Monday, April 8, 2019

Challenge 72: Power

The concert was fun as hell.

Hizashi had dressed up as his hero persona, since he had been around enough to know shenanigans occurred when enough people gathered together. Everyone was thrilled to see him - except the small mob of villains that tried to hold up the popular band. 

"All right, we're taking over..."

He shook his head, waving the civilians out of his way so he could have a clearer path to the stage. Before he could get there he had been spotted and, in a bold move from the evildoers - ignored.

"Aw, it's just the scream guy. We're fine, we been workin' around loud crap for years."

Hizashi frowned and straightened himself up to his full height which was six feet and one inch exactly. His gloved hands flexed once and he took a long, deep breath, tensing his diaphragm for maximum effort. His arms thrust back, hands out. The stage light flashed across his orange-shaded glasses and he let loose a high pitched yell.


Every single villain in the group fell, some screaming themselves as they clutched their ears in pain. They hadn't thought to wear protective gear since they had been working the concert regularly and had gotten accustomed to the noise. But his was a special kind of sound, and those that were still awake realized their grave mistake as Hizashi calmly threaded his way through their ranks, slipping zip ties around their wrists to hold them until the police arrived.

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