"Moy Mell, 2: The Doki Doki Crane"
orig. 10/25/2017
Zoro, Sanji, Elly, Shaggy, Piccolo, Vegeta, Samurai Jack - PG
Original Concept, mixed fandoms
Zoro, Sanji, Elly, Shaggy, Piccolo, Vegeta, Samurai Jack - PG
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't come up with a way to get out of the predicament he was in. Shaggy frowned harder, scratching his dirty-blond hair as he paced back and forth in the apartment he and his friend shared.
"Roo rost rair and ruare," the giggling voice called out from the kitchen. Well, what with the growling accent his speech came out a bit different than most people. But Shaggy understood - 'you lost fair and square' -- and indeed he had.
"Aw, c'mon, Scooby," he groaned. "The guy that's doin' this is probably not gonna like it if I catch him at it!"
Scooby managed to shrug, somehow a more amazing feat from a great dane than his speech capability. He bit into half of the huge sandwich he'd brought in, crumbs spilling onto the table and rolling onto the floor. "Roo rost."
"I know, I know." The tall young man sighed bitterly. "I'll do it. If anybody comes after me, though, I'm outta there!" He sighed. "I'm going to the pool. They'll need it cleaned after, and Sanji set up a spread. You can, like, have the rest of the leftovers," he called out as he left.
Poolside at the mansion everything was as the lanky man had told his friend. Sanji had set up a small table where they could make their own sandwiches. This enabled him to join in the fun as well, and he was having the time of his life watching Elly in her bathing suit. She had on a modest one piece but he acted for all the world like it was a string bikini, flouncing about and blushing violently when she bent over.
Elly loaded two thick slices of bread up with various meats. "This was a great idea, Sanji," she exclaimed as she tried to top things off with a piece of cheese. The meat had been stacked a little too high and she chuckled sheepishly at herself. "I guess I was a little hungrier than I thought, though. Sandwiches bring out the beast in me." The few guys gathered around laughed at this, a couple eyeing her tail pointedly. Sanji thrilled to her praise, but glared at some of the other guys for daring to look in the general direction of her rear. The large, green alien seated by the side of the pool glared back.
"Ch'," he grumbled softly in annoyance. The rest just ignored the fuming blond man and went about their business. Zoro was laying on a beach chair beside her seat, snoring lightly and caring less what his rival did or said. He only cracked an eyelid when she sat beside him to make sure everything was alright.
"Ugh, like, I know, okay? You don't have to keep reminding me." Shaggy was off to one side with a bigger sandwich than what she had managed to construct. He had it in one hand and a phone in the other, which he angrily tossed onto the table after hanging up.
"Trouble? Oh, how did the bet go?" She giggled faintly at the sour expression he pulled.
"He called to remind me I lost," he grumped. "Again."
"I thought it might be that. What was it for, anyway?" She turned her lunch this way and that. She made a face and gave up, deciding to dismantle the sub for easier consumption.
"The doki doki crane," he sighed. Zoro's head jerked up, but he didn't speak. He frowned as the young man went on, "I'm supposed to watch it all night to find the guy that's been taking all the good prizes out."
"Is that still happening?" She asked with some surprise. "Sanji turned in a kiss plush the other day." The moment she mentioned this he nearly dropped his plate.
"It was wonderful..."
"Cut it out, pervert," Zoro snarled.
"Am not!"
"Yeah..." Shaggy scratched the scruff on his chin thoughtfully. "The guy usually takes all the kiss and date ones. He leaves the hugs and little stuff."
"I have refilled that a few times now," she murmured thoughtfully, chewing on a hefty chunk of bread. "And no one's recorded or claimed a lot of them."
"What the hell is that stupid thing for, anyway?" The green-haired man rolled over on his side, away from the cook, who was sticking his tongue out at him. "You trade in stuffed crap for favors from you? The fuck. I always thought it was a bad idea."
"And that's why most of the guys suspect you," Sanji said calmly. He sat on Elly's other side and lifted a drink to his lips. Zoro glared at him but said nothing. After he took a sip, he continued, setting the glass down to tick things off on his fingers. "You live in the house, so you have access. You act like you hate the thing. And you'd probably have the dexterity to be really good at it."
"Not really," Shaggy demurred quietly. He was quite afraid of the huge man and kept his distance as he spoke. "Like, we even suspected Sanji for awhile 'cause of the same reasons. But he turns some in."
"He does indeed," Elly said, and rolled her eyes. "I never hear the end of it!"
"So we figured it wasn't him. Zoro, though..." he shrugged.
"Ha!" Everyone looked up to see that Piccolo had joined them. The alien smirked at Zoro knowingly. "Don't make me laugh. He's the only one in this damned complex that doesn't fall all over her."
"We all like Elly," Sanji conceded.
Zoro's face had turned red. "Not all in that way!" They continued arguing for a while, no one noticing that Elly had got up and left right away - even her bodyguard. She took the elevator down to her rooms and flopped onto the bed, suddenly tired.
Later on that night Shaggy went up the elevator in the mansion to the second floor, walking directly out into the gaming area. He cocked his head, listening, and his eyes widened. Someone was already in the room with the crane! Carefully tiptoeing up to the door he opened it a crack and peeked inside. At the far end of the long room a familiar bulking shape was swearing under his breath. He suddenly hissed in surprise as the chute dropped out a plush bear.
"Shit!" He held it up and stared at it, sighing. Then he tucked it into his clothing and turned to leave. Shaggy flattened his back around the other side of the door. His heart was beating fast, too fast - the big guy was very strong, usually very angry ...and now he was also very suspect. He had to be the one. As the door opened he pounced.
"What?!" Piccolo spun about, blinking when he recognized him. "Oh. It's you."
"You'd better come with me," Shaggy told him.
