's start walking back," he suggested.
"Yeah." The bar was pretty close to the school grounds, something she had found odd at first, but then bars here were more like cozy, hometown restaurants. They walked in silence for a long while and she started to think he wasn't going to say anything at all. They reached the campus and entered, and she gave up hope as they neared the small complex where the teachers lived. Aizawa had a ground floor apartment, so they reached it first. She forced a smile and was about to spout some silly banality like "don't let the bedbugs bite" when he grabbed her.
It wasn't a simple touch on her arm this time, either. Aizawa's hands grasped her waist and pulled her forward until she bumped against his chest. And that wasn't all. Her reaction in a situation like this was to slip into invisibility for safety, and her heart started to beat wildly when she found she couldn't. She looked up, ears back and trembling.
His gorgeous, fiery eyes.
He held her power in check with his own, his gray pupils dissolving into the glowing, unnatural red she found so irresistible. They were deadly serious most of the time, sure, but when they burned red he had an even more commanding presence. She mewled faintly, swearing inwardly at herself for sounding so weak.
Then he kissed her.
She could not believe this was happening. For one, she had never experienced a better kiss and she was both startled and excited by his aptitude. He started off slow, a light brush of his lips on hers, his eyes locked onto her own. She shivered all over and raised her arms to slide around his neck. Aizawa flicked his tongue out, a subtle request, and she parted her lips with an overwhelmed moan. He was too good, too meticulous in every detail; light pressure, gentle tongue movements and a soft, repetitious mouthing that was driving her wild. The scruff on his face was softer than she had imagined and in her heightened state of arousal added so much to the experience her knees began to buckle. He licked her lips once, then parted from her with a moist sound.
"Would you like to come inside?" He asked quietly.
"Yes," she sighed with a dazed little smile.
Once inside his spartan home, he took her by the hand and led her to a small couch in the living area. They sat down close and he held onto her hand as he spoke.
"I want to know, Ches," he began, "what's this they were talking about before? Do you want to tell me anything?"
She fidgeted. "It's silly, and I don't want to embarrass us both."
"No." He grasped her wrists and pulled her hands to his face while closing his eyes. "If you want to touch me, then do it."
She hesitantly stroked his cheeks, then higher. Aizawa shivered when he felt her fingertips lightly brushing across his eyelids. He swallowed hard, trying to control any reaction that might startle her. It became much more difficult when she kissed him there, soft, fluttery brushes of her lips on the thin skin. He had expected as much but with his eyes closed it still was a surprise. Her hands stroked his hair, combing through it and cupping the back of his head with trembling fingers. He hadn't pulled it back again after he took it out of the ponytail in the bar.
He was amazed, again, that it could be like this.
To have this woman, utterly and totally lost in reverence of his quirk - of him -- he needed every bit of self control not to frighten her with his response. Aizawa could not remember ever being so aroused before. His penis was so hard it hurt and he was well aware that he would have to hold back or he might hurt her. That would never do.
Instead he carefully opened his eyes, took a very slow, deep breath and focused on the woman that was causing all of these emotions to war within him. Elly sat back, eyes wide with one hand lightly covering her mouth as he growled lowly. His hair rose, his eyes lit up from within and he spread his legs. Aizawa trained his quirk on her and curled one finger in a "come hither" gesture. He was more than pleased when she crawled quickly into his lap.
"You don't know what you've done, do you, Cheshire?" He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer.
She shook her head, heart racing so fast she wheezed when she spoke. "Me?! Y - you're so sexy, Aizawa, I ..."
He snorted. "To you, maybe. I look like a bum in most people's eyes." He paused. His eyes were gray again but his hair was still afloat. She would soon learn this happened when he experienced strong feelings he normally kept bottled up. "You've made me hot, hard, and acutely aware of the fact that I'm in love with you."
"Oh, my god. Aizawa."
He rested his hand on the back of her neck. "Shota, please. Now how do you propose we take care of the situation?"
Her ears pricked forward. "Oh, I have a few ideas. You?"
He grinned wickedly and she clutched his shirt in her hands. The creepy smile of his was well known to her, but seeing it close up was something else. "I suggest we move to the bedroom, Ches, where I will find out if I can do all the things I've wanted to do to you for so long."
"Wait, if you can? All the things..? Shota!" She yelped when he gathered her in his arms, his grin widening.
"Maybe not all the things," he hedged, kissing her one more time to silence her when she would have spoken again. "We will, after all, have plenty of time for exploration later."
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