Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mark 14

 "Ungh," Hizashi groaned as he checked his emails one sunny morning not long after the conversation with their neighbor. They were lounging on the couch after getting ready for the day, her in casual clothing and him in his DJ costume. "I'm not in the <i>mood</i> to be Mic yet."

"Aww, honey." She smiled affectionately at him. "You will. You just need more coffee."

He groaned. "It's the worst bullshit today. No gig. You remember, right?" He stared morosely at his neck gear and leather jacket draped over a chair.

She frowned. "Remember? Remember what?"

"Uh, it's the day my agent arranged an interview an' photos here." He winced. "I'm sorry. I got too caught up in our not-love triangle shit to remind you last night."

"Oh, no," she gasped, her ears flat with fear. "How do I - what do I <i>do</i>?!"

He turned around, smiling affectionately at her as he took her hands in his. "It's okay, baby. I fell in love with you, an' just being you is definitely enough."

"Sure, but what about your fans?!"

"Oh." He blinked. "Yeah, they can get a little pissy."

"I'm so <i>nervous</i>," she wailed.

"You'll be fine. I'll be right there, love, and I won't let anything happen you don't want to. An' besides, I wanna show you o-o-o-off! Please?"

"I've got to, I don't know, at least change!" She looked down at herself. Once again she was wearing one of Hizashi's promotional shirts, this time a black crop top with his name emblazoned in gold glitter paint. Jeans and a pair of sandals topped off the look.

"You're gorgeous, babe."

"For a photo shoot?!"

"Yeah! Why not?" He batted his eyelashes outrageously at her, knee-walking over while holding that trembly pout. "<i>Pretty please</i> wear that smokin' hot outfit? For me? Oh oh oh!" He leaped suddenly to his feet, grinning like a maniac. "I know how to get ya to say yes!"

"I wasn't going to say no!" She was laughing by this time, rolling back on the cushions.

"Mnnn..." He flashed her a cocky smile and crawled closer. Placing his hands firmly on her hips he gave her a look that she swore could have melted steel. "We got some time before the interview, sweetness. I say we put it to <i>very</i> good use."

"What are you suggesting exactly?"

"I'm <i>sayin'</i>..." He was far more confident dressed as his persona and he chuckled slyly. "You wanna fuck Present Mic, baby?"

Elly shivered, her ears folding back into her hair as she watched him watching her with those bright eyes of his. "But - but you're all dressed!"

"So <i>cute</i>!" His posture slouched and his expression slid easily into his more sheepish, casual self. "I promise we can do this with minimum mess. You okay? I thought this might be fun, 'specially since I know you were a fan."

"I'm still a fan," she corrected. 

"Oooooh! That gets me all wiggly inside. For real? Even though you know the really real me?"

Elly giggled. "Say <i>real</i> again, sweetie. I think you missed one."

"Awwww c'mon, be serious! I wanna make you totally relax, babe, an' I just <i>know</i> I can turn ya into jelly like this. Sound good? Yeah?"

"Yeah. Put your Mic back on."

This time he laughed as he gave her a thumbs-up. "Lay back, babygirl. I'm fixin' to rock your world."

She did, and he laid carefully on top of her. Hizashi smiled, a big, toothy grin with one eye squinted and the other wide open. It was a look he'd cultivated when he was playing up his persona and it hit her hard.

<i>Oh no oh shit oh fucking FUCK he's too sexy</i>!

He pulled his white shirt up with one hand, exposing his lightly muscled abdomen. He was smooth skinned except a single sparse puff of gold between his pectorals. A teasing trail dipped between defined pelvic bones at the waist of his tightly belted leather pants. 

"Ready, babe?" His voice was even hotter. He somehow <i>knew</i>, perhaps subconsciously, that a lower, vibrating baritone would wreck her completely.

Elly shook herself back to reality. He was still talking. "Wh - wha..?"

"What's wrong, distracted by something? Some<i>one</i>?" His smile grew into a smug smirk as he gestured to his body. "Could it be that..." Hizashi leaned over her slowly until their foreheads were touching. His golden-green eyes with their concentric circles seemed to spin hypnotically and she whimpered as he got close. He licked his lips, his gaze dropping to her own, but moved past to whisper in her ear instead. " want me <i>that</i> bad?"


