"King of my Heart - 8"
orig. 12/21/2018
BNHA Elly (Cheshire) x Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Inspired by "King of my Heart" by Taylor Swift
Inspired by "King of my Heart" by Taylor Swift
Non-Canon based off manga/anime
After MCing an event the next day, he picked her up and they went out to eat.
"I wanna know more about you." He set his glass down and reached over to hold her hand. "I mean, we've talked so much but I know there's always more and I don't even know where to start, like maybe what you were like growing up and-"
"Take a breath, Zashi." She smiled when he inhaled deeply. "Well... I don't want to spoil the good time we're having." He watched, concern growing as her ears slowly folded back. "I didn't have a great childhood."
"You can tell me whatever you want, whenever. Don't worry, you can't ruin anything!"
"Since you asked and I care a lot about you, I guess you should know." She frowned and he reached across with his other hand to lightly stroke her wrist. "I got hurt a lot," she said, trying to keep things as simple as possible. "Everywhere I went. And.." Hizashi's green eyes were wider than wide as he listened. She found that looking into them helped and rushed on before she lost her nerve. "I'm bipolar."
"Are you apologizing?" He sounded genuinely confused. "That's nothing to be sorry about, baby."
"Did I - I don't know. Was I?"
"Sounded like it." He squeezed her hand. "You shouldn't. It's a part of you, and I like you."
She bit her lip. "So many others said I was too much hassle, even my family" she choked, her true fear surfacing. "I can have bad depressive episodes, and..."
"I'm not going to leave you." He got up from his chair and walked over to hers, causing some diners to glance quickly at them. Ignoring everyone else, he bent and hugged her. "I will not. Leave you."
She held back her tears and nodded dumbly. He kissed the top of her head affectionately and gave her a final squeeze before sitting back down. "Are you okay to eat?" A sad shake to her head. "You wanna get take out and go back to my place?" Elly sighed and nodded gratefully this time. She really didn't want to be alone right now, but it was too public here.
Hizashi got the food and his girl safely back to his apartment, though he was worried the entire time. She was so quiet, and he could feel the worry radiating off her although he had tried his best to lighten the mood by making small talk in a low, soothing tone. Elly sighed and immediately sat down on his couch, pulling the leopard-print pillow on the far side against her to hug like a small child.
He blinked. "Are you still hungry?"
"No. Maybe later?"
"That's fine. Let me put this..." He grunted and shelved the small containers away in his fridge. "Away, there. Okay. Let's talk, then."
"Yeah." She smiled wearily at him. "I've had psychology training, and I know it will be good to let you know about my past, but... my mind does what it does." She shrugged. "Even if I understand what's happening, it still happens."
"That's okay." He sat beside her and motioned for her to cuddle close. She did that, and was silent for such a long time that he was about to speak when she finally began.
"I'll try and keep this as short as possible, for now. There's so much more, but, eh. You know. So..." She took a deep breath while he stroked her hair as she rested against his side. "I got sick when I was young. Tired, fainting, a bunch of other stuff. Went to all these doctors, hospitals and series after series of testing done for all sorts of diseases."
"Mmm, let me guess." He kissed the top of her head when she looked up at him. "They didn't find anything?"
"Right." She sighed. "So they said it was mental, not physical. My - my family did not like that. At all. When a psychologist confirmed it, they sent me to a psychiatrist, too..."
"I'm gonna feel dumb here, but, uh, what's the difference? Between those two, I mean?"
"A psychologist works on therapy. The psychiatrist can prescribe medication as well."
"Uh oh," he muttered.
"Yeah." She shivered, and he held her tighter. "I was barely a teenager. They forced me to take all these pills - and let's face it, antidepressants are mind-altering drugs. They made me take so many my brain didn't develop right. Now they say you should never give kids higher doses, be - because," she gulped air and he rubbed gently behind one of her ears. He wasn't sure, but Shota said cats liked it and he wanted to calm her. He was pleased to see it worked a little. Elly took a shuddering breath and snuggled closer, pressing her face in his side. "My memory isn't good," she said, voice muffled by his shirt. "I can't remember like most people can. I only remember a bunch of bad things from growing up, and my short term gets wonky now and then, too."
"Yeah, I'm a mess." She let out a shrill, hysterical giggle and then sniffled. "I've been treated badly by a lot of people because of the way I get. Like this," she indicated the state she was in with a wave of her hand. "I'm told it gets... that I get, difficult to handle. Impossible, even." She ended up speaking so quietly that he could barely hear her.
Hizashi was aghast that someone he felt so strongly for could have been treated so badly. "My poor baby," he choked. "That's not right. I would do anything for you, and if that means sitting here while you feel crappy and cry it all out, go for it."
"I guess... I mean, I don't just have bad moments, Zashi. I can be like this for days sometimes. You've actually been seeing the manic side of me - which, by the way, seems to thrive around you." She smiled at his confusion. "It's all right. You're not going to understand everything right away. But if you want me, and st - stay with me..." Her eyes filled with sudden tears, the smile crumpling.
"Who hurt you?" He asked so intently that she was shocked out of her self-pity.
"Anyone that mattered." She shrugged. "Especially the men in my life. So, you can see why I was scared when I told you."
"I'd like to find them and beat the shit out of them." His eyes swirled with rage. He was staring angrily out into the distance, and she felt his entire body tense.
"Hizashi!" Elly was shocked.
