They were celebrating Hizashi's birthday after school was out for the day. He had wanted to go to the karaoke place around the corner from campus, but the only booking they could make was immediately after classes. Thus it was that he and his friends ended up going in their hero costumes. All except Yagi, of course, who wore his usual shirt and slacks. Elly had gone on ahead for "reasons", as she had put it, so they would be meeting her there. The gang found the room and piled in, sliding around to sit in a comfortable booth.
"I was hoping Els would be here," Mic said sadly.
"Maybe she's getting your gift." Yagi smiled at the blond man. The two of them were exceptionally cute together. He couldn't wait to see what she had bought her boyfriend.
A tug on his leather pants leg caused Mic to look down. Elly was under the table. She didn't bother to hide using her quirk right away and brazenly met his stare with a challenging smirk. When she knew he had seen her, she winked at him and flickered out of sight.
Oh no. Oh hell yes, but still... oh no.
He felt her hands slide up his thigh and jerked closer towards the table, sweating nervously. She quietly unbuckled and unzipped him just enough to pull him out so she could give him his birthday gift.
The problem with this was Hizashi Yamada couldn't sit still for longer than five minutes. Prolonged physical inactivity caused him a fair amount of anguish, never mind forced silence. That was the worst! He drummed his fingers on the table in a rapid staccato, whistling tunelessly and staring around. Good thing his tinted glasses hid his eyes, because they would have given him away immediately. They were huge and round, the spirals swimming with pleasure so great he knew if this lasted much longer he would start tearing up. The others were chatting and looking at menus, so they didn't notice his awkwardness right away.
Her lips felt more excellent than he had imagined they could possibly be. He was quite a bit miffed about that. They had no right to be better than his imagination, full and soft, wrapped gently around the throbbing head of his penis. She knew to tease just underneath, too, light little licks that were perfectly timed with his thrusting hips. His mouth parted and his tongue peeked out as he started to pant. To hell with the others seated around him! His dream girl was expertly sucking him off, and he was going to fully enjoy himself.
Aizawa was the first to catch his lewd expression and raised an eyebrow. "Uh... Mic?"
"Cheshire's under the table, isn't she."
The blond man's mouth dropped further open. "Uh! Wh - what gave you -" He squeaked, then shuddered, "that idea?"
"You've got fucking o-face, you twit."
"Do not!"
His friend whisked off his glasses to reveal Hizashi's meltingly passionate expression. His cheeks burned hot, the blush spreading across his nose down to his throat. His green eyes were full of tears that threatened to spill any second. All of this didn't take into account his heaving chest, parted lips and his clenched fists. He had at some point unzipped his leather jacket and his tight t-shirt underneath tugged at his erect nipples.
"Yes. You do. Among other things."
Yagi looked up at that moment and twitched backwards in astonishment. "Ahhhh - is Yamada okay?"
Midnight joined them at the table. "I'd say he's better than okay," she snickered.
Mic waved his hands aimlessly about. "N - n - n - no, really, guys! M'fine." He grabbed his glasses back and fumbled them on.
"Is that why she's conspicuously absent?"
"Leave me alone, guys, c'monnnn," he whined anxiously. The heavy pressure was steadily mounting, and if she did what he thought she was going to he would come quick. Despite his desire to enjoy himself he wasn't sure he wanted the entire table to watch him during an orgasm. He bit his neck speaker, ducking down as much as he could.
"Yeah, let's go out for a minute. We can come back in after they're done playing."
Yagi was still confused and had to be told what was going on as they shuffled him out the door. He set a new record for how much blood he could lose in a single cough, but that was after the door closed behind them.
"Ches, you naughty kitty," he whimpered. "They all k- know you were under there. They saw me like this!"
She paused to grab a lungful of air. "And you're more excited than I've ever seen you, Mikey."
"True that," he mumbled under his breath.
"So hush and come already." She settled her lips under his sensitive head and sucked ruthlessly.
"OH SH - !"
The group hung around outside in the hallway waiting for some sign it was okay to go back in. The door rattled loudly, almost as if a stick of dynamite had gone off inside.
"Clever," Midnight chuckled. "She chose the soundproofed rooms for this. No windows, and it was partially muffled."
"Partially," Aizawa grunted, digging at his ears.
Yagi coughed again, his eyes dazed.
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