Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 Elly vigorously massaged her temple with her fingers from both hands. Being a therapist at the top Hero School for teenagers made for some interesting sessions...

...and then there were other, less intense moments.

She stared at the email she'd gotten for one more long minute and took a deep breath before typing.

<i>It's okay to have "headcanons" about heroes, but remember that</i> reality exists <i>and they aren't always true. For example, Present Mic is not deaf. I've watched him turn around as a person asked him a question from behind.</i>

Elly paused, gathering her thoughts. She'd already stressed the importance of dreaming and the thought process in previous emails. These two had also been told why believing your heroes had the same afflictions or desires was important for your psyche. She needed for them to understand communication - and <i>tone</i> -- was key.

"All right, let's try this..."

<i>Having fantasies and dreaming about whatever you like is normal. When you post them</i> online, <i>you open yourself to others that don't agree with you. And they may see it as an attack against what</i> they <i>believe is the truth. 

You say those that "hate headcanons" are "annoying" and then say "let people have fun" by posting them. Most would gladly do this, but they do not like your continued</i> insistence <i>that you are right. If you simply post and have fun that's fine. But lately, you have been adding "fight me" and "I'm 100% right, get over it losers" to your posts. You can see why this is triggering for your friends, right?

Both sides need to respect each other, and the person that blocked you</i> was respecting you <i>because they chose to not listen or engage with your very hostile arguments on your behalf.</i>

Elly folded her ears firmly back and highlighted one last part:

<i><b>TLDR; Most people are nice. They're kind, they think of themselves as Good People.

Those same people will respond with hostility if you hit them with it first. You're not owed sympathy and compassion if you insist on treating everyone around you with unjustified contempt.</i></b>

She straightened up and rubber her eyes with both hands, yawning. As she rolled her chair back to rest a bit she heard the door snicker open and Present Mic stuck his head in.

"Hey, what'cha doing?"

Elly rubbed her aching neck with one hand. "Ugh... diffusing an online situation between classmates. This has been going on for awhile and I'm trying to talk some sense into them." 

"They fighting?"

"Kind of. One likes to write fanfics and is struggling with negative comments when they put them online. They're argumentative and pushy, and it sets their friends off. That's when it hits the fan and they contact me." She picked up her coffee for a sip.

He nodded vigorously. "Huh. I know what you mean. I gotta shipper in my last class that wholeheartedly believes I'm raw doggin' Aizawa."

Elly spit coffee out all over her keyboard. "<i>Mic!</i>"

He snickered. "Made you stop frowning for a second."

"Honestly..." She sighed, dabbing at her desk with a wad of tissues, though he could see her lips twitching in the hint of a smile.

"Wanna go get coffee after yer done? My treat, since, you know." He gestured at the spill. 


"Don't worry. They know I'm really bonin' you. They like writing that other shit, though." He walked around to her side of the desk.

Elly rolled her eyes. "<i>Hizashi</i> -"

"Kidding! I don't talk like that. They, uh, do know we're a couple though. You dropped off my lunch the other day, remember?"

"Oh, yeah."

"They made a bunch of dorky comments about that." Hizashi rolled his eyes. "Anyways..." He leaned down to give her a quick peck on the cheek before she stood. "C'mon, babe, you seriously need a break."

"Okay, okay. Not gonna argue."

Hizashi playfully swat her rear as she walked by with a chuckle. "Maybe we could engage in some gross PDA when we get near the front? That exact class let out and I wanna traumatize them a little."

She giggled wickedly.

Retreat (Hizashi)

 Elly kept arguing against these "togetherness" retreats but someone higher up the school chain of command apparently loved them. Both her and Hound Dog's protests were ignored, as usual, and here they were... again.

He took it in stride, though. The cat counselor, on the other hand, was furious. She made sure <i>everyone</i> knew that she found these oversharing and forced "bonding" sessions ridiculous for any number of reasons.

She knew she was letting it get to her too much, however, when the others nudged Hizashi to shut her up. He could effectively silence her at any moment, even mid-tirade, with a simple smile.

Elly had to admit they <i>did</i> choose wonderful resorts and sites for these. Even if she didn't like the reason she was there she enjoyed her stay every time. This one was a sumptious five-star hotel with a great restaurant, beautiful suites and a spa, which is where they were currently. The teachers settled into a room surrounded by windows built for meditation or perhaps yoga. They were near Mount Fuji and the wilderness was a sparkling, snow-covered wonderland. She looked around and chose a sun-warmed spot, curling her tail around her and groaning with only a little irritation.