"No one should have hurt you like that." He lost control of his quirk momentarily, the low growl causing smaller objects in the home to jerk about like a small, very localised earthquake. The sound of the window frame rattling snapped him back to his senses, however. "Oops! Err, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just really feel that way."
"I think it's about the nicest thing any guy has said to me."
"Aw." He blushed a little, and used a finger to push his glasses back on his nose. "But how can I help? Did I do okay today?"
"You were perfect. I just need support, and for you to nudge me, ask what I need if you don't know."
"I can do that," he said, then added, "So... uh, speaking of that, can I make you feel better now? Anything?"
"You can," she murmured. "Sometimes nothing makes me feel better, Zashi, you need to know it's not your fault. But tonight... I want to know you're still attracted to me."
"Mmm? You want proof, is that it?"
"Yeah." She wriggled around until she was facing him. "You sound weird. Is that bad?"
"I can tell you, but that won't be enough," he said softly. "I can make love to you, but if we go too far, you'll wonder if it was just sex." He rolled her slowly back until she was laying down and knelt carefully on top. "I don't want you to ever think that."
Her face burned. "Hi - Hizashi?"
"You'll have to settle for something a little in-between," he whispered in her ear, his hand cupping the back of her neck. "Is that okay? Baby?" He paused, then kissed her on the forehead when she didn't answer.
"I'm not going to do anything until you tell me it's okay."
"Wh - what do you want to do?"
"If you want me to," he stressed, "I'm going to make us both feel good. Without," he added, kissing her on the lips this time, "taking our clothes off."
"Wanna see?" He raised his eyebrows at her.
Elly toyed playfully with his necklaces. "Hmm...yes. It sounds fun."
"I hope so." Hizashi's chest heaved with a slow, deep breath. He reached for her, reminding himself to go -slow-.
"Zashi," she purred enthusiastically when his hands gently rubbed her breasts. He kissed her more seriously, squeezing the soft flesh in his hands and rubbing the hardened nipples. She tossed her head on the fuzzy couch pillow she was resting on, grasping his shoulders tightly.
"Yes." He lowered his raised hips to hers, allowing her to feel the firmness of his body through the soft khakis he wore. "Wh - what are you..."
"W - want me to stop?" Hizashi bit his lip. He didn't want to stop and he was barely holding back now, but if she said ...
"Don't stop," she husked, pulling him eagerly towards her.
That was all he needed to hear. With a soft cry he canted his hips, rubbing against her as he kissed her deeply. He felt a wild thrill when she began moaning, bucking into his movements.
"God, baby, it's like we're teenagers," he gasped. "This feels so amazing!" Hizashi slowed as he spoke, then gasped hoarsely. She saw his hand flex on the couch beside her, digging deep into the fabric. He was breathing in soft, hurried pants that were driving her wild.
"Zashi, are you close?"
"So close," he whimpered, eyes squeezed shut. His habit of biting at his lip enthralled her and when he did it once more she pulled him back and sucked on it with a catlike growl.
"Mfft!" His eyes flew open, the spirals in his pupils thinning as they dilated briefly. He opened his mouth and kissed her lingeringly as his pace slowed, then stopped.
He would have kept kissing her but she writhed underneath him and he realized she hadn't been satisfied yet. "Ah, hold on. I think I'd better clean up or I'm going to make you even more of a mess. Just a sec!"
He leaped off the couch and rushed into another room off the small hall. She assumed one was a bedroom, the other a bathroom and nodded when she heard the sink running. Although she was all tensed up in her lower belly and really hoping he would hurry, she couldn't help smiling when she heard him muttering under his breath.
"Where the hell did I put those - ah, shit! Wait, no, these'll do."
Hizashi strode out of the back with an apologetic grin. He was wearing just about the cutest sweatpants she had ever seen - black and white, with the keys of a piano down the sides of both legs.
"Oh my god," she breathed. "Those are so cute."
"Heh." He dipped his head down, shyly avoiding her gaze for a moment. "It was all I had left. I didn't do the laundry yet." He climbed back on the couch, grinning widely. "You ready?" She said nothing, but he felt her jerk wildly towards his hand when he rubbed the front of her jeans. "I'd say that's a big old 'yes'," he murmured approvingly.
He used his hand as best he could, kissing her softly and listening to her moan and fuss under his body. He thought he knew the problem, but was not going to mention it unless she brought it up.
Moments later, she did, whimpering with tears standing in her eyes. "I want - I need, Zashi, help, I c - cuh - can't..!"
"Difficult with the heavy jeans, huh?" He kissed her cheek, stroking her side locks out of the way. "How about this, then?" He unbuttoned the top of the slacks, then grasped the zipper. "Hmm? Should be easier for you through your panties. Still not taking anything off, okay?"
"Yes, please!" She gasped as he reached inside with a finger and dragged it across the black swatch of silk he found inside.
"Woooow. You're really wet." He deftly plucked at the folds slicked against her underwear, then rubbed. "Ahhh, better?" He smiled and dropped his head to her neck when she began moaning his name. "Let me know... slower? Faster?"
"Perfect," she groaned.
"Oh, you like that? Like this?"
"I'll never hurt you," he husked in her ear as she started to tremble, her nails digging lightly into his back. "I want to make you feel good..."
"So good!" She cried out and he slowed his finger, drawing the last bits of pleasure gently down until her body relaxed in his arms.
"Mission accomplished." He smiled at her blushing face and kissed her sweetly on the nose.
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