Hizashi was directed to his friend the moment he walked into the common area that evening. Several of their colleagues noticed the counselor's distraught state after watching the news. Turns out the stress was too much for her and this made him worry.
When she opened the door to her room upon his playful tapping she looked terrible. Elly's ears were drooping, her eyes red and teary with hectic blotches of color on her cheeks. She let him in and collapsed onto the bed, rolling up to hide.
Hizashi, of course, had nothing even resembling a filter and said the first thing that came to mind. "Aw, babe, you look like shit!"
"Thanks," she muttered.
"You know what I mean." He turned and locked the door, certain this was going to be an all-nighter. "The guys told me you needed some help."
"Maybe." Elly curled up into an even tighter ball with her tail around her and sniffled. "But I'd rather you not see me like this," she admitted with a groan. "I'm not my best right now."
"That's why I'm here, yo." The bed dipped as he sat down next to her. "I wanna help. Tell me what you need or hey, you know, whatever. 'Kay?" He waited for a few seconds, growing more concerned when she didn't speak. Although worried he thought it would be best to let her open up when she wanted to. It took a lot of control, but instead of pressing further he reached out to stroke her hair instead.
"I feel like shit."
"Maybe it's me and I gotta run my mouth... tell me to shut up if you want. Or to leave. But it's okay to show me your other sides. Everybody's got shitty days, some more'n others for whatever reason."
She groaned as she sat up. "I'm angry and depressed and - hell, too many things. Kinda afraid you won't like me anymore after you hear it all."
Hizashi snorted loudly. "Babe, there is seriously <i>nothing</i> that will stop me from liking you." He paused when his fingers came into contact with one of her furry ears. "Um. Is it okay if I pet these?"
They twitched and she shrugged. "Yeah. Only because it's you, though."
"Oho..! So I'm <i>special</i>."
Elly grunted but then sighed and leaned towards him as he carefully rubbed the velvety fur. "Don't let it inflate your ego, Mr. DJ."
"Me?! Never."
"So... can I ask?"
"Bleah. It's all so stupid. Worse, as a therapist I <i>know</i> how to handle my feelings."
"You were watching the news."
She nodded. "Some of the new villians got me upset. There's not enough fighting against them all mixed in with my usual fears and anxieties."
"You filled up." He shrugged. "Everybody's got a limit, yeah? I know a little of what you told me about your past and am amazed you held out this long. You're super strong, babe."
"I don't feel strong right now."
"You need to recharge is all. I can help with that." Hizashi curled an arm around her and smiled when she wriggled close. They sat in silence for awhile, until a soft sigh and her body posture told him she'd relaxed.
"So, uh, how about we get comfy." He pointed at the head of the bed. "Lemme scoot over and we can sleep tog - err, go to bed - err..." His blush intensified as he struggled to find a way to say it without insinuating anything. "Um. <i>Fall asleep</i> together, yeah? That sound good?"
Elly looked up at him in pure adoration, her eyes dark and very soft. "That sounds perfect."
"On top of the covers with the fuzzy blanket?" He picked it up and motioned for her to join him.
"<i>Definitely</i> with the fuzzy blanket."
He put his phone and glasses beside hers on the end table. "I texted everyone we're sleeping. Do not disturb ...<i>or else</i>." He growled in mock anger at the sheer arrogance of anyone daring to interrupt them.
"Good." She laughed, cuddling into his side.
"You want thigh or breast meat, baby? I can turn around -"
Now Elly had to muffle her giggles in her hands. "Hizashi!"
"Whaaaat? I gotta know so I can get situated." He faced her and she purred, happily burrowing into his chest. "This better?"
"Yeah. Everything is better when you're around."
His ears burned hotter. "That's good," he murmured.
"I said, uh, good night."
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