Elly's ears perked up, her nose testing the air as she heard her colleague, Present Mic, barge noisily into the teacher's offices.
"Hey hey <i>heyyyy</i>, good mornin' U.A!"
That he was vocal wasn't new and she was used to him screaming hellos and good mornings to everyone. No, today he smelled different.
"Are you wearing cologne?!" Midnight raised an eyebrow.
"You stink, Yamada."
Elly hid a smile at Aizawa's disgusted comment. She'd never known Hizashi - Present Mic -- to wear a scent. Even in his casual clothing he smelled like the hair products he used and sometimes a lingering touch of leather. She loved the combination and was accustomed to it. But today he was definitely wearing cologne like Kayama surmised. It was sensual and sweet, honeyed tones mixing perfectly with the leather of his outfit in a way that was driving her mad. She wanted to bury her face in his neck and breathe him in. And, of course, kiss him a hundred times... you know, while she was there. He stepped up beside her, the clack of his boots seemingly louder than usual. Elly blushed and tried to hide her confusion behind a folder she hurriedly opened.
Hizashi gently pushed it down, grinning at her hugely. "Whaddaya think, Ches? Does it bother you? I know you've got that <i>cuyyyuuute</i> little kitten nose."
Her throat closed up with nerves, making it nearly impossible to speak. She shook her head, forced a smile and took a sip of coffee instead.
His eyebrows raised and he leaned closer over the communal desk. "No? Yer not sneezin' or anything, so I guess it's okay. But lemme get an opinion, here." He unlatched his neck gear and set it carefully on the floor. "Is it good? I bought it with a very specific gal in mind."
Elly's heart sank. Her expression remained neutral but her ears drooped, wilting down sadly as she felt the weight of all the days she'd yearned for him crushing her.
<i>Of course</i>.
Hizashi snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, startling her back to reality. "Earth to Ches..?"
"Oh. I'm sure she'll like it." She tried not to sound hurt and busied herself with rooting around in her purse. "Um. Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom."
<i>A good cry in a lonely stall, sitting on a cold toilet seat like the moron I am should do the trick</i>, she thought bitterly before rushing out of the room. Hizashi was stunned, immobilized when she made the sudden move, brushing past him as fast as possible.
"Nice try, idiot," Kayama called out from across the way.
He spun around, eyes flashing. "Shut <i>up</i>," he hissed, his jaw clenched in anger. But his rage quickly dissipated as he stared at the door out the hall. "Bummer," he muttered. "Why'd she run, man? I thought she liked me."
"She does." Yagi looked over, a small smile on his skeletal features. "It's obvious to everyone."
"Oh?" Hizashi blinked around the desk at the others.
"Yes." Aizawa didn't even bother to look up.
"Uh huh." Thirteen was coming back with a fresh cup of coffee, but she'd heard the conversation. "I've watched her looking at you when you're not paying attention." Her eyes closed, the space helmet showing two slits as she tilted her head in an apparent smile. "It's cute."
"But ..." He pointed at the door, frowning.
"You told her you bought the cologne '<i>with a girl in mind</i>''." Yagi told him mildly.
"Well, duh." Hizashi flopped in his chair, nodding. "Her."
"She thinks you mean someone else!" Kayama nearly shouted at him.
The Voice Hero's trademark sunglasses slipped down his nose as he froze, his mouth falling open. "Uh!"
"Yeah, Romeo, from her view you told her you wanted her advice on how to seduce another woman. She's crying in the bathroom where no one can see her until she can get it under control."
"You don't know <i>that</i>." Now he looked worried, his brow tightly pushing his forehead into a point.
"The way she rushed out of here does suggest she was in some duress," came Aizawa's bland assessment.
Kayama pounded a fist on the table, rattling cups and pens around her. "Is no one going to go check on -"
The door opened and Elly walked in, effectively silencing everyone. She had put a pair of sunglasses on and looked as though she wasn't quite done crying. She glided silently into the room on her padded paw boots, picked up her paperwork and left as she had come without speaking a word.
As one, the teachers all stared at the tall, blond man.
He cringed. "Uh... I'm'a go see if she's okay." He strode quickly out into the hall, letting the door close behind him in relief. Those accusing glares had been unbearable. Worse was the knowledge that he might have hurt the woman he cared for, however. He shook his head ruefully and hurried into her personal office. The door wasn't locked and the small space looked empty as he stuck his head in.
