Present Mic/Els
He smiled sweetly at her. "I know how hot I make you when I'm in my costume."
He laughed and waggled a finger at her. "No, no, I'm not Hizashi now baby. I'm Present Mic!"
"Oh god." She sat down heavily on the bed, cheeks burning.
Mic pulled at the huge collar on his jacket. "This is the old outfit, so don't feel like you can't touch." He wriggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. "I really, really want you to touch."
"How about we do a little grateful damsel-in-distress bit?" Her face must have revealed more than she thought, for he walked quickly over and wrapped his arms around her. "Aw, princess. You know it's just for fun. I never had a girl act that way when rescued, and even if they did I wouldn't accept. You're the only one for me."
She chuckled, embarrassed. "It's stupid, I know. I just..."
"Uh uh," he shook his head, his massive hair rustling behind him. "However you feel is not stupid. I'm more than happy to try another scenario, if you'd like."
"It's okay, I want to do it. Now." She closed her eyes and held her arms out. "You can start by picking me up. I love it when you hold me."
"That gives me an awesome idea," he said, chuckling as he obeyed. He sat on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs a bit, and settled her on his lap facing him.
"You going to wear your speaker?"
"Mm hmm. Give you the whooooole package, sweet thing." He sighed deeply and snuggled her closer, wrapping his leather-clad arms around her and enveloping her in his bubblegum- and-leather scent. Elly rested her forehead on his and closed her eyes, purring.
"Your arms feel so strong around me," she whispered happily.
"Aw, cute." Mic kissed her cheek.
"Mmm, you're cuter in your hero costume."
"Well, then." He raised his eyebrows. "That brings me to my other idea." He reached down and pulled her more in contact with his groin. She gasped when she felt him through the soft leather. "I also happen to know you love clothed sex. How about it, babygirl? Wanna ride?" He grinned wickedly at her when she stared back at him, speechless. Fidgeting around, he managed to unbuckle and unzip just enough below to pull his hard length out. "Awwww, yeahhhhh. You want to thank me for saving your sexy ass?"
"Oh, Mic," she shivered, then craned her neck to whisper in his ear. "I thought heroes didn't need rewards." His member twitched eagerly between them as she spoke.
"No, but I'll be happy to take one if offered." He gave her a little leer, running his hands down her back. "And you're offering, aren't you?"
"I'll do anything for you, Voice Hero." She gripped him in her palm, squeezing lightly.
He sucked in a great breath of air. "Anything?"
She reached up and pulled his reflective glasses down a little so she could stare into his eyes. "How about I suck you off?"
"Ha - ahh, shit!" He started to squirm as she slipped off his lap to kneel on the ground. "Baby, wait, I want that more'n anything, but don't you wanna..?"
"What I want is your cock in my mouth, Present Mic."
"Ahhh!" Her words and grip were inflaming him. He dug his hands into the bedsheets, twisting them as she slowly traced the pulsing vein along his length with the tip of her tongue.
"You're so big," she whispered reverently, kissing his throbbing head and tugging on the close-fitting leather encasing his thighs. "I don't know if I can fit all this in my mouth." He wheezed pathetically, his great mass of hair rustling behind him as he shook. "You okay, Mic? Want me to stop talking?"
"Don't stop," he choked. "I like it. You're such a naughty girl."
"Ooh, Mikey likes it when I talk dirty." Elly saw this was indeed true. Excited fluids were bubbling up from his tip to slide down the length of his shaft. She sucked these off with a soft sound and told him in exquisite detail how utterly delicious he was. "I bet it's better when you come, all thick and milky." She was silent for awhile as she greedily slipped him as far down her throat as she could. She was careful not to go too far and activate her gag reflex, as that could easily kill the mood. She slurped noisily, twirling her tongue in intricate patterns as he whined loudly from the bed. The sounds alone were destroying him. The dirty talking was one thing, but listening to her suck on him was what was going to finally do him in. And still she kept on, urging him to orgasm faster and faster. She pulled back, letting him slide out of her mouth to fall heavily on his thigh.
"You're close, aren't you?" He nodded frantically. "All right, then. Watch me this time."
Mic hiccupped. "W - watch?" He looked, and before he knew it he was there. Seeing her kiss him while moaning his hero name softly in pleasure was too much. He grabbed for the back of her head to pat it in warning. She responded with a low hum, and he realized how devastating that action really was when he felt the gentle vibrations. He came hard, thrusting his hips and crying out. Amazingly, she tightened her lips and suckled harder.
"God, baby, what are you trying to do, suck me dry?!" He shrieked, extra careful not to activate his quirk. "No no, don't stop! Softer, softer... please, yes!"
She waited until he stopped bucking gently before backing away. There was too much semen for her to comfortably swallow, and she had let it pool out the corners of her mouth onto a nearby towel they had placed nearby. She tapped his legs in a silent command for him to stay still and he complied, sighing when she used another section of it to wipe him clean.
"I get the hum now, really I do," he panted.
"Well, sort of. Your ability amps it up a lot."
"If you let me rest a little, I'll see what I can do about testing it out more."
"In your costume?" She raised an eyebrow, smiling.
"Of course, babe."
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