"King of my Heart - 2"
orig. 11/16/2018
BNHA Elly (Cheshire) x Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Inspired by the song "King of my Heart" by Taylor Swift
(PG)Inspired by the song "King of my Heart" by Taylor Swift
Non-Canon based off manga/anime
Mic quickly glanced at the door for about the fiftieth time that morning.
"Anxious, are we?" Cementoss murmured quietly.
"Relax," Aizawa muttered at his friend in annoyance. "She'll be here. She's not late, Midnight is still explaining things to the students."
"Yeah, yeah." The young people were maybe just as excited as the blond teacher was, eyes wide and raising hands left and right. Midnight had everything to do to calm them down and answer as many questions as possible.
Finally she had had enough. "Quiet, already! She's going to be here, and you don't want to make a bad first impression." She slapped her cat-o-nine-tails to the side in a brisk motion, cutting through the babble. To her right in the classroom seating, Mineta had fallen over and was quite literally foaming at the mouth at the prospect of another female teacher entering the room. She sighed and rolled her eyes, turning just as Tsyu slapped him into sensibility with her tongue.
The door opened during the momentary pause and everyone's eyes fell on Elly in her hero outfit. She wore a soft cloth bodysuit, striped just like her tail in varying purple tones. The belly was white and there were white tufts along her wrists, ankles and about the modest dip in cleavage down the front of the suit. Her feet and hands looked just like cat paws, with soft, rubbery pads on each finger tip and along the toes and heels of her feet. She also sported what appeared to be a respirator type mask to cover her mouth and nose, the bottom half shaped disturbingly like the cheshire cat's curving grin.
Mic's shades dropped down low on his nose as she walked past him to stand by Midnight at the desk. "So cuuuute!" he whined, just loud enough for some of the kids to glance at him in surprise. Aizawa groaned and elbowed him.
Elly's ear flicked, but she said nothing. She just smiled at the students and waited for her introduction. She chuckled when the green-haired kid in the second row blurted out her name, though, seeing at least someone knew who she was. Midnight formally introduced her, and she went about the task of stating why she was there - mainly to help broaden their view on their own abilities, and how the different countries viewed heroes and their quirks. She pursed her lips and looked back at the teachers behind her. "I'd spoken to the principal about this, but wasn't sure if you'd heard - before we get into my abilities, I wanted to show them first."
"You want to have a flag match with one of the staff." Midnight and the others already knew. Nezu had told them, but they hadn't chose who would fight.
A tall young man in the back raised his hand. "Excuse me - what's a flag match?"
"Each person fighting wears something like a bandanna..." Midnight reached into her sleeve and produced two medium-sized pieces of cloth, one red and one blue. "The goal is to take the other's cloth. It's an easy way to spar without a lot of injuries."
"We used it a lot during mock battles in the States," Elly confessed. "Before we got into serious ones. And sometimes just for fun." She shrugged, causing Mic to turn redder than Mineta's face at the gentle sway in her tail and chest.
Midnight saw this, and her eyes narrowed slyly. "I think Yamada should fight her," she suggested.
Elly raised a single eyebrow. "Mic?" She asked quietly.
"Ah!" He had started to sweat, and it wasn't just all the leather he wore. He pulled nervously at his long collar. It wasn't that he wanted to look weak, but he didn't want to use his power on her. Those cat's ears - they were more sensitive than a human's, and he made human ears bleed with his voice.
"I'll do it," Aizawa stepped in. He loosened some of the scarves about his neck, his face determined.
Mic blew a sigh of relief, grinning shamefacedly at the cat woman. "Heh." He shrugged and she smiled, shrugging as well.
They started to head into the recently renovated battle arena, the students milling about behind them as they filed out. Mic pulled Aizawa aside before they got there, just as Elly and Midnight walked into the huge doors. "Don't hurt her," he pleaded.
"Who says I would." He grunted, brushed sleep from his eyes and yawned. "Besides, she can handle it. She's a pro hero, remember?"