"Come out, come out," he sang, using his Voice pitched low in a frequency only cats could hear. Then, out loud, "I <i>know</i> you're here, Ches."
Silence. Well, her quirk <i>was</i> invisibility. The gear she wore was designed to control her breathing as well as a few other things, and those paw gloves and boots had noise-canceling pads. If she were here, she would be extremely difficult to find.
But Hizashi was a bold man, made even bolder by his colleague's insistence of her feelings for him. He shrugged and turned, locking the door.
"Welp! If you're not in here ya won't mind me taking my jacket off." He shucked the heavy leather coat onto a chair with a sigh and rubbed the front of his white t-shirt absently with one hand, pulling it free of the studded belt just a little. He glanced down and swore softly. "Aahhh, this'll never do. Better fix it all up again." He yanked the shirt over his head and then grinned viciously. He let his fingers linger on his belt for a moment. "Just gotta tuck this in..."
He was about to unfasten the metal belt buckle when Elly burst into sight in the left corner of the room, her face aflame and tail puffed out. "<i>Yamada, stop</i>!"
"Oh, are you here?" He didn't miss the switch from his hero name to his family one; she was truly rattled.
"It's my office," she hissed. "Of course I'm here." She stalked stiffly over to her chair and sat down.
"Why the shades, yo?" Hizashi sat down on her desk, ignoring her uncomfortable stare.
"I have a headache," Elly replied quietly.
"You can't even see inside with 'em on," he sighed impatiently. "Look, here." With that, he gently tipped them off, revealing her normally purple eyes were a much lighter, faded shade. The skin was puffy all around them, too, and he exclaimed in concern. "Holy hell, Ches, ya look like ya got Eraser's dry eye."
"Not dry," she muttered under her breath.
"Yeah, what's this huh?" He touched a cheek with his fingertips, tracing a trail of wetness with a sad face. "You cryin', babe?"
Elly closed her eyes, the pain in her expression intensifying at his touch. "I'm fine. Migraines can cause tearing and redness." She waved a hand in the air dismissing her condition and tried to back away, but he stopped her.
"D'ya really have a headache, though?" He leaned dangerously over her, catching one of her slender wrists in his leather-gloved hand. "If you do, I could help." Her eyes widened in momentary panic and, shamefaced, he released her hand. "Sorry."
"I do have a headache," she insisted. Then staring him directly in the eyes - an act that deepened the pain in them, he noted with a wince -- she firmly stated, "I'm hurting very badly."
Mic's stupendous plume of hair seemed to droop as the smile faded from his lips. He pointed at his neck, still bare of the huge speaker. "It's you," he blurted out.
"What?" Her ears snapped up in attention.
"It's you. I bought this stuff 'cause I thought you'd like it. You're the gal." He paused, then added, "I think you're the prettiest I've ever seen an' I - I like you."
"It's ...me?" Dazed, she gestured for him to come closer. He bent down and she tilted her head towards him.
"You like it, then?" He giggled nervously as she nuzzled his neck, sniffing.
"You do smell good," she sighed. "<i>So good</i>."
Hizashi shivered as she flicked her tongue out to dab at the skin just under his headphones. He reached up and popped them off, and she purred and went directly for his ear.
"Ohmigod!" His knees buckled as she nibbled and kissed the flushed skin. "Babe, lips first, please, m'<i>dyin</i>' here."
"You want a kiss?"
"Yes! Y - mmff!" His sunglasses popped down his nose, eyes widening hugely as she captured his mouth in a passionate kiss. He wasn't long in sliding his tongue alongside hers, humming pleasantly and shivering with reaction. And then, having been given a taste, Elly was far more commanding about her desires.
"Come <i>here</i>." She growled under her breath, tugging on the huge collar on his jacket. Elly urged him into a spot sitting directly in front of her on the desk as she sat in her chair. She swore lightly when her paw gloves were too bulky and stripped them off along with her neck gear. Freed, her fingers could work their magic on his flushed skin.
"Ches, wait! Ohhh, damn. Your hands feel so fuckin' good." He bit his lip, squirming as she wormed her fingers under the white tank he wore to greedily stroke his chest. When she gripped his belt, however, he yelped and jumped guiltily, covering his mouth with both hands. "Wait! We can't -!"
"Oh, yes we can." The belt unfastened, she unzipped the tight leather pants, her fingers deftly squeezing the tight lump forming at his crotch. "It's lunchtime, Mic."
