"I'm <i>bored</i>!" Kayama wailed loudly, swinging her glass around in the air and spilling most of it on a very nervous Yagi.
It was Friday night again, and here they were, a small group of U.A teachers gathering at the local bar. Their little group this time consisted of, by hero names: Midnight, All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic and Cheshire. They were in civilian clothing now, though, just a bunch of after-work friends.
"Kayama, please!" Yagi grabbed a napkin and tried to blot himself and the table off. He knew better - from experience, sadly -- to try and clean her up. Any touch was an invitation at this point. Kayama was now Drunk Kayama, and that was dangerous.
"Let's play Truth or Dare!"
Everyone groaned, but were stuck with it since they knew she wouldn't shut up until they agreed. Most of the time she got distracted or drank herself under the table before anything too weird happened, anyway.
Elly's ears twitched. "Uh oh," she murmured.
"Truth or dare?"
"Are you going to get bossy if I pick truth?" She squinted at the drunk woman, trying to pick the easiest way put of the situation.
"Pffft! C'mon, get a little crazy! Pick dare! Pick it! Dare, dare <i>dare</i>!"
Elly rested her head in her hands. "I give up. Dare."
The dark-haired woman snapped her head up, a wicked gleam in her eyes. "I dare you to sit on Yamada's lap - <i>for the rest of the night</i>!"
Hizashi's face turned an interesting shade of red. "What if I hafta pee?!"
"Hold it!"
"I think, in that case, she could get up," Aizawa muttered from where he had his neck rolled back and was dozing in the booth.
"But -!" Hizashi squeaked when Elly stood up and walked over to him. "Uh, here?"
She nodded and he spread his legs so she would sit within them, not on top. This was a smarter idea for the long run, but he failed to realize his crotch would bump her soft behind and tail. He immediately grabbed the table, his spiraled eyes fluttering wide as she cuddled close. An even louder squeak fell out of his bitten lips.
Kayama giggled evilly. "How much time you think before Yamada gets a wicked case of blue balls?"
"Kayama, <i>please</i>!" Yagi choked and grabbed for a wad of tissues in his pocket.
Hizashi jumped, his arms circling automatically around Elly's waist so she didn't fall. "<i>Not cool</i>!"
Aizawa snorted. "Three."
"Three what?!" He screeched at his friend.
"Seconds. He's squirming around like he's gonna pop."
Yagi spat more blood in the tissue he was holding, and his sunken eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out.
"Awright, that's <i>it</i>!"
"Zashi..." Elly leaned back, turning a little so she could cup a hand to his ear. As the others watched, she whispered something to him. Hizashi closed his eyes and gulped a shaky breath.
"Yeah. Yeah, okay."
"Oooh, what'd she say?"
"None of yer business." He clamped his mouth shut, settled down on the bench and pulled her close.
Elly mewed, pleased. "I think this game's proven a little too noisy. How about we get some more drinks -" Kayama cheered. "...of water," she said firmly, which caused a fit of booing. "And when they're finished, we can call it a night."
The water didn't noticeably sober her up, but the group began to thin out one by one. Yagi was revived and Aizawa slumped off into the night. Elly and Hizashi were last. She sat between his nervously twitching legs, playing with a beaded bracelet he wore on one wrist.
He waited until everyone was gone before he cleared his throat. "Um. So, hey, were you serious about before?"
"Very." She turned completely around so they were joined at the hip. He groaned softly, and she kissed him lightly on the mouth, purring faintly at the feel of his soft, furry mustache points on her upper lip. "You kept from obliterating her - as much as she deserved it -- and if you want to take me home, I will <i>absolutely</i> sit on your lap all night."
He shuddered pleasantly and quickly paid his bill.
"Mmmn! Oh baby, that's good."
Hizashi's apartment was dark except for the glow of a golden lava lamp in one corner by his bed. The bed itself was a writhing lump of movement, Elly arching her back as she sat upright on top of his naked body with his hands gripping her thighs. Her striped tail waved lazily in the air as she moved her hips, driving him deeper inside her.
"Ffffuck," he sobbed, dropping his hands to twist his long fingered hands in the black silk sheets underneath him. "Baby, oh <i>sweet baby, ride me</i>! Yes!"
"Hizashi!" Her toes curled and she threw herself into the act, the bed creaking as he bucked up and she pistoned down.
"Shit, Ches, you do me so good!" He bit his lip, thrashing his head on the pillow until all his golden hair was free from the bun he'd had it up in. "Want - to do more for you!"
Elly licked her lips and trailed a finger down the hair on his belly to where the base of his member was firmly sealed inside her. "Use your hands on me, then," she whispered.
Hizashi met her fingertips with his own. "I wanna make you come but you need to tell me how," he said honestly. "D'ya like slow, little circles like this?" He rubbed and she moaned.
"J - just like that, right there. Get me close, sweetie, and I'll bring us both off together."
"Yeah." He swirled his fingers, using his thumb on the top and the others to explore the sensitive sides. "I promise I'll take my time on you later, baby," he sighed dreamily. "I can do things with my mouth and quirk combined that will take you places you've <i>never</i> been."
"H - Hizashi, nnn... yes. Keep talking..."
"Oh, shit, please tell me my voice gets you off. That's so <i>hot</i> my dick is starting to twitch. I wanna come in you. I wanna make you <i>mine</i>."
She gasped and quickly moved his hand out of the way. "I'm close! Hold on!"
It was a wonder they didn't wake anyone, but then again all their friends had gone home drunk. It didn't take long before Elly was crying out and shuddering through her orgasm. Hizashi held onto her and thrust up until his came bursting out of him as well.
She wobbled, tired now with her energy spent, but he choked when she would have slipped him out. "No, babe, <i>wait</i>," he panted, his brow drawn tight. "Hold on, still - m'still coming..! Ungh! Ohmigod Ch - <i>Ches I love you!</i>"
Elly fell on top of him, her body shaking as her strength gave way at last. She wept his name over and over again until he grabbed the sides of her head and kissed her passionately.
"That was filthy wonderful, an' yer absolutely <i>beautiful</i> for doin' me like that," he gasped. "I've never come that hard in my <i>life</i>."
"I love you, too."
"Oh? That's the secret, then!" He burst out laughing. "Baby, I love you more'n anything. C'mere, before ya cramp up."
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