"Hey heyyyy, listeners! It's that time again to put y'hands up!" Hizashi had transformed into Present Mic once more for his radio show. He sat in his desk chair rolling back and forth as he eyed the microphone in front of him. It was quite gross as the person that ran before him had eaten and gotten it all over the metal, but nothing could dampen his spirit. One of his favorite times of the day was here, and he was going to enjoy himself.
"I gotta whole bunch of hot, fresh music for y'all out there an' yer gonna looove it!" He flicked a few switches. "To start, a selection of the music you picked from my poll last week!"
As the first song started he grinned hugely and leaned forward, folding his hands in front of him. There were some really great tunes lined up tonight. He tapped his boots in time with the beat and hummed along happily.
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