Thursday, April 11, 2019

26: worship

"Oh my gosh, are you -? I'm sorry, you look like you might be, um. Present Mic?"

Hizashi turned around, mildly surprised. Not a lot of people recognized him in casual clothing. He wore his long, blond hair tied up in a messy bun today with a simple shirt and khakis. Nothing remarkable, but then again his fans did listen to him on the radio. If they heard him speak, they sometimes realized who he was. 

"Are you a listener?" He asked the teenager with a quick finger gun motion. 

The kid nodded, then looked embarrassed. He was quite ordinary looking, of medium build with dark hair but striking ice blue eyes. "Sorry for blurting that out. I know you're busy and all, I just really love your show and, um..." He trailed off. 

Hizashi nodded at his denim jacket with various band buttons pinned to it. "Hey, no problem. I like your taste in music." His mouth twitched when he saw he was wearing a shirt with his hero logo on it. This was a mega-fan, so he had better tread carefully to make this experience the best he could.

"Oh!" He jumped a little, then grinned abashedly. "Yeah, that's why I like your show. Could you, maybe, like, sign my jacket or something? If it's not too much to ask?" The words rushed out of him too quickly, his face bright red as if he expected a refusal.

But Hizashi knew a big fan when he saw one, and it didn't hurt to encourage younger people. He nodded, and looked amused when the kid produced a sharpie immediately from a side pocket. He signed the back with a flourish and told him he was lucky to have a great listener like him. The teenager was too tongue-tied to talk much other than a quick thank you after that, but when they parted he was pleased to see he left brimming with happiness. 


Meeting your hero was supposed to be an exhilarating experience in Hizashi's opinion. If he only got to do it once in a very small while, so what? It meant he could concentrate his efforts and make his fans even happier.

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