Present Mic was finished for the night at the local club he often got gigs at. He was preparing to gather his things and leave when a drunken club goer approached him.
She looked around the right age to be let in but just that - and he groaned inwardly at the portrayal of "adultness" she was struggling to show off.
"Hey. Heyyy. You wanna go in the back room?"
He grimaced, shaking his head. "Uh, no thanks. I've got a girl I love very much." He bent over and started unplugging some of the heavier equipment.
"She's not here though, right? Honestly, I really want to know what it's like to fuck a hero." She reached out to grab his rear, but he sensed this and fell flat on his chest onto the floor. She groped the empty air instead, swaying on her feet unsteadily.
"Lady, quit botherin' me! I don't want you. I have everything I need in my babygirl, so go away before I call the bouncer on ya!"
The huge bull man had already heard the fuss, however, and gripped the drunken girl's arm gently but firmly to pull her away from Hizashi. "Awright, les' go, kiddo. You're harassing and trying to assault a hero. Thas'a bannable offence, bitch."
"Thanks, Mano," he sighed, hefting his bag of equipment onto his shoulder. "Ches would say thanks too if she were here."
The man snorted, amused. "Your girl would've clawed this skinny little shrimp's face off."
"Put me down! I'm his date!"
They both ignored the pushy female's tantrum, especially this outrageous lie. Mano stomped out of the door and deposited her on the sidewalk outside.
Hizashi breathed easier. That didn't happen often, truthfully, but when it did the women were always so offended that he turned them down. One had even told him that he was a 'crap hero' and he should be grateful for the attention. He shook himself and headed out the back to take the bus home.
When he got there he spotted Elly seated on the couch with her phone in her hand.
"I'm home."
"Yay!" She leaped up to hug him.
"Mmm. Had a suck night tonight, baby. Glad to be home... what're you lookin' at?"
Elly's lips twitched. She held the phone out so he could see it.
"Ah, fuck. Twitter." He spat the word as thought it left a foul taste in his mouth. "Wh - wait, what." He snatched it out of her hands and read the tweet that had been directed at her.
"I assume she's pissed you turned her down, so she straight up lied. To get you in trouble with me and raise her status."
Hizashi's eyebrows had drawn up so tight his forehead looked like it came to a point. This was the last straw in a heap of other slights, insults and hard work he wasn't appreciated for doing by the general public. He shook with shock and rage, his face turning red as he struggled to hold it all in. Afraid he would startle or frighten her, he handed the phone back and strode off into the bedroom with his fists and jaw tightly clenched.
It wasn't just the problem of her going after him. No. She had found his ultimate weakness and exploited it without probably even knowing.
She had brought this bullshit to his girl. Had tried to hurt her. He knew Elly had trust problems before, with her abusive parents and other boyfriends. This evil woman didn't know or care; she was so wrapped up in her ego trip that she wanted to punish them.
Elly had never seen her boyfriend this upset. She could tell he was swallowing everything back and thought she would give him some space to sort things out for himself. After fifteen long minutes of strange silence in their normally boisterous home, she got up to see if he was okay.
Hizashi was not.
The tall man was curled into a ball on the bed, breathing in hard, tight little puffs. He had removed his glasses and neck gear but that was it.
He buried his face in the pillow.
"Oh, poor Zashi. I'm sorry. I'm not upset about this, if it makes you feel better. I know you love me."
She rubbed the back of his neck. "Look, you're all tense. Sit up, please? Let's get your jacket off, at least. You're laying on all those zippers and stuff. It can't be comfortable."
"Mmfft." He still regused to speak but he sullenly sat up and let her slip the heavy leather jacket off.
"Good boy," she purred softly. Her hands gently rubbed his neck again, aware how uncomfortable the gear made him by itself. With the added stress his muscles were tense, rigid. She murmured sadly and tugged his white tank top off as well, slowly and carefully massaging his back. After a few minutes he let out a gusty sigh, his shoulders dropping as he relaxed a little.
Hizashi turned slightly. "M'sorry, I -"
Elly placed a finger on his lips. "Shh, love. No need. Just follow me." She took his hand and he slid off the bed.
She led him to the bathroom where she quickly and efficiently ran a warm shower, grabbed two towels and then stripped in front of him. He hastened to unzip and remove his pants as well, kicking off his boots first in a corner. She pulled back the shower curtain and beckoned to him.
Breathing hard in a different way than before, he joined her.
Elly embraced him immediately, seeking out his lips for a spine-tingling kiss while she stroked his arms and waist. He whispered of his love for her, adding the quirk-enhanced hum that she loved. She attacked the source of the hum with more kisses, staggering him with her intensity.
Hizashi threw his head back, his throat working as she kissed every inch of it. He knew what she was doing and it was making him weak - so weak, but hard as hell below. The water trickled down his face and chest, parting at her head as she was attached to him and running down her form from there. He held her slippery body as tight as he could and concentrated on standing. His knees felt like jelly and he was starting to shake.
Her lips trailed over his collarbone and past, licking, sucking and kissing as she moved steadily down. Hizashi realized what she intended and he groaned loudly, his hands spasming as she dipped her tongue in his navel. Locks of his hair, softened by the water, began to fall wetly down his shoulders.
"Babe, I'm -"
She softly engulfed him inside her hot mouth without warning, as deep as she could manage all at once. He cried out, whining and catching the back of her head in both hands.
"Ah god, baby, that's new!" He sucked in a huge lungful of air and let ot out in a series of passionate moans, getting progressively higher in pitch as she pleasured him. "You're - you're gonna gag, princess, d - don't..!"
She grasped his hand in hers and squeezed in a comforting way, not stopping for an instant. Hizashi bit his lip, the weight in his lower half building to an almost unbearable pressure.
And then she drew back and kissed him, right on the head of his penis. She softly drew him into her mouth after, swirling her tongue on the underside with more obvious kiss motions. He had let go of her hand and when he felt close he tried to back away, but she gripped his bottom and pulled him towards her. The kiss broke him; he let out a long, low keen that caused the cabinets and mirror in the bathroom to rattle alarmingly and doubled over, embracing her upper body as best he could. He quivered through what was one hell of an orgasm, one that blotted out the world but him and his beloved.
When he came to she was rinsing him off with the shower head, the bar of soap held lightly in one hand.
"Better?" She asked him brightly.
"Much better way to have a suck night," he agreed, grinning when she hit him lightly on the chest in exasperation.
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