"M'gonna unzip and pull these babies down real careful. I won't be able to move that much 'cause they're tight, so I need some help to slip in, yeah?" He wriggled his leather pants and underwear down eagerly and she guided him with a gentle touch.

"Relax, baby," he promised with a twinkle in his eye. "You come first today, no matter what. We're all set, so lay there and let me do all the work." He thrust expetimentally and nodded, panting right away with his tongue hanging out. "And oh, that's good."

"This is so hot," she groaned, grabbing at his rear still partially molded to the leather pants. "Ohmigod, <i>Mic</i>, I want it fast. I want you to come in me so bad!"

Hizashi arched his back, thrusting more firmly. "Uh, uh, babygirl! I said <i>you're</i> coming <i>first</i>. Ya vlose already?"

She dug her nails in harder, whining as the electric feeling in her lower belly rose higher and higher. "Yes yes yes!"

"<i>There</i>," he gasped, "oh, thank fuck I'm gonna -!"

Of course Hizashi helped her pick an outfit for the interview afterward. Elly helped get him back into order, too and there was enough time for fussing over his hair to make sure it was perfect.

She was less nervous and it went well, especially since he was right by her side. 

Entangled Hearts 6

 "Ohhhh, that's <i>soooo</i> good."

Kayama paused from where she'd been walking down the hall to listen in at the teacher's lounge. Present Mic wasn't known for low voices, after all, and the sound came through clear as if he was right there beside her.

The next <i>was</i> whispered though, with a hushed giggle that identified the person as Elly. "You want more, then?"

"Yeah, don't you dare stop."

She barged in triumphantly, eyes gleaming, only to find the two sitting on the couch with a paper bucket in front of them.

Hizashi turned his head, a puzzled look on his face with his cheek full and half a piece of fried chicken dangling out of his mouth. "Hwa'zzup, Kayama?"

Elly was frozen in place with her hand outstretched holding a freshly fried wing. "Hi Midnight. We found this new chicken place! Since it's both our favorite food we decided to grab some right away."

He chewed, then swallowed mightily. "Uh huh! You want a piece?"

Kayama frowned a little. "You guys are weird."

A few days later she rounded a corner headed towards the joint office where the teachers worked to hear more whispered speech in the lounge.

"Hurry up..!"

Hizashi groaned. "Babe, I already did it twice, it's too much."

Elly scoffed, then giggled. "It can never be too much."

Kayama tried opening the door quietly this time, sliding it as slowly as possible but they were waiting.

And just like last time, there they sat. They weren't even close together on the seats, there was at least a foot between them. 

Hizashi pushed his sunglasses up on his nose and grinned brightly at her. "Hey, Midnight! Got any requests for some impressions?"

"He's so good!"

"Yeah, just don't ask me to do one over and over again." He rolled his eyes dramatically. 

Some time passed before it happened again.

It was close to lunchtime and Kayama headed to Lunch Rush's cafeteria to nab something to eat before it got too crowded. She wasn't expecting to see the Voice Hero's plume of blond hair bobbing behind the line where the kitchen was.

She heard the counselor first, though she couldn't see her.

"You have to be more gentle," Elly said firmly. "You can't just grab them. Wrap your hands around them like this."

"Hey, they're much softer than I thought. Wow."

"What are you two <i>doing</i>?!" Kayama spluttered. "I'm up for kinky stuff, but in the kitch - ohhh?"

The tall man was indeed close to Elly, standing behind her with his arms around her... but they weten't touching. He was reaching around to the lightly floured counter where several blobs of white sat, unformed.

Hizashi held a rice cake out in his palm. "'Sup, Kayama?"

After many more incidents like these, Kayama began to get angry. She <i>knew</i> they were messing with her but couldn't shake the feeling the two were a couple.

The R-Rated Hero vowed that it would take a lot for her to fall for one of their tricks again, but it <i>was</i> her namesake and she was bound and determined to finally catch them. As she passed Elly's office one cloudy afternoon she heard what sounded suspiciously like kissing. Thinking it was likely another trick, she forced herself to turn around but this was followed by an unmistakable moan of pure pleasure.

She froze, listening.

"Shhhh, sweetie. We really don't want anyone to catch us this time."

"But you're so <i>goooood</i>." He whined softly. "I can't hold back."

"And you're sure this couldn't have waited until we were at your place."

"Couldn't wait another <i>second</i>, pretty kitty."

