Sunday, October 10, 2021

Fluff - u

 "There's only a few left," Yagi commented quietly.

"Yeah, we're up to U, right?"

Kayama nodded. "How does she act when you’re upset?"

Hizashi grew very quiet at this question and didn't answer right away. He finally shrugged in an offhand manner. "How would I know <i>that</i>?"

Kayama smacked the table with one fist. "C'mon, Yamada, don't hold out on us! We wanna finish this list!"

"But I don't  -"

"Look, even All Might over here wants to get through it all." She burped, politely covering her mouth.

"I <i>am</i> curious," Yagi murmured.

"Awright, sheesh," Hizashi grumbled under his breath. "There was a - <i>were</i> a few times she saw me lose my cool, yeah? She's a therapist. She helped me out."

"Although I didn't react very professionally," Elly blurted out.

"Oh?" Kayama raised an eyebrow.

"There was a lot of physical comfort," she explained, squirming. "I swore never to cross those boundaries but for Hizashi - and <i>only</i> Hizashi -- I did. I'm still conflicted about it." She looked up into his eyes. "You didn't mind, obviously, and it seemed to help, but it made me so guilty."

"No way! Don't be!" Hizashi rubbed her shoulder gently. "You never like, <i>touched</i> me, touched me, like ..." He coughed and turned a shade darker when he saw the others watching. "Ya hugged me and held my hand, geez. It's not like you came on to me or anything." He scrunched up his brow in exasperation. "<i>I</i> thought you were professional. I - I actually thought you were only doing it because it's your job, yeah?"



"I wanted to help, but I also wanted you to know that I can be there for you as me... not the counselor. <i>Me, the person.</i> I guess my messages got mixed up along the way - half person, half psychiatrist."

"My fault, that was my fault," he interjected. "You were fine. I thought there was like, no way you were interested, so I reasoned you were bein' professional." Hizashi broke out into a sheepish grin. "I liked the hugs, though."

"It means so much to me when you smile," she told him seriously. "An honest smile, not the ones that cover your pain. The real ones that are more <i>Hizashi</i> than Mic."

His lips twitched, and he turned so he could bury his face in her hair.

There was a long silence as no one knew what to say. After several minutes Kayama cleared her throat. "I guess we'll move on, then."

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