Hizashi threw back his head, his Adam's apple bobbing wildly as he strained hard to avoid screaming. "That's not what I mea - ohmigod. Oh my freakin' shit <i>that's not what you meant either is it</i>."
It wasn't.
Elly pulled his hot, hard member sideways from his boxer briefs and devoured him without warning. His boots clattered on the desk drawers, his legs kicking out as he wailed into his palm. Her lips and tongue were excellent, sucking and teasing in all the right places. She persisted, swallowing around him and purring in the back of her throat like she was enjoying this as much as he was.
Hizashi couldn't remember the urge to orgasm ever hitting him this hard. He was lost in minutes, maybe less - he'd never be able to guess later, even though he tried -- but he knew it was <i>fast</i>.
"Baby, please... oh dear sweet fuck I'm gonna come!" He tried valiantly to hold back but her eagerness was easily the biggest turn on in his life, inflaming him beyond belief. Hizashi couldn't stop the crushing weight breaking free, but he could stop the ear deafening yell that threatened to burst from his throat. He jammed a leather-clad hand in his mouth and bit down on the heel as he came so hard he saw spots.
He wasn't sure if she swallowed or not, because it took him longer to reorient himself than the time between her giving him head and his explosive orgasm. He rubbed a hand across his face and gave vent to a shaky sigh. "Whoaaa."
"Yeah." She winked up at him and then started to roll away in the chair.
"Ohhh, <i>no you don't</i>," he said in a dangerously low tone.
Elly jerked her head up to see him staring at her in that intense way that he had, his face shadowed and squinting. The spirals in his eyes seemed to swirl and he bent down to her level, reaching out to wipe the corner of her mouth with a fingertip. He slowly licked it off while she sat, stunned.
"<i>I</i> haven't eaten yet." He paused to let that sink in and grinned wickedly when she started to shake. "I need to warn ya, too - I've got a pretty serious oral fetish I rarely get to indulge. Oh? Didn't guess that when ya sucked my soul out through my cock, I bet."
"Yeah, it's <i>your turn</i>. Get over here, sweet thing." He slid off the desk and patted the blotter he'd been sitting on. "Up, up!"
"Eek!" She squealed when he lifted her but any protest froze on her lips when his hands roamed hungrily over her bodysuit.
"Mmnn, soft." His fingers found the zipper hidden in the tuft of fur near her breasts and pulled it down. The cool air struck her skin and she shivered, but his gaze was warm and inviting. "I need to pull these down, 'kay?" Elly nodded and he hooked a finger in the hem of her panties and tugged them low enough so he could see. She took a shaky breath and bit her lip, spreading her legs as he began kissing down her belly. Though she had initiated the first step, this felt far more wanton and she blushed and fidgeted anxiously until the first swipe of his long, wet tongue derailed her thoughts.
Hizashi was <i>good</i> at this.
He tested her sensitivity and found the places that made her squirm, all the while staying away from her swelling clitorus to prolong her pleasure as much as he could.
"Mnnn." His tongue dove deep but his soft lips and mustache points nuzzling so intimately was what was really causing her toes to curl. It was electrifying but not enough to send her over the edge. Her tail thumped heavily and she let out a thin whine, mewing softly.
"Present Mic! Oh god, yes! <i>Yes</i>!"
"Fuckin' hot," he whispered, lapping super slowly near the top of her sex in tiny circles. "You like that I'm in costume, don't'cha babygirl..? How many times did ya rub one out pretending I was licking you just like this?"
<i>So many times</i>.
"God," she ground out, "I did. You know I did that. I wanted you so bad."
"Now ya got me." He slid a hand up her thigh and kissed her petaled folds, moaning in rapture. "And look - yer leaking, precious. This cute little bud's all the way out. I think you're about done."
"I - I'm close," she agreed, her fingers flexing on his shoulders.
"Alright then. Hang on."
"Hang on? Wha -"
He set his lips carefully around her clit to create a seal and hummed with his quirk. Elly's thighs twitched and she clapped her hands to her mouth as the tingling joy spread. He'd prudently grasped her tail in one hand before bringing her off and it jerked hard, but didn't knock anything over. In fact, the soft but firm tug was another thing that helped her along. Light, flicking licks guided her through the incredible, syrupy climax.
"Oh. My. God. That was so - so <i>sweet</i>." Hizashi smiled at her and she laid a hand over her thumping heart.
"Yer part anthro, right?" He washed his mouth out with a swig of the coffee she had sitting on the desk and made sure to dab a tissue in it to scrub his mustache and face, too.