Her annoyance faded when Hizashi strolled in and made for the space beside her right away after only a cursory glance around the room. He sat next to her on a floor pillow and took her hand in his, beaming at her so brightly she wondered how he didn't blot out the sun.

"Good mornin', babe!"

"Good morning." She sighed, still unsure about everything.

"Aw, ya don't <i>sound</i> like it's very good." He gently rubbed his thumb across her hand as the head of this exercise walked in the middle of the pillow piles to greet them. She was a small, middle-aged woman wearing a tie-dyed shirt and khaki pants with woven sandals.

The woman clapped her palms gently together. "My name is Uchi Tokeru, and my quirk is going to help us understand each other better today."

"Relax, nothing's gonna go wrong when I'm here." Hizashi squeezed Elly's hand gently.

She smiled, geniunely touched but also amused. "Oh? You're going to make this not suck?"


Uchi ignored them and continued with her speech. "Now, for our first exercise, you're going to show your colleague how you feel about them by touching anywhere on their face..."

Hizashi turned to Elly with a lopsided grin. Their eyes met and, before either of them knew what was happening their mouths were softly pressing together.

Yagi looked over casually from where he was sitting and started coughing loudly. "Oh my - Yamada and Ms. Elly..!"

"That's one way to do it, I guess," Snipe drawled comically.

Soon everyone was either staring, stunned, or hooting and whistling. The couple was oblivious at first and deepened the kiss, their heads moving as their tongues touched. Hizashi's hand reached up to gently caress her cheek, his eyebrows drawn up tight with emotion. Elly's cat ears melted down on either side of her head, her tail fluffing out behind her.

Yagi looked away, blushing furiously.

"What the hell is your quirk?!" Ken choked. The cement man was having a difficult time accepting what was happening, averting his eyes and blushing.

"It causes people to react truthfully to my suggestions," she said with a shrug. "The stronger the emotion behind them, the more power it has."

"Truthfully? They're joined at the lip!"

"Ugh." Aizawa cracked his lone eye open and cringed at what he saw in front of him. "Why did I <i>look</i>."

"Well." The guide blinked at the shocked group. "There's a first time for everything, I suppose."

"Never happened before?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow.

"No." She paused to think. "Technically, they <i>are</i> touching each other's faces, so I suppose it counts."

"<i>That was what you were worried about</i>?!"

"Woooooow." Everyone watched Hizashi's eyes flutter open. They were glazed with pleasure at first, but he blinked back into focus when Yagi choked a little. "Ohmigod!"

The couple stared back at their wide-eyed colleagues, blushing in mortification.

"Wh - I had no idea that was going to happen!" The counselor's face winked out of sight.

"Neither did I, yo!" Hizashi paused, then blurted out, "wait, we <i>both</i> did it, that means you're into me, too! Holy shit! HEY GUYS, SHE LIKES ME!"

Aizawa winced harder and gave him a stern stare. "Congratulations. Now shut up."

"Weak. This is <i>awesome</i> and I'm gonna shout it to the rooftops!"

"You realize that's a threat, coming from you."

"C'mon." Elly winked back into view. "You know that's not what he means."

"Can we, uh, have the rest of the day off?" Hizashi raised his hand like he was a student. "I think we have to talk... among other things."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Elly agreed.

"Yeah," he chuckled, getting up. "Probably when I was kissing you." He waggled his eyebrows at her, complete with a sly grin that showed just the hint of his teeth.

The pair was allowed to gracefully bow out of the rest of the day's activities. They wandered over to the lounge and watched hikers march along the frozen trails outside for awhile in silence. Hizashi carefully placed his arm around the back of the plush sofa they sat on, lowering it to her shoulders when she smiled.

"This is nice."

"I know," he sighed, setting his feet on a footstool and crossing his legs. "I should've confessed a long time ago."

"You still didn't," Elly reminded him.

"Ohhhhh, I didn't?" He hugged her close and kissed her upper cheek, the closest part he could reach without bending. "That's lame, yo. Wait a sec..."

"We're pretty much alone."

"Ahh. That's what I was checkin', but it doesn't really matter. I wanna let everyone know." Hizashi nuzzled close to her furry ear and whispered, "I love you, baby." She shivered all over and he cooed with concern. "Oh nooo, you cold? We should head to my suite to warm up -" he lowered his voice, "if you're pickin' up what I'm droppin' down, yeah?"

"I think you're going to have to pick <i>me</i> up after that," she said in a shaky voice. "I doubt my legs will hold me up!"

"Done!" He scooped her into his arms and stood all in one motion. Elly yelped, surprised, but all he did was shift her weight around before heading for the elevator.


