Shota realized he must have dozed off for some time, because the next thing he knew the doorknob was rattling. He snapped fully awake, his arms tightening around Elly, but relaxed when he heard Hizashi grumbling about his key being too new.
The door swung open and the angel walked in, eyes bright and looking pleased with himself.
That is, until he noticed the two of them on the couch. An awkward air filled the apartment as the two beings stared at each other, and then Elly stirred and yawned.
"Ow!" She'd tried to stretch without thinking.
"Careful," Shota murmured, helping her sit up when she squirmed. "Hey. Hizashi's back."
"Nnn? Oh, Zashi!" She smiled sleepily at him. "Where did you go?"
He cleared his throat nervously. "I left to go investigate that accident of yours."
"What? You what?" She rubbed her eyes, frowning.
"People talk easier to angels," Shota told her. He stroked her hair back and casually kissed her cheek. "They say things they normally would hold back."
Elly blushed, giggling shyly but very aware of Hizashi's expressive eyes on them. "They confess."
"Yeah, whatever." He pulled her closer, and this time her heart ached at the way the blond-haired being looked away.
"Hizashi, before that -"
"It's okay, this is important." He took a phone out of his shirt pocket and held it up. "Listen," he sighed sadly. "Your coworkers told me they were, ah - 'cherry picking', as they called it. To make it look like you were slow. Because of this, they had taken out boxes the wrong way and caused the stacks to fall."
"Jenga," Shota murmured.
Hizashi raised an eyebrow at him. "The point is, I've got proof of the abuse you were put through at work. You got hurt because of their childish behavior and your pre-existing condition - <i>that was documented and they knew about</i>! -- has worsened as well."
Elly averted her eyes and grew very uncomfortable. Neither of her new friends had ever mentioned her illness, and when others did they judged her badly. It had stigmatized her throughout her life. "I <i>was</i> hired through SSI."
"They knew." Hizashi rubbed at his eyes. "Management <i>knew</i> you had an illness that made it hard for you to concentrate and they harassed you about not working 'hard enough' as the people that weren't sick. Not only that, even when you complained about the others bullying you, they ignored it."
Shota's eyebrows raised. "If you've got proof, we can get her out of there. You'd be free." He squeezed her, elated. "Fucking <i>cha-ching</i>, besides. I bet we could sue for mental anguish and damage."
Hizashi looked like he'd swallowed a bitter pill, but he nodded. "I wouldn't normally agree with a demon, but I think we should. The wicked need to repent, and, if they won't, at the very least they should be held acountable."
"Oh, I - I don't know. I'm so unlucky, guys." She touched her side, wincing. "Every time I just try to get fair treatment I just end up getting sh - dumped worse on."
"You've got two very important advantages now. You don't have to do anything, of course. But, please, think about it. You could take the money and do something better."
"I don't think... I'm too tired right now. I'll think about this later."
"When are your next pills?"
"Couple hours," Shota said after checking his smart watch. "Around dinner time."
Hizashi blinked. <i>When had the demon gotten that?</i> "Uh, good, maybe you can nap until then. I think we might have some things to talk about, and you're still tired." He walked over to the couch.
Elly got up and reached out to him as he passed. "Zashi, about Shota..."
"It's <i>okay</i>, little one. Really." He faced her with a sunny smile, taking her hands in his. "We can't in good conscience let anyone starve, even a demon. It was the right thing to do."
Shota snorted. "Yeah, thanks."
Elly wasn't sure why she felt so upset but she started to cry, and the angel stiffly wrapped his arms around her upper shoulders to hold her.
"Your hug feels different," she sniffled sadly. "I wish it didn't." She pulled away and shuffled into the bedroom with her head down.
Hizashi stared blankly after her. "Why do I feel so terrible?" He gasped, clutching the section of shirt over his heart as he sat. "I <i>hurt</i>."
The demon raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he really was that innocent. He was about to ask when the blond being closed his eyes tightly, clenching his jaw and pushing the pain away.
"All right. We need to talk about her case."
"If she decides to sue?"
Hizashi nodded. "I'll need your help."
Shota smirked. "Really? What with, exactly? You're the one that compiled most of the evidence."
"Stop playing around," Hizashi said in a weary tone. He settled his oddly circular gaze on the demon. "Lawyers are <i>your</i> specialty, not mine."
"I'll handle it," he said with aplomb. He raised his hand and snapped a briefcase and laptop bag into existence beside the table. "I've dealt with cases like this before, believe it or not. Never had an angel on my side, though."
"I'm on <i>her</i> side, not yours."
"Same difference."
Hizashi decided it was easier to nod, though he didn't quite agree. He looked off into the distance, sighing faintly. "I still don't entirely trust you."
"Uh huh." When he glanced back Shota was fully dressed in a dark charcoal suit, sipping a cup of coffee with the laptop on his knees. He even had a small pair of black-rimmed glasses on. "Hand me your phone, would you? I need to copy those videos you took."
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