Thursday, July 11, 2024

Instagram Recording

 Hizashi and his friend and colleague Aizawa Shota were sitting in the common area in the faculty dormitory, taking a break from school work for awhile to recharge. Aizawa was clicking randomly through television channels with a bored look on his face while his buddy checked his phone.

"Check it," he said excitedly, "I posted this last night. '<i>Just got done with a set @OutlandersClub</i>!' It was rockin'. And I think that's a sick photo, yeah?" Hizashi posed jokingly, flexing in his jacket and letting the light hit his neck speaker so it flashed bright in the sun. "That's one good shot of me as Mic!"

"You're an idiot," Aizawa grunted and gave up, tossing the remote onto the coffee table.

Hizashi shrugged, scrolling absently down the comments on his post but then froze, his finger twitching. "The <i>fuck</i>?"

<b>BeetsMe</b>: <i>LOL who's he looking at</i>

<b>Rand0mShppr89</b>: <i>He's waiting for Eraserhead cause they're married</i>

"Why they gotta do me like that?" He shoved the phone in Aizawa's face. "It's cool if they wanna do it in their fandom circles, but why they got to bring it up every. Fucking. Post I make?!"

Aizawa read the post and snorted. "Stupid," he said dismissively. "Look, we've been through this. The fans will insist their favorites are together. And we're both single, it's inevitable they would pair us with others."

"Yeah, others, not us. Why us?"

"We're seen together a lot."

"Yeah, 'cause you're my bud. <i>Ugh</i>!" He slammed the phone down on the arm of the couch. "If I could, I'd post a pic of me kissing, uhhhh... oh."

Elly raised her eyebrows from where she had crept up behind him. "Don't stop <i>there</i>," she chided him while Aizawa tried to stifle a laugh. "Who does Present Mic want to make out with... on camera, no less?" She placed her forearms on the back of the couch, grinning maniacally like her namesake.

"Uh, how the hell can I spin this so I don't sound like an asshole..?"

Her tail twitched as she leaned over, lifting his headphones off on one side to purr into his ear. "Me. You say it's me, you sexy beast. And then Aizawa films us making out like two horny ass teens." 

His jaw dropped, his sunglasses sliding down his nose to reveal bulging hazel eyes, the spirals thin with shock. "<i>Cheshire</i>!"

She giggled and snapped the can back on his ear. "What? I thought you loved DJing."

He twisted around to stare at her. "I do," he said slowly, his mind racing wildly as he looked at her in a new light. "I could spin <i>you</i> all night long, baby."

"Oooh, you talk big. But can you put your money where your mouth is?"

Hizashi reached up with one hand, placing it on the back of her neck. She willingly leaned into his touch and he lifted his head to reach, turning so his speaker didn't get in the way. They took their time and slowly, sensously deepened into a blistering soul kiss that would make most people blush to witness.

"Huh - holy <i>shit</i>," he gasped when they parted. "That was epic."


"Too bad I can't show everyone <i>that</i>! It'd shut 'em up for awhile."

Aizawa cleared his throat. Hizashi glanced over and was surprised to see him holding his phone. "I got it." 

"You <i>whaassst</i>?!"

"I recorded you two." He shrugged. "That was extremely disgusting to watch, by the way. You need to get a room or something."

"No way?!"

"You wanted it."

"You did say that," Elly reminded him, running her fingers lightly over one of his studded shoulderpads.

"I guess I did. Huh."

Aizawa handed it to him and stood. "Keep me out of it," he warned before he walked off down the hall.

"Weird how this worked out," Hizashi muttered.

"Because it <i>was</i> me, wasn't it." She tweaked one of his mustache points playfully.

"Yeah," he admitted with a sheepish grin. "I never thought you'd call me out on it, though."

"Good thing I did."

"Yeah," he said again, his grin growing wider. "Hey, if you want an American breakfast we better stop and pick some stuff up tonight."

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