For some odd reason, there had been a trio of teachers chosen to help two students that utilized draining emotions from others to store power. The three unanimously voted in were Cheshire, Aizawa, and Midnight.
Eraserhead and Cheshire had been unceremoniously dumped with the girl that wanted to try and work with the passionate emotions: love and desire.
Midnight was on the other side of the room coaching another girl with similar powers. They stared at her for a long while, then Aizawa shook his head.
"I simply cannot fathom why we were chosen for this task," he muttered.
"Yes, I know," Elly agreed. "Midnight seems a better choice for both of you." She addressed the student dubiously, her striped tail swishing.
"Well, I want to work on some passion, so get her over here. Maybe she can use her quirk on him or kiss him or something."
Elly used her power to hide her face from view momentarily. She had grimaced terribly at the thought.
Aizawa stared blankly back at the teenager. "No," he refused flatly.
"Fine, then," the girl groaned dramatically. "Then kiss Ms. Cheshire. I just need a spark, anything, to start my quirk!"
His left eye twitched. "I don't know why you think she would allow me to do such a th -"
Midnight had been creeping closer and she cackled suddenly, pointing at him triumphantly. "Ha, Eraser! You didn't deny you <i>wanted</i> to do it that time!"
Elly's eyebrows raised. "Wait, what now?"
He ducked into his capture weapon, frowning at her. "Be silent for once, Midnight."
"No <i>waaay</i>," she drawled. "Hey, Ches. He's been eyeing you for months, you know. I can tell he's interested 'cause it's never happened before!" She choked, cut off abruptly as his capture thread effectively gagged her.
"<i>Midnight!</i>" He roared, his hair floating upward and his eyes burning red.
He turned his head to see Elly standing near him. Very near, in fact - a couple of inches or so away from his nose. "Ches," he choked, the bridge of his nose blushing deeply. He made his weapon let Midnight go and she gasped, putting her hand up to her lips.
"Is it true? Do you want to kiss me?"
The homeroom teacher scowled darkly but in this situation, so close that he could smell her scent and see all the tiny details of her face, he couldn't think of the right thing to say. He took hold of her shoulders instead, and, bending down, placed his mouth on hers.
Her ears laid back and she stared dreamily into his gray eyes for a moment before they slipped closed in bliss.
Midnight whooped happily. "Yeah, get some, Aizawa! Finally!"
He held up one hand behind his back, the middle finger popped up towards the R-18 Hero, and continued his slow, explorative kiss on the woman he so desperately wanted. Elly's knees wobbled and she threw her arms around his neck, clutching at the back of his hair. The little tug her fingers made as she twined them in his dark tresses caused him to growl lowly in pleasure. On his part, his hands slipped from stiffly holding her shoulders to caressing her back, pulling her towards him and squeezing like he never wanted to let go.
They eventually broke apart, their tongues hanging out for a split second, connected by a thin line of saliva. It snapped and they both swallowed hard, panting heavily.
"Ohmigosh, <i>look</i> at all this! Yeah! You guys're incredible!" Power surged around the student and she gleefully called out to her opponent across the way. "Let's battle! I'm ready!"
Aizawa slowly flushed from red to purple when he realized Midnight had been rather mischievously catching the entire event on her phone.
"Kayama, I swear to fuck if you put that on social media I'll -"
"Oops." She tapped a button and smirked. "My finger slipped."
Elly darted over. "Right on the Facebook page?!"
She chuckled wickedly. "Now you can't hide it. You better follow this up, you two." She flapped her hand at them airily. "It's about time you hooked up, anyway."
They both stared at her helplessly, and then each other.
"I suggest we retire to a more ... private setting to discuss the matter further," Aizawa murmured.
"Agreed," Elly purred enthusiastically.
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