Yagi set aside his barely-touched bowl of soup. He rubbed a hand on his stomach with a pained grimace, but forced his expression to clear when he noticed some of the others watching him closely. He smiled his biggest smile to set them at ease.
"Eating is a bit difficult for me lately. I will try again later. I believe 'D' is next, yes?"
"Dating!" Kayama shrieked with glee.
"Lemme guess, my ideal date?" Hizashi paused, thinking. This involved drumming the fingers of his free hand on the table, mustache wiggling as he looked around. "<i>Our</i> ideal date?"
"Yeah, Yamada - what <i>is</i> your ideal date?"
"I know!" He waved the arm that had been draped around her in the air, punctuating his speech with lively gestures. "I'd take you out for karaoke an' food like this, but we'd be late - so late having so much fun that we'd go get coffee after." His grin grew. "An' then maybe we'd wake up again, go out dancing. I know the <i>best</i> clubs. The best!"
"He means the loudest," Aizawa grunted without lifting his head.
"You like dancing?"
"Love it," he said with enthusiasm, grabbing her hands in his and staring into her eyes. "I've got the stamina for it, too. I can go <i>all night</i>."
Kayama hooted loudly. "Ooooooh!"
The two were in their own world at the moment, however, and heard none of this. Which was just as well, since there were some puns being leveled Yagi's way as well and he had started to cough loudly.
"<i>All</i> night?" Elly raised an eyebrow, leaning in dangerously close.
Hizashi winked slyly at her. "You know me," he grinned. "I've got energy to spare." He moved closer until they were only a couple inches apart, their noses almost touching. "I gotta burn it somehow, ya dig?"
"We're not at 'K' <i>yet</i>!" Kayama called out loudly all of a sudden, startling the pair. They jerked apart, faces flushed with their eyes still locked on each other.
"Yeah, bummer. <i>We could go for a coffee later, though</i>," he added in a whisper only she could hear.
"I think I'd like that."
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