"R is rhythm."
Hizashi went several shades darker red than Elly thought was humanly possible as he spat out a mouthful of beer. "Whaaaa?!"
"What song reminds you of her?" The dark-haired woman said innocently, batting her eyelashes at the Voice Hero. "What did you <i>think</i> I meant?"
"Oh. Uh." He wiped his mouth and coughed a few times. "Uh..."
"You weren't thinking ab -"
"<i>Songs</i>! Right!" He shouted so loudly that the glasses rattled. Aizawa swore at him, and he coughed again in apology. "I can do songs." Hizashi took out his phone and scrolled through something, looking somewhat embarrassed.
Elly craned her neck up over his side. "Is that Spotify?"
Aizawa set his glass of beer aside with a snort. "Shouldn't a DJ know music well enough?"
"I do, okay?" Hizashi snapped at his dark-haired friend. "There's too many in my..." He trailed off, then cleared his throat. "In my, uh. Playlist."
"Did you make a Playlist for me?!" Her tail arched in a sinuous curl as she craned her neck to try and get a glimpse. "I want to see!"
"No, c'mon -"
"Awwwww." She gave him her biggest, shiniest begging eyes. "<i>Please</i>, Zashi?" He softened noticeably at the shortened version of his name and she pressed further. "I love music, and I want to see what my personal DJ picked for me." Her hand lightly brushed his knee as she leaned in.
Hizashi shivered and thrust the phone at her in defeat.
Her eyebrows shot up as she scrolled through. "Yamada <i>Hizashi</i>," she gasped.
"What?" Kayama was nearly crawling across the table in her eagerness. "What'd he pick?!"
Hizashi plucked the phone from her nerveless fingers and placed it in his pocket. "A lot of good songs," was all he said.
Elly slipped her right arm across his chest, initiating a far more intimate embrace than before. "Good songs," she echoed faintly.
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