Half and half (zashi)
"Hey, what was that text Yamada sent you the other day? The one that made you spit your coffee everywhere?"
Elly blushed. "Uh ... nothing."
"Oh my god at least <i>try</i> to lie convincingly. I'm not dropping this now. Spill. What was it?"
"Oh my g - okay. If you must know, he asked if I wanted to see a photo of him half-dressed."
"What!" Midnight snorted. "That's not an original pickup line at all." She muttered under her breath, "I can't believe this is what passes for romantic for him. No, wait. Yes I can." She paused. "Did you say yes?"
"Of course I did!"
"So? Was it disappointing? I mean, 'half dressed' could mean just about anything, and knowing him it was probably just his speaker off."
Elly raised an eyebrow at her and grinned larger, flashing her fangs. "No, Kayama - it was the <i>left half</i>. Like..." She gestured. "He took the time to carefully split an old outfit on one side and literally had one half of his body exposed. Not the top or bottom, <i>half</i>."
She blinked at the counselor, then burst out laughing. Elly held her hand to her mouth, but she couldn't contain herself, either, and soon both were crying and holding their stomachs as they laughed wildly.
"Please tell me you're dating now."
"Hell, yes we are."
Tug of war (shota)
"No way," Elly said firmly.
"I dare you to do it." Present Mic snickered as his grumpy friend walked by. "C'mon, I triple dog dare youuuu."
"I'm a cat, Mic."
"I know," he whined. "S'just a <i>saying</i>."
"It was a joke," she murmured. "Okay, shh."
Aizawa glanced briefly up from the papers he held in one hand. His hair had been pulled into a ponytail since he had just addressed some parents in a meeting, and as she walked up she reached out and tugged playfully on it.
Mic burst out laughing.
Aizawa shot him one of his patented withering glares, then turned just his head to regard the nervous counselor beside him.
"Um, sorry, but - yeek! <i>Eraser!</i>"
He grinned creepily at her and dropped her tail before shuffling silently back down the hall.
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