Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mark 14

 "Ungh," Hizashi groaned as he checked his emails one sunny morning not long after the conversation with their neighbor. They were lounging on the couch after getting ready for the day, her in casual clothing and him in his DJ costume. "I'm not in the <i>mood</i> to be Mic yet."

"Aww, honey." She smiled affectionately at him. "You will. You just need more coffee."

He groaned. "It's the worst bullshit today. No gig. You remember, right?" He stared morosely at his neck gear and leather jacket draped over a chair.

She frowned. "Remember? Remember what?"

"Uh, it's the day my agent arranged an interview an' photos here." He winced. "I'm sorry. I got too caught up in our not-love triangle shit to remind you last night."

"Oh, no," she gasped, her ears flat with fear. "How do I - what do I <i>do</i>?!"

He turned around, smiling affectionately at her as he took her hands in his. "It's okay, baby. I fell in love with you, an' just being you is definitely enough."

"Sure, but what about your fans?!"

"Oh." He blinked. "Yeah, they can get a little pissy."

"I'm so <i>nervous</i>," she wailed.

"You'll be fine. I'll be right there, love, and I won't let anything happen you don't want to. An' besides, I wanna show you o-o-o-off! Please?"

"I've got to, I don't know, at least change!" She looked down at herself. Once again she was wearing one of Hizashi's promotional shirts, this time a black crop top with his name emblazoned in gold glitter paint. Jeans and a pair of sandals topped off the look.

"You're gorgeous, babe."

"For a photo shoot?!"

"Yeah! Why not?" He batted his eyelashes outrageously at her, knee-walking over while holding that trembly pout. "<i>Pretty please</i> wear that smokin' hot outfit? For me? Oh oh oh!" He leaped suddenly to his feet, grinning like a maniac. "I know how to get ya to say yes!"

"I wasn't going to say no!" She was laughing by this time, rolling back on the cushions.

"Mnnn..." He flashed her a cocky smile and crawled closer. Placing his hands firmly on her hips he gave her a look that she swore could have melted steel. "We got some time before the interview, sweetness. I say we put it to <i>very</i> good use."

"What are you suggesting exactly?"

"I'm <i>sayin'</i>..." He was far more confident dressed as his persona and he chuckled slyly. "You wanna fuck Present Mic, baby?"

Elly shivered, her ears folding back into her hair as she watched him watching her with those bright eyes of his. "But - but you're all dressed!"

"So <i>cute</i>!" His posture slouched and his expression slid easily into his more sheepish, casual self. "I promise we can do this with minimum mess. You okay? I thought this might be fun, 'specially since I know you were a fan."

"I'm still a fan," she corrected. 

"Oooooh! That gets me all wiggly inside. For real? Even though you know the really real me?"

Elly giggled. "Say <i>real</i> again, sweetie. I think you missed one."

"Awwww c'mon, be serious! I wanna make you totally relax, babe, an' I just <i>know</i> I can turn ya into jelly like this. Sound good? Yeah?"

"Yeah. Put your Mic back on."

This time he laughed as he gave her a thumbs-up. "Lay back, babygirl. I'm fixin' to rock your world."

She did, and he laid carefully on top of her. Hizashi smiled, a big, toothy grin with one eye squinted and the other wide open. It was a look he'd cultivated when he was playing up his persona and it hit her hard.

<i>Oh no oh shit oh fucking FUCK he's too sexy</i>!

He pulled his white shirt up with one hand, exposing his lightly muscled abdomen. He was smooth skinned except a single sparse puff of gold between his pectorals. A teasing trail dipped between defined pelvic bones at the waist of his tightly belted leather pants. 

"Ready, babe?" His voice was even hotter. He somehow <i>knew</i>, perhaps subconsciously, that a lower, vibrating baritone would wreck her completely.

Elly shook herself back to reality. He was still talking. "Wh - wha..?"

"What's wrong, distracted by something? Some<i>one</i>?" His smile grew into a smug smirk as he gestured to his body. "Could it be that..." Hizashi leaned over her slowly until their foreheads were touching. His golden-green eyes with their concentric circles seemed to spin hypnotically and she whimpered as he got close. He licked his lips, his gaze dropping to her own, but moved past to whisper in her ear instead. " want me <i>that</i> bad?"


"M'gonna unzip and pull these babies down real careful. I won't be able to move that much 'cause they're tight, so I need some help to slip in, yeah?" He wriggled his leather pants and underwear down eagerly and she guided him with a gentle touch.

"Relax, baby," he promised with a twinkle in his eye. "You come first today, no matter what. We're all set, so lay there and let me do all the work." He thrust expetimentally and nodded, panting right away with his tongue hanging out. "And oh, that's good."

"This is so hot," she groaned, grabbing at his rear still partially molded to the leather pants. "Ohmigod, <i>Mic</i>, I want it fast. I want you to come in me so bad!"

Hizashi arched his back, thrusting more firmly. "Uh, uh, babygirl! I said <i>you're</i> coming <i>first</i>. Ya vlose already?"

She dug her nails in harder, whining as the electric feeling in her lower belly rose higher and higher. "Yes yes yes!"

"<i>There</i>," he gasped, "oh, thank fuck I'm gonna -!"

Of course Hizashi helped her pick an outfit for the interview afterward. Elly helped get him back into order, too and there was enough time for fussing over his hair to make sure it was perfect.

She was less nervous and it went well, especially since he was right by her side. 

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