"Why the hell do I have to do that?" But although he protested, he followed him back to the dorm. Scooby and one man were sitting right there in the main common room. The big dog leaped on his friend excitedly when he saw he was coming back. The other man wasn't as thrilled. He glanced up in annoyance and when he saw who it was, his dark eyes narrowed.
"The namekian and the skinny guy. Great. Why the hell are you here?"
"He got a prize and didn't record it." Shaggy fidgeted nervously. He didn't like this, but a bet was a bet and the facts were there. The man in the chair leaped to his feet, eyes bulging.
"You sonofabitch!" His harsh voice rang out, causing a man in a nearby room to poke his head in curiously. "It was you?"
Piccolo slapped a big green hand to his face. "It's not me, Vegeta."
"The fuck it isn't." The smaller man was stalking around him, sparks crackling about his body as his fury caused his energy to leak out. He waved the other man closer. "Get in here, moron! The beanpole caught the thief!"
"Hey..." Shaggy looked mildly hurt. Scooby growled a little but knew better than to press his luck.
"I'm not the one." Piccolo gnashed his teeth together as all three approached him.
Shaggy shrugged. "Like, it doesn't have to be him. He just didn't turn in a win."
"What did he get?"
"Uh." Piccolo looked embarrassed as he held up one of the colored bears. The embroidery on the heart was a pair of lips.
"You didn't record a kiss prize?!"
"Why not?" Shaggy was just as stunned. The only man not shocked at this turn of events was the last. He stood silently, hands inside his kimono with a pensive expression and Shaggy turned to him. "Hey, man, what do you think of all this?"
He frowned a bit. "My name is Jack," he said calmly. "Not 'man'."
"Geez, all right, I forgot you're such a straight."
"A what?"
"He's got to be guilty," he gave up and turned back to the fuming Vegeta.
"Damn it, I'm not the guy! I just won this thing and didn't turn them in! Besides, stupid, I knew you were going to be there. I heard, remember? I just..." He trailed off, face blushing even harder. "It reminded me and I wanted to try again. That's all. Didn't think I'd win."
"But you did." A vein had started to throb in Vegeta's forehead. "That's exactly the guy we're looking for!"
"You idiots!" Piccolo balled his fists in rage and yelled so powerfully the guys around him jumped back, shocked. "I only got one kiss prize! And that's why I didn't turn it in!"
"What the hell has that got to do with it?" Vegeta growled angrily. He grabbed the front of the Namekian's clothing and lifted him in the air. "Who wouldn't record that? That only makes you more guilty!"
"No, no it doesn't," Shaggy groaned.
"Who wouldn't want one of those?" The saiyan repeated, then realized what he was implying and snorted, annoyed. "I could care less, but everyone else wants those."
"You're too obvious." Scooby looked up at his friend and chuckled at his insight.
"You want me to turn you into meat, dog?!"
"I believe I understand," Jack murmured, quietly stepping into the fray. He had been watching the big alien carefully and more importantly, his teeth when he'd made that last comment. Piccolo jerked his head about to glare at him, his jaw thrust out defiantly despite the purple blush staining his cheeks. "You are afraid your fangs would hurt her. Am I correct?" Piccolo looked away, his blush spreading.
"Seriously?" Vegeta's eyes widened. He let Piccolo go and burst into laughter, stumbling into a nearby chair.
"Shut up!" Piccolo snarled.
Vegeta just laughed harder, waving his hand in the air. "You - you fucking ...moron," he choked out.
"She has fangs, too, does she not?" Jack asked the suspected man quietly.
"Yeah. So what?"
"I doubt that you would hurt her."
"Of course he wouldn't!" Vegeta pointed at Piccolo. "Idiot, some of the guys have fangs that have turned them in before." He paused, then muttered angrily, "The ones that have been able to get the damned things."
"I only got one, you know." Vegeta's eyes narrowed at this. "Let me guess - you've never gotten one."
"Be quiet!"
"It's much later at night," Shaggy pointed out. "Maybe we should check the crane again."
"Good idea. If it is not full, we certainly have the wrong man." Jack led the way with the rest following.
A quarter of an hour later they were all looking crestfallen as they stared into the nearly empty machine. Shaggy apologized and Piccolo shrugged it off.
"Am I cleared, then?" He glared at Vegeta, who swore under his breath and turned away, arms folded on his chest.
"Yes. I am glad it was not you." Jack smiled briefly.
"Hnf." The green-skinned man raised an eyebrow and suddenly grinned. "I'll record it now." He shoved the bear up to the screen on the side and it snapped a quick photo.
"What's all the fuss about?" They all spun around at hearing the familiar voice. Elly stood there, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Oh. The crane." She flicked her ears at them and sighed. "Sometimes I do wonder if that was such a great idea."
"It's fine," Piccolo told her firmly. Then he held his win out and smirked sideways at Vegeta. "Can I turn this in now?" Vegeta punched his own leg in fury and abruptly stalked off with the others following.
"Mm." Elly took it and smiled, blushing lightly. "Okay, if you want." She handed it back to him.
"How do I, uh...?"
"You keep that and I - ah, here," she pointed. They stood in front of the same screen he had recorded his wins on. "It gets recorded one more time..." She murmured half to herself, tapping on the keypad to file the fact that he'd turned it in to the database. "Done."
"Not quite." He reached out and gently placed his hand along her cheek, tilting her face to meet his.
"Right now?"
"Right now," he agreed, and covered her mouth with his, carefully wrapping his strong arms around her as he did so. It was soft and brief, but her lips tingled when they parted.
"Oh, my." She coughed, her ears jutting out crazily in different directions. "I think the crane is a good idea."
"Good." Piccolo chuckled at her, affectionately patting the top of her head.
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