Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Entangled hearts 5

 Hizashi stared at her for only a few seconds before acting. He bent his arms, lowering himself to kiss her deeply. They lay like this for some time, kissing now and then, until he just couldn't be quiet anymore.

"You want me, huh."

"I meant everything."

"I know what ya meant." He smiled, a sweet, slightly sappy smile that melted her heart. "But, uh, we better talk about <i>that</i> before we, uh..." He shrugged and rolled to the side, still cuddling her.

"Not much to talk about, is there? I'm on hero mandated birth control. The quirk user, so it's solid." She paused. "I also, um. Haven't been active for a couple years. I frequently test negative for anything since I don't do regular patrols."

Hizashi nodded. "Yeah, nah... me neither. I'm more into my side gigs these days than fightin' on the streets. And one night stands seemed more exciting as a kid, not a thirty-year-old."

"Do you want to see my latest tests?"

"Nah. I trust you. You're still on patrol, anyway, like me. They'd pull us if our blood got tainted."

"Then we're both clean."

"Looks like it." He nuzzled her neck affectionately. "I know this'll be our first time, but we've been together through more shit already than most couples have in their entire lives. I trust ya, and I hope you do me."


"I'll still wear a condom if you want. I think I got a couple around from Chiyo's <i>health incentive</i> last week." He shuddered at the memory. "She kept pushin' them on me. Finally ended up slipping them in my jacket when she thought I wasn't looking."


"I think she thought we were, uh, hooking up already." Hizashi shook his head in amazement as a thought came to him. "Do you think... naahhh."

Elly ran her fingers lightly through his puff of chest hair, toying with the curls. "What?"

"Mmn." His low hum of pleasure caused her to smile and he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Okay, I've got a theory but no yelling -"

"That's funny, coming from you!"

"Ha <i>ha</i>." Hizashi thought for a moment. "What if this was all carefully orchestrated? Kayama going places with me, her pushing all those condoms at me every chance she got. D'ya think she was trying to make this happen?"


"Got yer attention." He snickered, then yelped when she tugged on his hair. "Careful with that! I barely grow any in other places than my head, yo!"

"No, seriously... would she? Yeah, she <i>would</i>, wouldn't she?"

"She asked me a couple times if I needed help askin' someone out."

"Holy shit."

"Let's mess with her," Elly blurted out all at once.

"Wha?" He propped himself up on a hand and gave her a baffled look.

"Let's mess with her," she repeated, her eyes bright. "You know, prank her about it. Us."

Hizashi chuckled. "You're my girl, all right."

"So it's settled? Instead of letting everyone know right away, we'll play into her game, make like we're being sneaky hiding we're together." She kissed the tip of his nose.

"Deal." He rubbed his nose on hers after the kiss with a smile. "She needs to get the wind taken outta her sails now an' then or she gets insufferable. She'll <i>really</i> gloat if she thinks her little scheme worked."


"Now, where were we..?" He lifted himself up and over her once more, making sure he was secure but not weighing too heavily.

Elly reached out and touched the waistband of his slacks. "We were getting rid of these."

He shuddered with pleasure. "Yeah. Yeah, let's do that." 

They helped each other undress until both were nude under the sheets, their bodies touching with an indescribable heat that caused him to exclaim loudly.

"Holy shit, I'm burning up already and we haven't even started!"

"Well, you <i>are</i> hot!"

"Aw, <i>shit</i> Ches." 

"Are you blushing?"

Hizashi ducked his head, grinning. "Maybe, yo. I don't get called 'hot' a lot. And you're seeing everything."

She ran her hands lightly along his sides until she reached his waist, then slipped forward. "I sure am."

"Oh boy." His ears turned bright red and he gasped. "I'm, uh, oh... not gonna last if you keep -"

"Then let's go."

"You ready, baby?"

"Yes." Elly hugged his sides with her legs, her tail fluffing out to the side.

"Hang on," he husked in a curiously low voice.

In contrast to how she'd imagined he would be, Hizashi was very quiet. This was likely on purpose, since he might hurt her if he lost control of his quirk. His increasingly rough breathing and her cries were the only sounds besides the creak of the bedframe and the slap of their bellies together, until the end.

He made sure to raise his head to the ceiling as he shouted her name, and thankfully only a few paint chips fell.

He was, all in all, very pleased with himself. Everything had gone quite well.

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