"What? You told me to carry you." He pushed the button for his floor, grinning. "Your legs are <i>jelly</i> from all that <i>sexy</i> wooing."

"Oh my god. Stop."

He was very obviously trying to hold back laughter when the doors opened, without much success. "This <i>is</i> our stop! How'd ya know?"

"You dork!"

"I know, but you <i>loooooove</i> me anyway, so what's that make you?" He paused briefly at the door to his suite to grab his card and swipe in with a flourish.

"I guess I," Elly sighed in mock resignation. "Am a dork lover."

Hizashi snickered as he carried her in and set her on her feet to lock the door securely. "I'll let you pick a place to bang," he suggested cheerfully, jerking his thumb back over his shoulder at the bed, hot tub and couch.

"<i>Yamada Hizashi</i>!"

He dodged her hand, laughing wildly. "Whaaaaat?! <i>You</i> know you want me. <i>I</i> know you want me. That kiss had <i>potential</i>, babygirl."

Elly bit her tongue to try and prevent a smile. "Still, 'bang'? Really? And why wouldn't we use the bed?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. I mean ...there's a hot tub?"

"It's snowing outside."

"Well, whether it's snowing or not, you're gettin' seven inches, baby." He thrust his hips out while throwing double finger guns at her.

Now she couldn't hold back the grin. "...because we're going to do it twice?"

Hizashi's jaw dropped and he stood still for a good five seconds before throwing his head back and laughing like a loon. "Ouch! Okay, yer gonna hafta see for yourself, but don't say I didn't warn ya!"

He sat on the bed and held his arms out wide, and she didn't need a second invite. They proceeded to twist themselves into an intricate knot of passion, clothing thrown wildly into the air at random intervals until both were nude.

"Hey, sexy," Elly murmured. He was gorgeous; his clothing hid a defined body from public view and he kept himself well groomed everywhere. She sighed and glanced down further. "Whoa."

"Told ya."

"And here I thought you were joking." She lightly ran a fingertip along his length and smiled as he twitched. "Good thing we're both on hero regulated BC and STD checks. I mean, can you even get condoms that fit?"

"Yeah, but." He stopped to squirm when she started actively stroking him to full hardness. "Um, oh shit, your hands are really soft. Uh. I gotta order them. Not many places have bigger ones that fit..." He caught her wrist in one hand and she looked up into his spiralling hazel eyes. "You gotta quit, babygirl, or I'm gonna lose it waaaaay too fast."

"Really? That's flattering."

"Yeah, well, I've kinda had these feelings for you for awhile. I've been bottled up and I'm about ready to pop."

"Pop... or shout?" She closed her fist and pumped several times very quickly.

All his breath rushed out at once and he bit his lip lightly, sealing his mouth in a silent reminder to not lose control of his quirk. "Hnnnf!"

Elly paused her exploration of his body to address that concern. "Are you okay, Zashi? I mean, I doubt <i>I'm</i> going to be able to be very quiet. You look scared..?"

"Nerves," he squeaked, his eyes squinting open a little. "It's nerves. I haven't had to hold back this hard in a long, long time."


"Heh." He forced himself to relax and kissed the corner of her mouth. "Yeah, yeah. Listen, babe, I got an idea if I start to get too loud, okay? Lemme know what you think. A kiss probably wouldn't work since we're gonna be doing a lot of that. How about you, ah, this might be kind of weird..."

"It's okay." She smiled, encouraging him to go on.

"All right. I want ya to pinch one of my nipples, yeah? I mean, it won't hurt, but think of it like a volume slider. It'll definitely get my attention."

"How hard?" Her fingers traced one, circling the tip. "I don't want to be mean."

"Try it." He licked his lips. "Um. I suggested this for a reason, though, so like, <i>mmmn</i>!" Hizashi squirmed as she drew her fingers together. "Okay, oh man, you're gonna have to do better than th - <i>ffffuck, yeah</i>!"

She experimented until they agreed on the right amount of pressure - fairly hard, with a literal twist -- and she immediately began calling them his "mute" buttons.

"Okay, we're all safe and ready, right?"

"Yeah," he agreed, panting, with his cheeks burning and his hair coming out from the sides of his bun in long, blond wisps. "Yeah, we're good to go, I think."

"So if they're that sensitive, how would you react if I sucked on them?"

His eyes fluttered open wide and he whimpered right before she closed her mouth on one. His whines of pleasure weren't loud but inspired, and she caressed his trembling body while she teased the tight buds of flesh.

After a long time she let him rest.

Once he recovered he spluttered, amazed. "How'd you know to <i>do</i> that?!"