A sigh. "All right, you cheater. You <i>know</i> I can't resist when you give me those eyes. Take it off."

"Oh, <i>babygirl</i>." There was a long, long pause. Then, "Right there, right there. Don't stop."

Kayama's hands twitched.

"Harder," he pleaded in a trembling voice.

That was enough.

Kayama slammed open the door with a triumphant "<i>Aha</i>!" only to find she'd been had again.

There was Hizashi, sitting splay-legged on a chair with his head swinging freely forward and a look of sheer bliss on his face. His directional speaker lay on his jacket to one side of her desk while Elly massaged the back of his neck and shoulders.

"Damn it!" Kayama swore and slammed her hand on the doorframe. "<i>Are you two hooking up or not</i>?!"

"'Hooking up'?" The other woman flicked her furry ears once. "No way!"

"Whaaaaaat?!" Now she was almost screeching.

"Chill out," Hizashi grinned. "Hookin' up means like, casual shit. Me and Ches are <i>far</i> from casual. We're <i>seriously serious</i>."

"Wait, so you're -?"

"A couple. Yep."

She pursed her bright red lips and doubled down. "And that means you're..?"

Hizashi was ready. He spoke up in his very best, brightest and <i>robust</i> radio host voice. "Boning? Shagging?" He paused, looking up at Elly who was barely stifling her amusement. "Boot knockin'? Gettin' it <i>onnn</i>, doing some horizontal tango?"

She lost control and burst out laughing. "Zashi!"

He continued, unperturbed. "Boinking, porking, bumpin' uglies? Or maybe ya just prefer good ol' fashioned f-"


"....ffffffor-ni-cay-shun, what?" He blinked at her, wide-eyed and innocent.

Kayama glared at him with her eyelids lowered. She sighed. "So you two are fucking."

"Fuckin' in love," he agreed.

Both women groaned, though only one had a smile on her face.

Entangled hearts 5

 Hizashi stared at her for only a few seconds before acting. He bent his arms, lowering himself to kiss her deeply. They lay like this for some time, kissing now and then, until he just couldn't be quiet anymore.

"You want me, huh."

"I meant everything."

"I know what ya meant." He smiled, a sweet, slightly sappy smile that melted her heart. "But, uh, we better talk about <i>that</i> before we, uh..." He shrugged and rolled to the side, still cuddling her.

"Not much to talk about, is there? I'm on hero mandated birth control. The quirk user, so it's solid." She paused. "I also, um. Haven't been active for a couple years. I frequently test negative for anything since I don't do regular patrols."

Hizashi nodded. "Yeah, nah... me neither. I'm more into my side gigs these days than fightin' on the streets. And one night stands seemed more exciting as a kid, not a thirty-year-old."

"Do you want to see my latest tests?"

"Nah. I trust you. You're still on patrol, anyway, like me. They'd pull us if our blood got tainted."

"Then we're both clean."

"Looks like it." He nuzzled her neck affectionately. "I know this'll be our first time, but we've been together through more shit already than most couples have in their entire lives. I trust ya, and I hope you do me."


"I'll still wear a condom if you want. I think I got a couple around from Chiyo's <i>health incentive</i> last week." He shuddered at the memory. "She kept pushin' them on me. Finally ended up slipping them in my jacket when she thought I wasn't looking."


"I think she thought we were, uh, hooking up already." Hizashi shook his head in amazement as a thought came to him. "Do you think... naahhh."

Elly ran her fingers lightly through his puff of chest hair, toying with the curls. "What?"

"Mmn." His low hum of pleasure caused her to smile and he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Okay, I've got a theory but no yelling -"

"That's funny, coming from you!"

"Ha <i>ha</i>." Hizashi thought for a moment. "What if this was all carefully orchestrated? Kayama going places with me, her pushing all those condoms at me every chance she got. D'ya think she was trying to make this happen?"


"Got yer attention." He snickered, then yelped when she tugged on his hair. "Careful with that! I barely grow any in other places than my head, yo!"

"No, seriously... would she? Yeah, she <i>would</i>, wouldn't she?"

"She asked me a couple times if I needed help askin' someone out."

"Holy shit."

"Let's mess with her," Elly blurted out all at once.

"Wha?" He propped himself up on a hand and gave her a baffled look.