"Are we like, cool right away? Boyfriend an' girlfriend? Or does it hafta be more?"
Elly paused in the act of grabbing a tissue for herself, her ears flicking. "Well... in my heart, yes. But technically other anthros can smell if we haven't mated yet. Until we actually have sex, we won't be seen as a committed couple."
His grin grew.
"Uh, Mic..?" She leaned back nervously.
"No way," he chuckled as he stood. "Ya can't tell me <i>that</i> an' expect me to wait, yo! I ain't about waiting anymore when it comes to my most precious babygirl."
She would have swooned if he hadn't slipped his arms around her. Even so, she wobbled and her neck rolled back as she was struck by his words to her very core. "Fooling around at work is one thing, but - but actual sex?!"
"I took too much time try'na get up the courage to tell ya. Gotta make up for it." His lower body was fairly level with her as she sat on the desk. "Look - door's locked, 'kay? And you know I can be quiet now. But..." She melted when he kissed her again, offering to wait if she really wanted to. "We can get a hotel room later, 'kay? I get carried away sometimes."
"I want that, yes," she breathed into their next kiss. "But, please..."
"Take me now, too." She tightened her grip on his shoulders. "Just like this, right here. We both just had our monthly testing, and I'm safe on BC."
"Oh, <i>baby</i>." He pushed her back so he could reach. Before she realized he was capable of such a feat of strength, he gave a tentative thrust with his hips.
"<i>Mic</i>." She rolled her neck back, breathing hard and shaking with pleasure as he sank into her willing heat. "You fit me so <i>perfect</i>, "
"Sh - shit, this is unbelievable," Hizashi choked. He kept an even pace though the position was difficult. He did start to pant heavily, but that was due to the intense heat of her body. He dropped his head to hers as he moved.
"You're really inside me," she whined, struggling to try and match his rhythm but hindered by the clutter on the desk. She settled for wrapping her legs around his waist, relishing the feel of the leather he still wore. "Present Mic..." She hiccupped and then sniffled, "Hizashi!"
"I've never had anyone so <i>turned on</i> by me before," he gulped. "Babe, you okay? I just came earlier, but yer so fuckin' amazing I'm close already. It's like I'm a horny teen again!"
She snorted, then laughed. Hizashi swore he could not feel more love for her in that moment, and he kissed her on the cheek. "What'cha need from me?"
"I - I'm - you feel so good..." She sighed. "Faster."
"Yeah?" He took a breath and picked up the pace, groaning softly. "You do, too. Finally," he kissed her again, "...nngh! Get to be with you. I knew. I <i>knew</i> -" Here he added a distinctly Japanese phrase: "<i>koi no yokan</i>".
The phrase doesn't mean love at first sight. It's more like love at second sight, the feeling when you meet someone that you know you're eventually going to fall in love with them. That you and they are inevitable.
"Oh," she gasped loudly, eyes welling up with tears. "I - I ..!"
"I love you," he whispered in English as he faltered, the weight threatening to burst free from his loins. "Love you, <i>baby</i>!"
She echoed his statement as a second, more powerful orgasm rushed through her. As she tightened around him he choked and came once more as well, and he grasped her head in two gloved hands to kiss her on the mouth.
They stayed like that, connected intimately on both ends, for a long moment.
"Ouch," he wheezed, pulling back with an incredibly comical moist sound. "Oh. Yeah, uh! Tissues, sweetie! Quick!"
Elly grabbed frantically for the box and handed the whole thing over. He surprised her by wiping her gently, tending to her body before he cleaned up his own. They dressed themselves carefully and patted each other down, making sure everything was in place.
"Mic," she chuckled, "your hair..."
"Eehhh?" The fringe on the back of his neck had flattened from her desperate embrace. She ran her fingers through it, fluffing it back up. "Aw, thanks."
"Just be careful goung near Hound Dog today," she murmured. "I doubt he'd say anything, but he'll be able to smell us out."
"Smell us out?!" Hizashi doubled over laughing. "Oh shit, that's great!" He wiped tears from his eyes.
She started to laugh, too. "It's true though! And the more time we spend with each other the more we'll smell like one another." She rubbed her cheek on his, purring.
"That's not a bad thing." He hugged her, then jumped as the bell rang. "Crap! Lunch is over! I gotta get to class!"
"Don't forget to grab your neck gear! I don't know where it - it's still in the joint office!"
He made a breakneck dash out the door while she laughed even harder.
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