"Mine are just as sensitive," she admitted with a low purr.

Hizashi grinned wickedly. "Oh, baby." She shrieked laughter when he growled into her neck, nibbling and kissing. "Yer gonna get it!"

It only took a few minutes before she started to beg. It was too much having him above her, arms wrapped around him while he treated her so tenderly with kisses.

"I want you," she gasped. "Now. Please."

Hizashi kissed her softly on the mouth. "Okay, baby. But <i>let me know</i> if it hurts or I get too loud. Promise?"

"Yes. I'll mute you or tell you if I'm uncomfortable."

"Awesome," he murmured. "Then raise your legs and hold on."

He entered her smoothly and she shivered at the electric thrill of penetration. "Oh, 'Zashi."

"Ches," he groaned.

"You don't have to go <i>that</i> slow..."

"Yeah, I do." He dropped his head to kiss her into silence while he moved as slowly as possible, a lazy, infrequent thrust of his hips. "I gotta concentrate on not goin' too deep."

After several minutes of moaning while clinging desperately to him she whimpered. "Zashi, you're gonna drive me crazy -"

"Good," he panted, eyes squinted as he concentrated.

"No, I mean <i>please</i>, I need more!"

Hizashi opened his eyes to stare at her through a haze of passion. "Once I get goin' it's -" he paused to catch his breath, "h - hard for me to stop. You sure?"


"Want you to, to..." He stopped, groaned deeply and dropped a soft kiss on her lips. "Want you to come, baby."

"I'm close," she panted, "I'm getting close."

"Oh?" He raised himself further on his palms above her. "Harder? Or just faster, baby?"


"Hang on," he sighed.

She should have heeded his warning. Elly knew his remarkable stamina was a manic trait and now that he knew her body, he threw himself into their lovemaking with all he had. She gasped, surprised at the quick fierceness of her orgasm when it struck.

"Oh my god <i>that's so good</i>!"

"Yes!" He bit his lower lip, straining, sweat trickling down his neck. In the moment of climax she thought he was beautiful and his volume never reached above a normal shout.

"I <i>love</i> you," she gasped weakly after he rolled off of her tired body.

"Yeah," he panted, chest rising and falling rapidly as he caught his breath. "You're amazing, babe. I never thought anybody would be louder than me!"

She turned a very dark shade of red and looked hurriedly around. "Erk."

"Don't worry. My neighbor's Aizawa. Plus, I bet they aren't done with their class thing yet." A deliberate, low knocking coming from the shared wall made him choke a little. "Oops."

"I'm sure he won't tease us too much."

"I'm just worried 'bout the rest of the stay. How many times is too many, anyw -" He caught the pillow she tossed at him full in the face and started laughing.

These trying times (Aizawa)

 Aizawa was directed to his friend's room the moment he walked into the common area that evening. Several of their colleagues noticed the counselor's distraught state after watching the news. Turns out the stress was too much for her and this made him worry.

When she opened the door upon his knock she looked terrible. Elly's ears were drooping, her eyes red and teary with hectic blotches of color on her cheeks. She let him in and collapsed onto the bed, rolling up to hide.

"The others said you were upset. For some reason they thought I should be the one to check up on you... are you okay?"

"No," she muttered.

"You look sick."

"Thanks." Elly curled up into an even tighter ball with her tail around her and sniffled. "I'd rather you not see me like this," she admitted with a groan. "I'm not my best right now."

"You ran off during the news. Was it villians?"

"Yeah, the new ones got me rattled. There's not enough fighting against them in my opinion, all mixed in with my usual fears and anxieties."

He shrugged. "Stress builds. You reached your limit, that's all. You need to rest." Elly looked up at him and nodded with a strange, weak smile he didn't trust. "Cheshire -"

"I'm sorry, I know!"

This time he passed a tired hand over his eyes, sighing deeply. She watched, trembling and nervous, as he locked the door. He turned back and sat beside her on the bed, shaking his head when she tried to move to make space for him. Instead, he carefully placed an arm around her.

Startled, she lost most of her anxiety of the moment. "Aizawa..?"

"You <i>don't</i> know."


"Please." He ran one hand through his messy, dark hair and grunted. "No, shut up. This is hard for me... I'm trying to comfort you."

"You're trying to what?" She laughed despite herself and he blinked morosely down at her.


"Now I really <i>am</i> sorry. That was unexpected though, you have to admit. And why'd you lock the door?"

"I thought I'd spend the night." Her gasp triggered a creepy grin. "Not like that, we're at school. But sleeping together - <i>just sleep</i> -- would be all right. Unless you object."