"Let's mess with her," she repeated, her eyes bright. "You know, prank her about it. Us."

Hizashi chuckled. "You're my girl, all right."

"So it's settled? Instead of letting everyone know right away, we'll play into her game, make like we're being sneaky hiding we're together." She kissed the tip of his nose.

"Deal." He rubbed his nose on hers after the kiss with a smile. "She needs to get the wind taken outta her sails now an' then or she gets insufferable. She'll <i>really</i> gloat if she thinks her little scheme worked."


"Now, where were we..?" He lifted himself up and over her once more, making sure he was secure but not weighing too heavily.

Elly reached out and touched the waistband of his slacks. "We were getting rid of these."

He shuddered with pleasure. "Yeah. Yeah, let's do that." 

They helped each other undress until both were nude under the sheets, their bodies touching with an indescribable heat that caused him to exclaim loudly.

"Holy shit, I'm burning up already and we haven't even started!"

"Well, you <i>are</i> hot!"

"Aw, <i>shit</i> Ches." 

"Are you blushing?"

Hizashi ducked his head, grinning. "Maybe, yo. I don't get called 'hot' a lot. And you're seeing everything."

She ran her hands lightly along his sides until she reached his waist, then slipped forward. "I sure am."

"Oh boy." His ears turned bright red and he gasped. "I'm, uh, oh... not gonna last if you keep -"

"Then let's go."

"You ready, baby?"

"Yes." Elly hugged his sides with her legs, her tail fluffing out to the side.

"Hang on," he husked in a curiously low voice.

In contrast to how she'd imagined he would be, Hizashi was very quiet. This was likely on purpose, since he might hurt her if he lost control of his quirk. His increasingly rough breathing and her cries were the only sounds besides the creak of the bedframe and the slap of their bellies together, until the end.

He made sure to raise his head to the ceiling as he shouted her name, and thankfully only a few paint chips fell.

He was, all in all, very pleased with himself. Everything had gone quite well.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Instagram Recording

 Hizashi and his friend and colleague Aizawa Shota were sitting in the common area in the faculty dormitory, taking a break from school work for awhile to recharge. Aizawa was clicking randomly through television channels with a bored look on his face while his buddy checked his phone.

"Check it," he said excitedly, "I posted this last night. '<i>Just got done with a set @OutlandersClub</i>!' It was rockin'. And I think that's a sick photo, yeah?" Hizashi posed jokingly, flexing in his jacket and letting the light hit his neck speaker so it flashed bright in the sun. "That's one good shot of me as Mic!"

"You're an idiot," Aizawa grunted and gave up, tossing the remote onto the coffee table.

Hizashi shrugged, scrolling absently down the comments on his post but then froze, his finger twitching. "The <i>fuck</i>?"

<b>BeetsMe</b>: <i>LOL who's he looking at</i>

<b>Rand0mShppr89</b>: <i>He's waiting for Eraserhead cause they're married</i>

"Why they gotta do me like that?" He shoved the phone in Aizawa's face. "It's cool if they wanna do it in their fandom circles, but why they got to bring it up every. Fucking. Post I make?!"

Aizawa read the post and snorted. "Stupid," he said dismissively. "Look, we've been through this. The fans will insist their favorites are together. And we're both single, it's inevitable they would pair us with others."

"Yeah, others, not us. Why us?"

"We're seen together a lot."

"Yeah, 'cause you're my bud. <i>Ugh</i>!" He slammed the phone down on the arm of the couch. "If I could, I'd post a pic of me kissing, uhhhh... oh."

Elly raised her eyebrows from where she had crept up behind him. "Don't stop <i>there</i>," she chided him while Aizawa tried to stifle a laugh. "Who does Present Mic want to make out with... on camera, no less?" She placed her forearms on the back of the couch, grinning maniacally like her namesake.

"Uh, how the hell can I spin this so I don't sound like an asshole..?"

Her tail twitched as she leaned over, lifting his headphones off on one side to purr into his ear. "Me. You say it's me, you sexy beast. And then Aizawa films us making out like two horny ass teens." 

His jaw dropped, his sunglasses sliding down his nose to reveal bulging hazel eyes, the spirals thin with shock. "<i>Cheshire</i>!"

She giggled and snapped the can back on his ear. "What? I thought you loved DJing."