Mic bit his lip worriedly. "Mmmn." He swerved to the left to watch, moving away as the two squared off.
Elly seemed relaxed, although her tail was swishing lightly behind her. Aizawa liked cats, and he knew this meant she was agitated. He waited until everyone was settled, and held his arm out for the cloth to be tied on it, just as she did. The other teachers stepped away again, and Mic belatedly realized he was the one that always played announcer. He jumped to his feet and stood on the sidelines, his outfit hiding his troubled expression.
"Alright!" He called out, losing some anxiety in the familiar role. "First person to take the other's cloth wins!" He paused, then took a deep breath. "Are you ready?" He squealed, his voice rising as it always did on the last word. "Go!"
Elly didn't even move. Aizawa's hair rose as it did when he used his power. She couldn't see his eyes since he'd donned the glasses he wore, but she knew they would be glowing red. Yet all she said was, "So, Eraser... are you afraid of anything?"
"No," he said shortly, aiming at - nothing. There was nothing there. He stopped short. That had been fast! He spun, surveying the area as his wrappings came about, dropping now that he had no target.
"It's funny," a disembodied voice whispered eerily out of thin air to his left. "So many people tell me that, you know." He aimed at the voice and tried to at least snap what he couldn't see with his scarves. No luck. He listened, straining to pick up any sound that might clue him in on her location. "Surprise," she murmured, suddenly right beside him. One paw came up, and there was a glimmer of metal. It was a small scratch, hardly noticeable, and very, very fast. She was gone before he had time to react, melted into nothingness again and lost somewhere within the huge arena.
This went on for awhile, Mic uncharacteristically quiet as announcer. The only sounds were Aizawa's breathing, which was getting rougher, and faint whooshing sounds as he desperately tried to catch her.
"There." He jumped backwards and this time caught something when his wrappings spun out. Elly appeared within a loop of scarf, her mask making her appear more fierce than the tone of her voice.
"Cheshire is caught!" Mic yelped, pointing rather unnecessarily and then flailing about in a display of mixed emotions. "Is this it? Will Eraserhead win?!"
"I thought you knew, Eraser," she purred dangerously as he yanked her close enough to grab the winning cloth. "Cats like to play with string."
"What - wait, what's going on?" Mic was as confused as the rest of the students and staff. Instead of ensuring his victory, Aizawa reached up and pulled his glasses up onto his head. "He hasn't nulled her quirk once, it looks like, and now he's showing his eyes? What's happening here?"
"You don't know her fighting style, do you," Midnight stated smugly.
"But..." He stared closely at the scene unfolding in front of everyone. Aizawa's scarves reared up, in a strange display no one had seen before. The wrappings covered the top halves of their bodies. "Is he going for the win?"
The shockingly loud cat scream that echoed throughout the arena seemed to back this theory. But Elly disappeared and just as fast reappeared close to the staff, clutching Eraser's cloth for the win and noticeably upset. Her ears were flat on her head and she was still hissing. Aizawa, however, appeared eerily calm. He had that creepy grin on his face that he sometimes sported when he thought he'd outwitted someone. And he was bleeding.
"What happened?" Midnight gasped.
"He kissed me!"
Mic paused, his head cocked as he listened to this bit of information. He saw his friend wipe at his bleeding lips and his shocked brain slowly caught up with what had been said. He took a step towards Aizawa, frowning. He looked back at Elly, who was blushing across her pretty cheeks and touching her mouth with one hand.
"WHAAAAAT?!" He yelled almost at full power. His quirk usually didn't manifest unless he triggered it, but when he got upset he sometimes lost control. Everyone clapped their ears to their heads, but the sound had been mainly directed by the speakers about Mic's neck at the person responsible for his anger and disbelief. Aizawa's eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out, a little trickle of blood running from both ears.
"Damn it, Mic," Midnight sighed. "Now we have to rush him to Healing Girl."
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