"You." She pointed at him with a shaky finger. "You want to... <i>snuggle</i>?"

Aizawa's eyebrows raised. "Do you not want to?"

"Oh. Uh, yes! I mean, yes I want to."

"Good. Pull that blanket closer and get comfortable."

She took hold of her Alice in Wonderland themed blanket, the grin of the Cheshire cat smoothing out like her own as she tugged it over them both.



"I never thought you'd offer something like this and I'm a little confused." Elly frowned. "Why?"

He sighed one of the largest, long-suffering sighs she'd heard from him in awhile. "Because I care about you."

"Does that mean -"

"Besides, I would never pass up the chance to nap with a cat."

She rolled over, grumbling to herself, but when she felt his arms wrap around her as he pulled her against him it turned to purrs.

These trying times (Zashi)

 Hizashi was directed to his friend the moment he walked into the common area that evening. Several of their colleagues noticed the counselor's distraught state after watching the news. Turns out the stress was too much for her and this made him worry.

When she opened the door to her room upon his playful tapping she looked terrible. Elly's ears were drooping, her eyes red and teary with hectic blotches of color on her cheeks. She let him in and collapsed onto the bed, rolling up to hide.

Hizashi, of course, had nothing even resembling a filter and said the first thing that came to mind. "Aw, babe, you look like shit!"

"Thanks," she muttered.

"You know what I mean." He turned and locked the door, certain this was going to be an all-nighter. "The guys told me you needed some help."

"Maybe." Elly curled up into an even tighter ball with her tail around her and sniffled. "But I'd rather you not see me like this," she admitted with a groan. "I'm not my best right now."

"That's why I'm here, yo." The bed dipped as he sat down next to her. "I wanna help. Tell me what you need or hey, you know, whatever. 'Kay?" He waited for a few seconds, growing more concerned when she didn't speak. Although worried he thought it would be best to let her open up when she wanted to. It took a lot of control, but instead of pressing further he reached out to stroke her hair instead.

"I feel like shit."

"Maybe it's me and I gotta run my mouth... tell me to shut up if you want. Or to leave. But it's okay to show me your other sides. Everybody's got shitty days, some more'n others for whatever reason."

She groaned as she sat up. "I'm angry and depressed and - hell, too many things. Kinda afraid you won't like me anymore after you hear it all."

Hizashi snorted loudly. "Babe, there is seriously <i>nothing</i> that will stop me from liking you." He paused when his fingers came into contact with one of her furry ears. "Um. Is it okay if I pet these?"

They twitched and she shrugged. "Yeah. Only because it's you, though."

"Oho..! So I'm <i>special</i>."

Elly grunted but then sighed and leaned towards him as he carefully rubbed the velvety fur. "Don't let it inflate your ego, Mr. DJ."

"Me?! Never."


"So... can I ask?"

"Bleah. It's all so stupid. Worse, as a therapist I <i>know</i> how to handle my feelings."

"You were watching the news."

She nodded. "Some of the new villians got me upset. There's not enough fighting against them all mixed in with my usual fears and anxieties."

"You filled up." He shrugged. "Everybody's got a limit, yeah? I know a little of what you told me about your past and am amazed you held out this long. You're super strong, babe."

"I don't feel strong right now."

"You need to recharge is all. I can help with that." Hizashi curled an arm around her and smiled when she wriggled close. They sat in silence for awhile, until a soft sigh and her body posture told him she'd relaxed.

"So, uh, how about we get comfy." He pointed at the head of the bed. "Lemme scoot over and we can sleep tog - err, go to bed - err..." His blush intensified as he struggled to find a way to say it without insinuating anything. "Um. <i>Fall asleep</i> together, yeah? That sound good?"

Elly looked up at him in pure adoration, her eyes dark and very soft. "That sounds perfect."

"On top of the covers with the fuzzy blanket?" He picked it up and motioned for her to join him.

"<i>Definitely</i> with the fuzzy blanket."

He put his phone and glasses beside hers on the end table. "I texted everyone we're sleeping. Do not disturb ...<i>or else</i>." He growled in mock anger at the sheer arrogance of anyone daring to interrupt them.

"Good." She laughed, cuddling into his side.

"You want thigh or breast meat, baby? I can turn around -"

Now Elly had to muffle her giggles in her hands. "Hizashi!"

"Whaaaat? I gotta know so I can get situated." He faced her and she purred, happily burrowing into his chest. "This better?"

"Yeah. Everything is better when you're around."

His ears burned hotter. "That's good," he murmured.


"I said, uh, good night."