He twisted around to stare at her. "I do," he said slowly, his mind racing wildly as he looked at her in a new light. "I could spin <i>you</i> all night long, baby."

"Oooh, you talk big. But can you put your money where your mouth is?"

Hizashi reached up with one hand, placing it on the back of her neck. She willingly leaned into his touch and he lifted his head to reach, turning so his speaker didn't get in the way. They took their time and slowly, sensously deepened into a blistering soul kiss that would make most people blush to witness.

"Huh - holy <i>shit</i>," he gasped when they parted. "That was epic."


"Too bad I can't show everyone <i>that</i>! It'd shut 'em up for awhile."

Aizawa cleared his throat. Hizashi glanced over and was surprised to see him holding his phone. "I got it." 

"You <i>whaassst</i>?!"

"I recorded you two." He shrugged. "That was extremely disgusting to watch, by the way. You need to get a room or something."

"No way?!"

"You wanted it."

"You did say that," Elly reminded him, running her fingers lightly over one of his studded shoulderpads.

"I guess I did. Huh."

Aizawa handed it to him and stood. "Keep me out of it," he warned before he walked off down the hall.

"Weird how this worked out," Hizashi muttered.

"Because it <i>was</i> me, wasn't it." She tweaked one of his mustache points playfully.

"Yeah," he admitted with a sheepish grin. "I never thought you'd call me out on it, though."

"Good thing I did."

"Yeah," he said again, his grin growing wider. "Hey, if you want an American breakfast we better stop and pick some stuff up tonight."

Birthday 2024 (Hizashi)

 Another year, another birthday.

Elly had already hung her paper on the bamboo display in the common area of the faculty dorm and was on her way to greet the birthday boy. Tonight a group of them would gather at a bar with him for drinks and food, but she wanted a small moment alone.

She knocked and he pulled the door open immediately, backing up so she could enter.

"Hey!" He grinned and threw double finger guns her way in a jaunty manner. This wasn't an unusual greeting but for some reason she responded differently. Maybe it was the excitement of the day or the previous battle they had survived, but when he faced her with his arms thrown wide she leaped forward.

Elly met him in a hug.

Though Hizashi was startled, he reacted by instinctively hugging back. And when she didn't let go right away he squeezed tighter, wrapping his arms more firmly around the smaller woman and bending down to be closer.

They stayed like this for a long time. Several people passed by the open door meaning to congratulate him, but quickly spun around when they noticed the situation.

Yagi, however, was startled enough to cough. His eyes widened and he covered his mouth, hacking up a tiny amount of blood.

Hizashi raised his head, blinking to focus. When he saw the skeletal man standing there stunned he grinned sheepishly and gave him a thumb's-up  behind her back.

"Oh! Uh, I'm terribly sorry, Yamada... Ms. Cheshire." He darted back down the hallway where the others had gone but the noise startled Elly. She gasped with mortification, unaware how long she'd been clutching onto the voice hero like a living stuffed animal.

"Ohmigod!" Jerking backwards too fast she wobbled on her feet, her tail swishing for balance.

"Careful, babe!" Hizashi steadied her with a hand on her shoulder.

"H - how long was that. No, Zashi, don't answer, I know it was <i>too long</i>!" Her breathing picked up as she panicked. "Oh man, ohhh boy, I did <i>not</i> mean to do something that awkward, I'm sorry." Elly rubbed the bridge of her nose with one hand, groaning loudly. "It's just that your hug, it was..." She frowned, her eyes softening. "It was so <i>perfect</i>."

"Perfect?" His

"Um. Yeah. Warm and strong and something I can't place that I've never felt before," she admitted quietly. "I'm sorry I held on too long."

He rubbed her shoulder gently in a soothing manner. "Was it safe?"


He stepped close again, his golden eyes serious. "Did it make you feel <i>safe</i>, like I'd never let anyone hurt you?"

Elly bit her lip, not really knowing what to say. "Hizashi -"

"'Cause I won't. That's what <i>I</i> felt." He slowly slipped his arms around her again, staring deeply into her eyes all the while. "Like the only hero I need to be is yours."


"So... uh. You wanna go for round two?"

This time she reached up, placing one palm gently on the nape of his neck. Once there her fingertips brushed the short, feathered hair and she stroked it softly.

He shivered a little. "This was a good birthday gift, yo."

"What, me?"

"Yeah." He chuckled.